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Marinette P.O.V.

"Tikki, spots on!" I yelled and my transformation began. My black earrings turned red, my mask appeared on my face, and my body was covered by my suit.

I swung my yo-yo and hopped out of my house. Hawkmoth akumitized another person and they are threatening to steal the Effiel Tower. Chat Noir appeared next to me.

"Hello my lady." Chat Noir said and he doged the akumitized painter's attacks.

"I need a little help Chat Noir." I said as the painter grabbed me and was about to throw me off the Effiel Tower.

"Anything for you my lady." Chat Noir said and he caught me when I was about to fall. He smirked at me and helped me up. That adorable dork.

"Lucky charm!" I yelled and I tossed my yo-yo up in the air. All I got was a spary bottle. "What am I supposed to do with this?"

I looked around am I got the perfect plan. His power I kinda like Nathaniel's was but it washed off with water.

I erased the trap he trapped Chat Noir in. Then while he was distracted making another trap I stole his paint brush and I broke it in half.

"No more evil doing for you little akuma." I said and I captured the akuma in my yo-yo. "Bye bye little butterly. Miraculous Ladybug!"

Everything that was destroyed got fixed and my earrings beeped.

"Wait up my lady!" Chat Noir said through the crowd of reporters

"I'd love to stay Chat Noir but I must go. I'm going to transform back!" I said and I hopped ontop of rooftops to get to my house.

Tikki got out of my earrings and layed tiredly on my desk. "Marinette, you need to be a little more careful you're getting more clumsy." Tikki said and she started munching on a cookie.

"Oh Tikki it's just..."

"What Marinette?"


Dear diary,
Today as Ladybug Chait Noir and I defeated the evil painter. I almost fell off the Effiel Tower but Chat Noir was there to catch me like always. I think I might have started l-

"Marinette, come down dinner's ready!" My mom yelled and I had to stop writing.

Adrian P.O.V.

"Wait up my lady!" I called after Ladybug.

"I'd love to stay Chat Noir but I must go. I'm going to transform back!" She yelled and she ran away. Atleast this time she sort of wanted to stay. I don't know who she is but I love her. I only wish she'd love me back.

On my way home I decided to stop by Marinette's house cause she helps me with these things. She's save me a couple times and I've saved her a couple times. I'd say we're pretty good friends, in my Chat Noir form. In real life she's my friend to but as Chat Noir she acts a little cooler. I mean she's normal cool but she just acts a little less weird, like she's a little more confident around Chat Noir.

"Hello Chat Noir." Marinette said as I entered her room.

"Hello Marinette." I said and I sat down on one of her chairs while she was scribbling in her notebook.

"What brings you here Chat?" She asked me.

"Well, just wanted to visit." I said and I out my feet on her desk. I've only been here once as Adrien and that was to play video games.

"Is it about Ladybug?"

"Yes. Today instead of regecteing me she said I'd love to stay but I have to go."

"Well that means she would stay if she wasn't going to transform back."

"So she really would have stayed with me?" I smiled at the thought.

"Yes. She doesn't hate you. You just try to love her at the wrong time."

"What does that mean?"

"It means, if you're in the middle of fighting an akumitized person, you can flirt I guess but just safe the real fluff for after you know?"

"The real fluff?"

"It means, save the nicest stuff for last. And calm down on the cat puns."

"Got it. No cat puns. More flirt."

"No. Nevermind just do the same thing as always. I'm pretty sure ladybug would be conserned if her chat changed."

"This is confusing."

"Want some bread from the shop or something? A little treat for the superhero."

"Lady is the real hero. She doesn't need me. Sometimes I feel like she'd do better without me."

"She needs you. She's nothing without you. She would have fallen off the tower today without you. She might have died already without you. You're not her sidekick. You're her partner."

"Did Ladybug tell you to say that? You sound like her. Sometimes."

"W-what no! Of course not! Everyone thinkw of you that way because Ladybug has already said that! She says you're her partner so you are! And-"

"So if she said I'm her side kick I would be? Well if she said I'm nothing I would be? Well, I already kind of am nothing." I was ready to jump off her balcony and disappear into the night but she grabbed my hand and at me down on a chair.

"People can say you're nothing but you'll always be something to me and Ladybug. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise Chat Noir."

Marinette P.O.V.

"Don't let anyone else tell you otherwise Chat Noir." I said to him and he stood up.

"Thanks Marinette." He said and he held on to my hand. "One last thing before I go."

He held my head and then kissed me really fast before running off into the night. I stood there paralyzed as I watch him leave.

"Bonne nuit Chat Noir."

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