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Adrien P.O.V.

"Louis, Emma, and Hugo." Marinette said as we wrote down possible baby names.

"But I thought we were only planning for one child?" I said and I smirked.

"But one child isn't enough." She said and she kissed me. I pulled away then I grinned.

"Should we start working on those children?" I said and I pulled her close to me.

"You dork I'm pregnant I can't get pregnant while I'm pregnant!" She said playfully and pushed me away.

"Whatever you say Mrs.Agreste." I said and I circled the three names she wrote down. "I think these names are perfect."

"I know they are. That's why I chose them." She said and sat down on the couch.

"I love you my Lady." I said and I kissed her hand.

"I love you too my kitten."

~~~5 years later~~~

I took my family on a walk to the Effiel Tower and we looked onto the city below because we were on the very top. I looked at Marinette but she was too busy staring at the night city.

The way she was looking on to the city and the way the wind blew in her hair reminded me of when she was Ladybug.

Our children slept peacefully in their carriages. The oldest one was Hugo, 5 years old, the middle child Emma, 3 years old, and the youngest Louis, 1 years old.

"What are you staring at kitty?" Marinette asked me.

"You know, just the best family in the world, aka, mine." I said and she started laughing. I swept her off her feet and she started laughing even harder.

"Put me down kitty!" She yelled playfully. "Let me go!"

"I never want to let you go." I said and I put her down slowly and hugged her tightly.

"And I never want to let you go." She said and she hugged me back.

Marinette P.O.V.

I walked around the room I grew up in. It's so much smaller than the room I now share with Adrien.

I found my diary and I found the key to open it. The last time I wrote in this was about 15 years ago, when I was 15.

I grabbed a pen that was lying around and I opened my diary to a clean page.

Dear diary,
It's been 15 years since I wrote in this but they've been happy 15 years. I have 3 wonderful children, Hugo, Emma, and Louis. Hugo is 5, Emma is 3, and the youngest Louis at 1. And the father of the children is no other than,
My dearest black cat.


Author P.O.V.
This is the end of the fanfic but the begining of another. My new fanfic isn't a continuation of this story but please read it anyway! Thanks so much for voting and reading! I cannot write down how grateful I am of your votes and reads! Merci beaucoup!

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