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Marinette P.O.V.

"Wait! Marinette please!" His eyes returned to normal and his words didn't sound like he was a robot anymore. You could see the pain and anger he was going through.

Adrien P.O.V.

I snapped back in reality just in time to stop her from breaking my miraculous. "Put it back on my finger. I'll control myself! I promise! I'll fight the pain!"

"Adrien are you ok?" She said and she rushed to my side. She put my miraculous back on my finger and my suit flashed black then went white again. "I need to find Hawkmoth and make him reverse the akuma. If I break your miraculous I don't think it can be fixed."

She untied me and threw her yo-yo up in the air yelling, "LUCKY CHARM!"

All she got was another ring. "Chat," she said and she looked uneasy. "Detransform. It might mess up your miraculous, but it could also save it."

"Plagg, claws in." I said and I detransformed but I was still Chat Blanc.

Plagg looked really sick and was a mix of white and black. One of his eyes was green and the other one was purple.

"Plagg!?" I yelled and I cupped him in my hands. "Are you ok!?"

"Follow me. We have to take him to the Master. He healed Tikki once." I grabbed Ladybug's hand and in my other hand I held Plagg. We swung through the streets of Paris until finally reaching a little building with a man who gave people massages.

"But this is a massage pace why are we here?" I said, confused.

"Just trust me. Come on." Her miraculous beeped and she detransformed when she walked inside. Tikki was laying tiredly on the ground.

"Hello Ladybug and Chat Noir. Give me Plagg." I handed him Plagg. He inspected him then handed him back to me. "There's multiple ways to reverse this, all too risky. But there is one thing you can do."

"Tell us! I'll do anything!" Ladybug yelled and I calmed her down.

"It's ok my Lady. I'll be fine." I spoke too soon and I got a really big shock from Hawkmoth.

"Adrien!" She grabbed on to me and kept me from falling. "Please help us."

"Ok. You can make Hawkmoth reverse the akuma or, break his miraculous. There's a slim chance you can fix his miraculous."

"Let's go find Hawkmoth and make him pay. What are going to do about Plagg?"

"I'll keep him here for a while. Go find Hawkmoth and bring me his miraculous. Once he reverses the akuma of course."

Ladybug grabbed on to me and flung me out of the store. She set me down ontop of the building and looked around to make sure no one was there.

"I think he was akumitized. He spoke like Hawkmoth but, why would he want his own miraculous? It's no like-"
"Maybe he said that to trick us into trusting him. So when we stole his miraculous we would bring it back to the akuma and then he'd take ours to give it to Hawkmoth."

"Maybe we could still find Hawkmoth to reverse the akuma. But how could Hawkmoth control Master Fu without his miraculous?"

"With a prop. Maybe that's why you go a ring for your lucky charm. So it could be a prop."

"I think you're smarter when your akumitized." She said and she gave me a small kiss on the forehead. "Now let's go kitty."


"You don't like it?"

"I guess it's fair since you're my Lady."

"Now let's go kitty." She said and she saddled me.

"Well how am I supposed to go anywhere like this?"

"I'll let you, but not right now." She said and she leaned foward.

I grabbed her head and I pressed her lips against mine. None of us pulled away until we had to get air.

"Shall we go kitty?"

"No. I don't want to."

"But I don't want you to be akumitized forever. Personally, I like the noir suit better."

Marinette P.O.V.

"How do we find Hawkmoth? It might take days, weeks, y-"

"Well, I can track you down with this, so when he's using his miraculous maybe we can track him down. Right now it doesn't look like he's controling you or using his miraculous."

"That's why I love you my Lady."

"You still love me? Why? But I regected you like 20 times and-"

"Because you're beatiful, smart, purrfect-"


"What? You don't like the pawsome puns?" He said and he winked at me.

I just rolled my eyes and hugged him. He hugged me back and ran his fingers through my hair, undoing my ponytails.

"Kitty, you're not supposed to do that."

"Why? You look beautiful with your hair down."

"I think we should get some sleep. It's getting late."

"Ok. Let's go to your house then."

"When are you going to go home?"

"With you I am home."

"I love you Chat."

"I love you too my Lady." He said and we laced our finger together and walked to my house.

We got to my house and I detransformed. He layed down on my bed next to me and pecked my forehead.

"Night my Lady."

"Night kitty."

Adrien P.O.V.

"Take her miraculous! Now!" Hawkmoth yelled me awake. I lost complete control of myself and I obeyed him.

"Yes Hawkmoth." I said and I reached for Marinette's earrings and I got one. Right when I was going to take the other one she woke up and snatched the earring out of my hand and now had both of them again.


"It's Chat Blanc. Chat Noir is dead."

"Well I guess it's time to find Hawkmoth. Tikki, spots on!" I transformed into Ladybug and I opened up my yo-yo and found the shape of a butterfly appearing on my screen. And it was appearing in an all too familiar spot then quickly faded away.

"W-what happened?" Adrien said while lying on the floor, still akumitized.

"I know where Hawkmoth is."

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