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Wicked games~ The Weeknd


I pulled into the drive when he called me. I was so harsh, I didn't mean to be as harsh as I was but I was so fucking angry with him... for everything. I was angry about him yelling at me. I was angry that he called me a bitch. I was angry about the way he made me feel. I was angry that he let me leave the room. And most of all I was angry that I loved him. He is so addicting though. He's... toxic, and I love him. But I fucking hate him all at the same time. He knows what fucks with me, he knows what makes me tic and god, I want to hate him, but I don't. Not at all, not even a little and he drives me so fucking crazy.

I walked into the house, but I didn't see him. I walked into the bedroom and found him there, in a corner, with tears streaming down his face. As soon as he saw me he quickly wiped his face to rid it of tears. I couldn't look him in the eyes, he stood up and said "I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. Can I call you baby or do I still not have this privilege?" I shook me head showing him he could call me whatever he wanted. I knew he could see that I was angry, but I walked up and hugged him and he squeezed me really tight. I heard him say "Baby." Over and over and over, it was like he was familiarizing himself with the word. I kissed his jaw line and he let out a bigger sigh. "I know you were gone for only a few hours, but I missed that." He paused "I love you." I smiled "I love you too."

I was still so angry with him. Except now, It wasn't just anger, It was rage. I hated him but I couldn't think of any reasons. That pissed me off. He said "Can we go somewhere?Please?" "Sure where do you want to go?" He stood up and then "It's a surprise" He loves surprises, I don't know why but he does. So I stood up and he grabbed my wrist and started walking towards the door. I smiled and curiously said "The keys?" "Don't need them."He said excitedly. We were walking through the woods and I was very familiar with where were going. I laughed a little and said "Where are we going?" I could hear that he was smiling when he said "You know, silly. " I was still angry but not as much anymore. Come to think of it, I couldn't remember why I was mad. I think I still had anger in my eyes because he would hesitate when he went to say something to me. I love how he is so excited over the smallest things, it's cute. I could smell the woods as the breeze picked up. It smelled fresh, crisp, free. I was surprised when we finally got to where we were going. It was a big tree, an Oak tree I think. He pulled out a knife and said "Do you want to do it? Or do you want me to?" I smiled and simply said "You do it." He started carving our initials and at first it was cheesy but then it was really cute and sweet that he brought me out here at like 10:00 so he could carve our initials into a tree.

"Done. I like it, how about you?" He said smiling looking at his masterpiece. I giggled "It's gorgeous." He laughed a leaned against the tree, he stood there like that, just staring at me. "What are you looking at" I laughed. He looked so serious when he said

"You. I can see that you're angry or you were I can't really tell anymore. You're such a pain in the ass but you're so fucking cute," He paused "You are such a pain that I consider leaving, but I haven't because I love you. I could never love anybody else as much as I love you. You're everything to me. To lose you would be the death of me, but if I did I would be free. I don't know what I want to do. I want to stay with you but I don't at the same damn time." His voice was shaky and unsure of what he was saying. I looked at him and I could feel my body filling with anger, his words fueled something in me. It was like throwing gasoline on a roaring fire, not smart but funny to watch. "If you were going to tell me this, why the fuck would you carve our initials in to a FUCKING TREE? Why would you purposely make me angry? Do you live to piss me off? Or to hurt me?" He snickered and said "Nope. I just wanted to see you angry..." " Why?" I said with anger running through me. "So I could do this." And he kissed me. My fire went down in to a spark then... nothing no anger, no sadness, no depression. Just love, and happiness. I was happy, and calm, and peaceful. Honestly I could have died happy, but that's not how my life is. It sucks that my life isn't how I want. But I have him so I'll find a way to deal with it.

My everything that's all that I can say... You're my everything. Please don't leave me... Everyone always does. So, please don't. Just stay... forever. No anger, no sadness, no depression, no suicide, nothing bad. If you stay everything with be better. As long as you're here, I'll be fine. Please stay.

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