18 | always

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Flashback to the night where Jason nearly raped Cora

"I'll be right back," Shaun said and got up from his seat. "Why? What's wrong?" One of the guys asked.

"I'm gonna go check on my girl, she's taking way too long, I'm starting to get worried." Shaun stood up and headed upstairs to the toilet to look for Cora.

'My girl' was his favorite phrase to call Cora. At the very beginning, I really wanted to punch that fuckface the fuck out of him but knowing if I ever did that, Cora wouldn't be happy about it and I wouldn't want to risk our friendship because of those little words. I ain't that childish.

A month has gone by and I was used to them giving each other small kisses here and there. It was difficult at first. It caused my heart to hurt a lot. It was excruciating but I got used to the pain that even though it hurt like a knife stabbing right at my heart, I didn't feel a thing anymore.

It wasn't because I moved on, it was because I was used to it, which were totally two opposite different things.

Shaun had went up for more than two minutes already and I started to have thoughts about him doing all those dirty things on Cora, like peeling off her... Impossible. Cora was not that type of person, she wouldn't do it here and now. Maybe they got into some sort of trouble.

I pushed myself up from the stool and began to head to where Shaun went. The washroom was clear but suddenly, I head a familiar crying sound from one of the rooms. Cora's.

I remembered how she cried because of Brad, she cried for two freaking weeks or maybe even more. It hurt a lot when I saw her crying because of a brat. That boy was the luckiest boy on earth to have Cora as his girlfriend but yet he cheated on her. Fucktard.

I rushed to the room where I heard Cora's crying noise came from and saw her wrapped around with a comforter and Shaun's arms. Jason, was lying on the floor with dried blood under his nostrils.

"What the fuck? What happened?" Was the first thing that came out from my mouth. "That son of a bitch nearly raped your best friend," Shaun answered. I quickly ran to her and hugged her tightly, "Are you okay?" She was shaking. "I-II d-ddon't kno-ow..."

"Tim, could you go get some clothes for C? I don't really know where to get it." I didn't want to let go of her. I couldn't see her cry, I couldn't see her suffer but Shaun was right, there was no one other than me in the room who knew where to get shit in this place.

I released Cora and walked out of the room. I turned back to take one last glance of her to check whether she was okay. She gave me a reassure smile and I walked out. Nate's house was fucking huge, I had to walk around to look for him and boy, it was awkward as hell. He was shoving his tongue into a girl's throat but I had no choice but to interrupt them. I had to do it for my best friend.

"Hey Nate, sorry but do you mind getting me some comfortable girl clothes for my friend? I'm pretty sure your sister has a few right?"

"Not a problem bro. Catcha' later, hot stuff!" He winked at the girl and slapped her ass before leading me to his sister's room to grab some clothes for Cora.

After Cora had changed into the leggings and hoodie I got from Nate, I approached her before anyone else could. "Hey..." I held her hand tightly, "Do you want to Skype tonight? So I can accompany you to sleep through the screen?" She shook her head, causing my heart to clench. "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow or Monday, okay?" She nodded and I walked out after sharing a hug with her.

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