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Marinette P.O.V.

"Wake up my Lady." His soft voice purred in my ear.

"What?" I grogily said and I woke up in my room at the edge of my bed. I scooted back into Adrien's arms. I jumped a little because I forgot he was here.

"Don't fret my Lady. It's only me." He said and he held on to me tightly.

I turned around and he kissed my forehead. "Adrien, isn't hard accepting that I'm Ladybug?"

"It's alot to take in but, I love you. Is it hard to accept that I'm Chat Noir?"

"To be truthful, yes. I expected Chat Noir to be someone who always says stupid cat puns and is really..."

"Really what?"

"I don't know. I-"

"Marinette, I love you and all but I can't be with you right now."

"W-what? Why? After-" tears were forming in my eyes and he interrupted me.

"Not until you love me for who I really am. Plagg, claws out!" He yelled and he looked at me one last time before disappearing outside.

"Chat Noir!" I yelled and I ran up onto the balcony but he was gone. "Adrien!" I yelled again but it was usless. Why do you have to be so stupid Marinette why? He loved you and you just regected him. Ugh why Marinette.

Adrien P.O.V.

I'll admit, it was a little hard to process, but I had no doubt that I love her. Why can't she just accept me as Chat Noir and as Adrien? She loved Adrien, but why not Chat Noir? When she kissed me as Ladybug, did she already know I am Adrien under that black mask?

"Adrien get ready for school!" Natilie said from outside my door.

"Going." I replied and took a shower. I put on my usual clothes and I ate breakfast quickly before throwing my bag over my shoulder and leaving for school.

I arrived at school and Marinette was sitting in Nino's spot while Nino was sitting next to Alya, his girlfriend. I would be mad at Marinette, but what happened happened as Chat Noir and I can't let it get to me.

"Hi Adrien." Marinette said and she waved at me.

"Bonjour Marinette." I said and I took my stuff out of my bag.

Marinette P.O.V.

"Bonjour Marinette." He said blankly and took his stuff out of his bag.

I turned around to look at Alya and she gave me two thumbs up for being able to say hi to him. If only Alya knew that saying hi to him was the only thing I did.

"So umm Ch- Adrien, I was wondering if you'd like to come over later and just hang out."

"I'm sorry but I have fencing classes later so I can't go." He said and he started scribbling down notes.

"Like he'd ever go with you anywhere." Chloé said and she leaned on Adrien's desk.

"But after my fencing class I can join you." He said and ignored Chloé. He gave me a small simle then went back to concentrating on what he was doing. I guess he still loves me after all.

"Merci beaucoup Adrien. Je t'amie. I mean-" It was no use trying to correct myself because he heard what I said and I was dying of embarrassment.

He smiled at me in a cute way like he usually does in a slightly confused way. "It's ok Marinette." He said and Chloé cut in.

"Well that's unfortunate Marinette cause he'll never feel the same way. He loves me. Hmp." Chloé said and she walked away angrily.

"Actually, there's no way to prove that I don't love her back, because I just might." Adrien said. Yay! I'm not a lost cause.

I akwardly smiled at him and Chloé stared at me in horror. Her face said, how can he love you?

After 20 minutes of silence there was a loud crash outside. A random guy was akumitized and he wore king's clothes.

"Bow down before me, your King!" He yelled and went after Chloé's dad. Cholé and her dad have a thing for getting people akumitized.

I ran into the bathroom and I locked the door. "Tikki, spots on!" I yelled and I transformed into Ladybug. I ran out of the stall and Chat Noir was there fighting the King.

"Chat! Watch out!" I yelled as he was almost hit by a giant, one of the King's minions.

I landed ontop of him and he smirked. "Still falling for me my Lady?"

I rolled my eyes and laughed then I stood up. "Of course my Chat Noir."

I walked in front of the king then i threw up my yo-yo and yelled, "LUCKY CHARM!"

I got a donut and the King's attention was on me. I looked ariund and I saw Chat Noir, a giant, and the cage Chat Noir was trapped in.

"Cataclysm!" Chat Noir yelled and he broke free.

"Catch!" I yelled and I threw the donut at him. The King's attention was dragged to him and so were the King's minions. I climbed ontop of a giant and I jumped off the attack the king from behing and get his crown. I threw it on the ground. The akuma flew out and I did fancy yo-yo tricks.

"Time to de-evillize little akuma!" I yelled and I caught the akuma in my yo-yo. "Bye-bye little butterfly."

I got the donut and threw it up in the air. "Miraculous ladybug!" I yelled and everything that was destroyed got fixed.

I turned to Chat Noir and we both spoke at the same time. "Pound it!" We said and we high-fived.

"My Lady, can I talk to you?" He said and he lead me away from the crowd. We went ontop of a vacant building and sat on the ledge.

There was silence for a while but he finally spoke. "My Lady, when you kissed me as Chat Noir, did you know I was Adrien?"

"No. I'm sorry I made you mad at me I messed up. And I'm sorry. When you were Chat Noir and I didn't know you were Adrien, I fell for you. And when I kissed you, I didn't know yiu were Adrien. And I didn't care. I loved you even if I didn't know who was under that mask."

"That's how I felt."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't be. These things are just hard to accept."

"I love you as much as you love me I can-"

"Then prove it." He said angrily and he left me sitting on the roof alone.

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