Chapter 9:

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Chapter 9:

            “What’s weeding again?” Dustin asked me with a confused look. I pointed in the textbook, and he read it, “The process of taking out the sentences that don’t relate back to the main idea.”

            “Yeah.” I said, we’ve been studying for four hours straight, and he hasn’t learned much yet. Books and papers surrounded our bodies, as we hastily looked from textbook to textbook.

            “Okay. And unity is when...everything in a composition... relates back to the main idea?” He asked, and I nodded. He got this proud look in his eyes, and I almost began to laugh.

            Someone knocked on the door, and Sasha peeked her delicate head in the room. “I’m taking Rain home now. Do you-”

            “No.” I said shortly, and then redirected my attention to a spot on the floor. She silently shut the door, with a click.

            “Seven steps of the writing process?” I asked him not making eye contact. The guilt just poured off me, and I was having a hard time focusing on what he was saying.

            “Brainstorming, organization, first draft, revision, second draft, editing, and final copy.” I nodded half heartily, and he smacked my knee.

            “Yeah?” I asked looking up; I hadn’t realized I was crying until I tried to see him. I wiped my eyes on my sleeve, and he raised an eyebrow. “Sorry. I’m not into this...maybe we should take a break from the studying.”          

            “Yes.” He said with relief. “This studying thing is really kicking my ass.” He said grumpily. I rolled my eyes, and reappeared downstairs. I got some Cokes from the fridge, and reappeared back up in my room.

            He took one of the them, and chugged it down. “ and Rain?” He asked casually. I looked at him with my head tilted. “Are you two a thing?”

            “I don’t know.” I admitted sadly. A cold hand grasped my heart, and made it hard to breathe, but I don’t think he noticed.

            “How don’t you know these things?” He asked. I shrugged, and sipped some of my Coke. “You like her don’t you?” I nodded, and he continued on. “And she obviously likes you. So why can’t you two just get to it?”

            “I’m a Demon, and unpredictable. Therefore, it’s too dangerous. I almost killed her, by kissing her.” I said my voice getting louder the more the memory remained in my thoughts.

            “Oh.” He said shortly, and pulled out his phone for the time. “Oh shit. I’m gunna be late. I gotta go.” He got up, and disappeared out the door. 

            I shook my head at him. He’s so confident about everything. I got up, and put the stuff away, needing something to do, to keep my mind off her. After I was done I looked at the clock, it blinked 6:00pm, too early for bed, and to late to hunt. 

            I dragged my feet downstairs, looking for Sasha, I looked in her room, the kitchen, the living room, and even outside. Nowhere. I got a creepy feeling in my gut, as it got colder in the room.

            I reappeared in my room and scanned it, and I heard something break downstairs. My heart froze, my hands began to shake and I slowly walked towards the stairs.   

            When I finally made it to the stairs, my palms were coated in sweat, and my head was dizzy. “Sasha?” I asked down the steps, no answer. “Momma?” Nothing. “Dad?” Nodda. “Tyler?” No reply, I was wiped my hands on my jeans, and reappeared at the end of the steps.

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