Today rather than tomorrow

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It had been almost one month since he had first came to my house. He hadn't left yet, seeing I live alone and being alone all the time was terrifying,I was happy he was there with me. We were sleeping in my bed and I could see the slightest glimmer of light as the sun rose into the dark sky that had been left over by the previous night. A great night I might add. I turned myself so I was facing Isaac, he must have felt me moving because he made a soft noise and he said in his really cute morning voice "G'morning, Baby. What are you doing?" I smiled and said " Nothing, just keep talking." I laughed and he started making random noises. It was very cute. I stood up and he started pouting and before he said anything I looked at him and said "I'll be back. Don't worry love." I kissed his nose and grabbed my notebook and camera.

I walked outside and took a quick picture of the brilliant bright morning sun rise. I was walking around singing a song I was working on, and when I finished I heard Isaac behind me clapping...My face was a bright red when I turned around to face him. I was very uncomfortable when it came to singing in front of people... especially Isaac. He was smiling and telling me I was good but I couldn't hear anything he was saying, all I could do was watch him mouth move and no sound what so ever came out...It was dead silent. The first thing that came into my head was "Oh my god...I can't even process this." I started to get dizzy so I leaned onto the huge Oak tree and he walked up to me and we were face to face. I could kind of hear him but it was still kind of muffled. When I could finally hear him completely again I looked at him and my cheeks got really warm. He smiled when I started blushing and pinned me to the tree. He bend out a little to pick me up, his hands were right under my ass and then all I could feel was him grab my ass kind of hard so I whimpered a little. He smirked and kissed me on the lips, jaw line, and then my neck, and back up to my lips. I stopped him for a moment and said "Not here...We're outside." He smirked again and said "There's a couch or a bed inside the house that we could use" He winked and carried me inside to my bed room.

I giggled a little bit when he threw me onto the bed. He was being very weird, walking around like he was drunk, and slurring. It was quite amusing. I was using my elbows to prop me up on the bed while Isaac was walking around like an idiot. I was laughing and he said " Your laugh is adorable. You make me want to not stop being stupid." I laughed and stood up. I walked over to my dresser and grabbed my shoes. I bent over to tie them and the first thing he did was whistle and said " Don't do that...You make me want to fuck you more that I already do." I was still bent over smirking and replied "Prove it" I heard him snicker and his footsteps getting closer, he wrapped his arms around my waist and turned me around so I was facing him and he said with a really sexy smirk "Are you sure you meant that? Because I will fuck you, right here, right now." I giggled and simply said "Prove it. Don't be a bitch and hesitating." He laughed and pulled me so close to him that he got very excited. I was shocked by the bulge in his sweat pants but then I laughed and he said "I swear to god I will make YOU fix this. I'm pretty sure the only one who can fix it..." I looked at him and pushed away coldly saying "You're pretty sure? Only pretty sure? That's nice to know..." He looked at me with his most innocent eyes and said "T-that's not what I meant. I-I prom-" I cut him off by saying "Baby, chill...I was joking." He smiled at me sarcastically and pushed me to the bed. He smiled a real smile and said "You still want me to prove that I'll fuck you, right here, right now?" A smile grew on my face and I nodded excitedly. He leaned down to the bare skin that was showing just below my collarbone and kissed it over and over and over. He was enjoying himself, I let out the slightest moan and I could feel him smirking. He asked "Can I go lower?" I nodded accepting his offer. He said "I can't hear you..." He was only making me say something because he knew I couldn't say anything. I barley managed to say "Please" because I knew that's what he wanted to hear. He smiled and went lower and lower until he reached my waist line. Then I had no say in what he did.

And then my trio of bitches walked in. Abbie, Jayden, and Kellsye. They walked into my room. They saw him, on top of me. They heard me moaning. They saw everything... Their jaws dropped

I bet you weren't expecting that...

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