Can we make it?

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I'm Not Okay[I promise] ~ My Chemical Romance


So that was an experience... I don't really know how to explain it. It was...mortifying. That's the word I'm looking for, mortifying. I rolled over really fucking fast and covered up so they couldn't see anything...

She just looked at them, she didn't say anything, just looked at them. Then all of the sudden,all four of them burst into laughter. I sat there, not able to say anything, just sitting. Jayden used the door frame to help her stand, Kellsye used Jayden, and Abbie used Kellsye. Delaney rolled over to put her head on my chest and let out a little laugh. I looked at her and pulled back a little bit, she looked up at me and said "Babe, chill. It's funny. They're not going to say anything... right hoes?" They all shook their heads "Right!" She motioned for them to leave and they went into the living room. I looked at her again and she said "Get dressed. We are going into the living room. " " No the fuck we're not!" I paused "They just saw us! We were having fun and they saw us!" I was getting aggravated and I was soon screaming at her. " THEY'RE MY FRIENDS! IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, I DON'T THINK WE CAN MAKE IT!" she said with tears in her eyes. I looked at her, now with tears in my eyes "You don't mean that... Do you?" " What if I did?" she said harshly. I was putting my jeans on, and I saw a tear run down her face when she said "W-where are you going?" "I'm going out since you're being a bitch." More tears were going down her face now. She quietly said "Fine. Don't expect me here when you come back..."

"Fine." I said harshly as she ran out of the room into the living room for her friends comfort. And then... silence. I sat on the floor for a least 15 minutes before I picked up my phone. I had heard a car pull out earlier and I knew she was gone. I picked up my phone, dialed her number, but I hesitated. Then thousands of thoughts filled my head.."Why did I fuck up like that? Why did I yell at her? What is wrong with me? Why didn't I hug her and apologize?" And worst of all " WHY DIDN'T I GO AFTER HER?" I could only think of the things I did wrong. God I'm so stupid. I looked at my phone and redialed her number and hit call...

"What the fuck do you want? I mean you've already fucked with my life, Do you want to fuck up my friendships too?" She said harshly. "No baby. Please let me explain or apologize. Please?" " Make it fast, and don't call me 'baby'. You lost that privilege." I could hear the hurt in her voice and I teared up. "I'm so sorry. I don't want to lose you. Please come home." and then a car pulled into the drive...

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