Chapter 2:

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Chapter 2:

     It was midnight when we got home. I walked up the stairs, still thinking about Dustin, and how I almost killed him. His pale face, and wide blue eyes haunted my thoughts. I opened my door, and walked to my desk, where I keep my notebook. It was closed, and slightly tilted.

     I opened a drawer and pulled out a blue pen. I slowly opened the cover, and stared at the words I'm suffocated by their. Me? Suffocated? By them? I sat down in the chair, and layed my head on the notebook, hoping that I could just disappear inside of it.

     I pulled my head up and wrote; The Dark sits, and strikes me from the distant. Waiting quietly, for the right opportunity to strike, and kill. My soul, where it should be, is cold in fear, and my mind is hot in hatred.

          I stopped when my hand started to shake in fear. What if I become like my dad, or brother? What if I cant resist the craving? Just look at what just happened? What if Kelso wasn't there to stop me? I would have killed him. I slammed my head on the desk, and I heard a crack. I looked at it, and saw an imprint as round as my head on it.

     I shut the notebook, and put away the pen. I got up, and dragged myself to my bed. I fell on it face first, shutting my eyes. I felt tiredness take me over, and I lost my train-of-thought.


     I woke up, and looked at the clock. 6:00am flashed in red, across the clock. I stared up at the ceiling, not wanting to get up and face Dustin. His face crossed my mind, terrified of me...of  what I am. The Devils-

     "Get up." Said Kelso, shaking my leg, sitting on the edge of my bed. I groaned, and put a pillow over my eyes. He laughed and then left. I waited for the door to close, then I got up. I walked over to my dresser, and pulled out a pair of jeans, and a black shirt that said- Don't Touch, I'm dangerous.

     Its true. I pulled on the shirt, and then the jeans. When I was dressed, I walked over to my desk, opened the drawer and pulled out a gold necklace. I put it on carefully, and grabbed my notebook, and pen. Okay, I'm ready now. Closing my eyes, I pictured myself behind the school.

     I opened my eyes, and saw the bricks staring back at me. I reappeared in front of school, behind a huge tree, then the smells hit me. Ham and chicken, lemons, apple, roses, and honey. I walked out from behind the tree, and started towards the school.

     Someone grabbed my shoulder, and spun me around. I looked at his blue, enraged eyes. "What was that?" He yelled at me, and everyone stopped talking, and stared at us.

     I tilted my head, playing innocent, and his nostrils flared. "Don't play dumb with me! I was thare! I saw you!" He said pushing me. I didn't move at all.

     "I don't know what your talking about. But-" He punched me in the face, and then yelped in pain, holding his hand. I didn't even flinch. He looked at me, and backed away slowly.

     "Stay away from me! You freak!" He ran towards the school, and everyone just stood there staring at me. I felt the urge to run, and hide in the shadows, but I just stood there.

     The bell rang, and everyone rushed into the school, and I stood there. Staring at the ground in front of me. Someone had figured it out. I'm a freak. I shook my head, and started toward the school slowly. I sighed and opened the door.


     I stared into my locker, at the gray rusted wall. I wonder if I could hide in here for the last period. "Get to class." Yelled the Principal, banging on my locker. I shut it, and dragged myself to room 211. English, with Mrs. Heshil, it read. I grabbed the handle, and stared at it.

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