Chapter 16

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A/N Picture of Jordan.


I held Jessica tighter in my arms. She looked so peaceful. Like an angel from heaven. She's beautiful alright. I smile at my beautiful girl.

Then there was soft knock on the door. I release my arms from Jessica. I get up and open the door. I see Jordan.

"Hey." He whispers.

"What's up?" I say.

"I need to show you something." He whispers again I nod and close the door. I follow him downstairs. He led me to a computer. 
"See this." He points to screen and I nod.

"There's a chip located in my dad's arm. It's been telling him what to do. That's why he's acting like this." He says.

"Why are you telling me this and not Jessica?" I ask him.

"Because she's asleep and the house phone rang this morning. A girl named Annette called saying that Kaylee is in coma." He says. My breath hitches.

"Thanks bro." I tell him and walk upstairs. I open the door and walk in. I see Jessica still asleep. I lay back down on the bed and wrap my arms around her.

"Where did you go?" She whispers scaring me.

"Jordan showed me some stuff and Annette called she said Kaylee's in coma." I tell her. She gasps.

"We're leaving." She says gettting up.

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"I mean that me, you, and Amy are going back home for a few days and go see Kaylee." She says. As she begins to pack.


I pack up some clothes with Amy's too. Amy came to my room a few minutes ago and I told her my plan. I go downstairs and pack some snacks.

"Jessica?" A voice said behind me making me jump. I turn around to see Jordan.

"Hey." I whisper.

"What are you doing?" He asks me.

"Leaving for a few days to see an old friend." I said packing some cookies.

"Can I come?" He asks me.

"I don't know if you want too I guess." I say.

"Okay I'll pack some bags." He said leaving. I sigh and go to book case. The door opened and I walked in. I grabbed weapons and money. I turned on the lights and it revealed so many cars. I grabbed a pair of keys.

By the time we were done packing and everything it 8:30am. Everyone in the house was still asleep. Ruben put all of our bags in the car. I grabbed Amy's hand and we walked out the house.

I buckle Amy in and close her door. Just when I'm about to get in the car, another car pulls up. I turn to see Lavender and Jonathan.

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask them.

"Uh our project for art class is due tomorrow." Lavender says. I mentally hit myself in the head with my hand.

"I totally forgot." I say. "You guys are gonna have to do it allow because I'm leaving."

"Where are you going?" Jonathan asks me.

"Back home for a few days." I tell them. Then an idea popped into my head.

"Hey how about you guys come with me?" I ask.

"I don't know Jess I mean my par-"

"Lavender don't worry I'll explain." I said.

"They don't even like you." She states and I chuckle.

"That's true but who cares live alittle." I shake her.

"Fine." She sighs. I smile and look at Jonathan. He nods and I smile even bigger. We all jump in the car and drive off.

3 hours later...

I must have fell asleep because Ruben was shaking me. I look outside and see the old buildings. I smile it feels good to be home. I missed this place.

Home sweet home.

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