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Adrien P.O.V.

"Today a new superhero is here in Paris! He must be real since the akumas are gone and no Volpina trickery can be used. If Hawkmoth is gone, who's Paris's new threat?" The lady on the news said.

"A new miraculous? But Hawkmoth is gone, why would he be here?" Marinette said from her kitchen.

I fixed myself on the couch and began paying more attention. "He claims to be Paon Bleu and is standing ontop of the Agreste mansion. He seems to be alot older than Ladybug and Chat Noir."

"Atleast I know he's too old to steal you my Lady. Should we go check it out?" I said and I got in my ready stance to transform.

"I don't see why not. TIKKI, SPOTS ON!" Marinette yelled and began transforming. I just started at her in awe when she transformed to Ladybug. "Close your mouth kitty." She said and closed my mouth for me.

"You're so beatiful when you transform. PLAGG, CLAWS OUT!" I yelled and I transformed into Chat Noir.

"And you're handsome when you transform. Let's go kitty." She said and she jumped off her balcony. I just smiled and I followed her.

Marinette P.O.V.

When I transformed you could practically see hearts forming in Adrien's eyes and him drooling a bit.

When we got to the Agreste mansion there was Paon Bleu waiting for us but was looking away.

"Ah Ladybug, Chat Noir, I've been waiting a while for you guys but you've finally arrived. There's only on thing I want, your miraculous!" He turned around to face us and we saw his face. Gabriel Agreste, otherwise known as Hawkmoth and now Paon Bleu.

"Stop this madness Gabriel Agreste." Chat Noir said and he walked towards him.

"Adrien, join me and we could rule together!" Paon Bleu said.

"No thanks. I prefer my Lady and please, call me Chat Noir." Adrien said and he put his arm around me.

"I see you brought your little girlfriend M-" Chat interrupted him but hitting his stomach with his staff, knocking all the wind out of Paon Bleu.

"My Lady deserves to keep her identity a secret." Chat Noir said and he did a pose.

"Mr.Agreste just stop right now and give us your miraculous. This doesn't have to end badly." I said. He looked up at me and was still trying to catch his breath.

"It won't. It will end with me-" He gasped for air, "With me having your miraculous."

Chat Noir laughed sarcastically then he hit Paon Bleu's knees so hard he fell to the ground. "Cut the crap 'Paon Bleu'. Give us your miraculous." Chat Noir said and he pinned Paon Bleu to he ground with his foot. "Feels nice to finally have Gabriel Agreste under my controll."

"Not for long Shit Noir." Paon said and he twisted Chat's foot and he fell to the ground next to Paon and he staeted choking him.

"Chat!" I yelled and I wrapped my yo-yo around Paon and pulled him away from Chat Noir and he could finally breathe again. Paon grabbed my yo-yo and threw me off the mansion.

I was free falling and I tossed my yo-yo to grab onto something but I missed and I kept free falling. The ground was rapidly getting closer and closer and I braced for impact.

"Be careful my Lady." Chat said after he caught me. I hugged him tightly and he got us back to the top of the mansion.

"I thought you were both dead, seeing the speed you were falling at. Well anyway, I need your miraculous." Paon said and he rushed towards Chat Noir.

"Chats have nine lives. You haven't even taken 1." Chat Noir said and he doged Paon's attacks.

"Don't make this difficult. Give me your miraculous!" Paon yelled and he swung at Chat Noir.

"Let's reverse roles. Give me your miraculous!" Chat Noir yelled at him and he grabbed Paon's miraculous.

Paon Bleu detransformed and Gabriel Agreste was left kneeling down infornt of his son.

"That miraculous is my last chance." Gabriel Agreste said and he upper cut Chat and he dropped the miraculous. Gabriel Agreste ran away and forgot to get his miraculous, not like he needs it anymore.

"CHAT NOIR!" I yelled and I rushed to his side. "Chat! Are you ok!?"

"Yea my jaw just really hurts." He said and he massaged his jaw.

"Let's go home." I said and I held his hand and swung my yo-yo all the way to my house and we practically flew all the way there.

"Gabriel Agreste would be stupid to attack us again. We shouldn't worry about him for now. He's to old for combat." I said and I detransformed. "Maybe Ladybug and Chat Noir aren't needed anymore. The police can take on Gabriel Agreste."

"So this is how it ends? Us letting Gabriel Agreste leave?" Adrien said in disappointment.

"I guess. But unless he has another miraculous, nothing can happen. Let's go my Chat, we have other things to do anyway. Although I will miss being Ladybug,things have to go on."

Ladybug, the girl I couldn't be in my normal life and could never be again.

I walked over to my shelf and got out my diary. I haven't writen in it for about a monthbut I guess one last entry will do.

Dear diary,
My name is Marinette,
Just a normal girl,
With a normal life,
But there's something no will ever know about me,
Because I have a secret.
I am Ladybug.

I scribbled over my last sentence to correct it.

I was Ladybug.

"What are you writing my Lady?" Adrien said and he looked over my shoulder.

"Nothing!" I said and I covered up my writing and smiled. "And maybe you should think of a different name since I'm not Ladybug anymore."

"But you will always be Ladybug. Ladybug isn't just a super hero, she's a person. And that my Lady is you." He said and he kissed my hand.

"I love my kitty." I said and I wrapped my arms around him.

"And I love you my Lady."

Author P.O.V.

This isn't the end! There's still about two more chapters and a new fanfic soon. I'm deciding on wheter it should be Marichat, Ladynoir, Adrinette, or Ladrien. The next fanfic I make might only be in Adrien's P.O.V.

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