Chapter 1

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Warning: There will be cursing, swearing, bad use of language so if you don't like hearing the word fuck don't read. This will most likely be my one and only warning so from here on out expect cussing, especially from Hidan. This book is completely pre-written so if I have any mistakes feel free to call me a dumbass or an idot because I have had this since I have read my first Sakura fanfic.

Disclaimer: I do not own anyone from Naruto because if I did the Akatsuki would still be alive and as fucking awesome as they are! X3

This is a Sakura fanfic. It is mostly Nagato X Sakura but I wanted to mix it up a bit so there is some Hidan X Sakura, Kakuzu X Sakura, and Sasuke X Sakura.

I hope you all like this.

Have you ever been completely misunderstood and treated as if you could break at any minute? Or perhaps thought of as if you couldn't do anything yourself? That's how Sakura was treated. People labeled her as worthless and useless even though she was one of the most powerful kunoichi in Konoha beside the Hokage, Lady Tsunade.

She doesn't know what she did but ever since the war ended and Sasuke came back to the village she had been completely ignored. She had reached jounin rank and was still not acknowledged. She didn't know what she did to have herself hated but it seemed she was. It was the same even after she reached ANBU at age 18.

Now it is time for her story to begin. It is one of betrayal, lies, and distrust. But isn't that what life is after all? She just seemed to get the worst end of things. She was currently sitting in a cell of the Akatsuki base. She was captured in the middle of the night, literally. It was 1:30 a.m. and she was pissed!

Sakura heard footsteps and saw a shadow pass the end of the hallway. Sakura looked and saw Uchiha Itachi. She thought Sasuke had killed him but there he was, alive and doing well. The whole Akatsuki was still alive, even the red headed puppet Sasori. He was somehow human again though.

It was weird but other than that and that Tobi and Zetsu weren't there anymore everything was as if nothing had happened. She couldn't figure it out but she couldn't ignore facts. She was gently pulled up by Itachi. Her hands were tied behind her back but she hid the fact that she had already broken the bonds.

She could have escaped already but it didn't matter because no one would miss her, she thought so anyway. She let Itachi and Kisame lead her down the halls to Yahiko's and Nagato's office. Little did she know that what was about to happen was going to change her life, for better or for worse, she had no idea yet.

They just got to Nagato's office. Itachi knocked on the door and Nagato's voice was heard. They walked in with Itachi in front, Sakura in the middle, and Kisame bringing up the rear. The room was dimly lit and Sakura could see the outline of the famed best friend of Nagato, Yahiko, and Konan, the lone woman of Akatsuki, beside Nagato on his left and right. She looked at them without emotion.

"Haruno Sakura, you are the apprentice of Lady Tsunade the Fifth Hokage of Konoha and are of equal or greater power to her. You are an ANBU elite, co-captain, am I right?" Nagato and Yahiko asked simultaneously.

"Yes you are..." she said monotonously.

Nagato and Yahiko nodded.

"No use hiding it, take off the rest of the bonds if you want. We would like to ask you a few questions..." Nagato stated.

She looked at him with the same expression not surprised that he knew. She shrugged and moved her hands in front of herself to take off the remaining bonds. She nodded to him for him to continue.

"Would you be interested to join Akatsuki?" Yahiko asked.

This caught her off guard by a large margin. Her emerald eyes widened and she couldn't utter a sound for a little.

"What are you talking about? I may not be treated very well in Konoha but I won't betray my village just for that!" She practically yelled.

"We'll give you some time to consider it," they said as if she didn't just up and refuse them.

She looked at them like they were crazy. She didn't even bother to resist as she was put back in her cell. She noticed they had given her a blanket but her brain wouldn't process anything. It was spinning with what Yahiko asked her. She looked up and saw Kisame gone but Itachi was still there.

"I saw how they treated you back there. You should at least consider it as a possibility kunoichi. You're talented and we could use that but that isn't all. No one ever appreciates you at all there and they treat you like dirt. No one really cares. Just...think about it..." he said.

She looked at the nin in surprise. She didn't think that of all the people he would try to help her or at least comfort her. She looked at his retreating form in shock until she couldn't see him anymore then put her back against the wall and thought.

'Come on girl! They don't appreciate you there! Not even Naruto. Ever since Sasuke came back and that bitch Karin came you've been ignored! And it's Naruto for Kami's sake!'  Inner Sakura (Inner) said to her.

'I haven't heard from you in a while but you're wrong Inner. Sure I'm not acknowledged very much but-'

'But nothing Sakura!! You aren't at all! Open those pretty emerald eyes and think. When was the last time any of them had ever said hi to you or even smiled at you?! Answer me that! Cha!'

She sighed.

'You're right Inner. You're right, even shishou has been distant. She's even leaning towards that bitch Karin.'

'Damn right I'm right! Now what is your answer?'

'You'll see tomorrow Inner. You'll see tomorrow.'

She sighed as she fell asleep there worn out from not sleeping thanks to her rude awakening and all that had happened.

I hope you like this story guys. I thought I would make my own Sakura fanfic because she is way unappreciated. I used to not like her because she was useless but now she is awesome and helpful! Well...yeah...updates will be based on the amount of comments and votes.




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