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~~~Ten years later~~~

Adrien P.O.V.

My throat was dry and the same question kept repeating it's self in my head.

"What are we doing her Kitty?" Marinette asked me and she looked down from the edge of the Effiel Tower.

Oh god I hope this isn't too cliché. I thought and I faced her. Just keep calm and ask her. She'll probably say yes.

"Marinette," I said and I kneeled down on one knee. "Will you marry me?"

She looked surprised for a few seconds then smiled and threw herself on top of me, knocking us both to the ground. She landed on top of me and was still smiling.

"Yes, yes, and yes a million times over. I live you Adrien." She said and she kissed me before I could celebrate.

I deeped the kiss by pulling her closer to me and I heard some people gasping, probably cause we were making out on the floor ontop of the Effiel Tower.

"I love you too Marinette." I said and she kissed me again.

"Shall we take this somewhere else Kitty?" Marinette said and she grabbed the collar of my shirt.

"I don't see why not." I said and I smirked.

We got to my house and she jumped onto my bed and layed down in a "sexy" pose. She was really just making a funny pose and then she burst out laughing.

I got on the bed and layed ontop of her then began kissing her neck. She pushed me away then put her finger on my lip.

"Save it for our honeymoon kitty. I know your intentions." She said then she got up and sat on my couch. "C'mon Mr.Agreste, come over here."

"Ok Mrs.Agreste." I said and I squished her on the couch.

"I love you." I said and she layed her head on my shoulder.

"I love you too." She said while I kissed her forehead.

~~~Wedding Day~~~

(Still Adrien P.O.V.)

"What if something goes wrong? Is my tie ok? Is my suit ok? What if she says no? What if-"

"Adrien you look fine. Everything is going to be ok." Nino interrupted me. "Plus what lucky lady could turn down Chat Noir?"

"Thanks Nino. Still kinda upset they put that on the news, you know the whole Chat Noir is Adrien Agreste thing."

I walked out of my dressing room and I stood on the alter waiting for Marinette. All of our friends were there and Alya was recording the whole thing. Even Natalie was there and my dad. He hasn't changed much but I guess he cares for me a little bit still. Well he did pay for the whole wedding. I haven't forgiven him and neither has anyone else even though we've all made an effort.

The wedding music started playing and Marinette walked into the church. She was holding on to her dad and in the other hand she held her light pink rose bouquet. She looked so beatiful. Her dress was long and she wore a white and light pink flower crown on her head for the veil to hang off of. Her dress was adorned with pearls and light pink roses. Her eyes shined as brightly as her dress and her smile beatiful and as white as her dress.

She walked up the steps on the alter and stood next to me. We were both lost in each other's eyes and off in our own world were only we exist.

After a while we finally had to say our vows. The ones I've been practicing since we first got engaged.

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