Chapter 1

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"Crap," I say under my breath. There he was just minding his own business and I just had to look over there. And now he's coming towards me. I stare down at my black ballet flats and keep walking.

"Stacee!" he calls out. I turn around with a smile plastered on my face.

"Hey Daniel," I reply. He looks gorgeous of course. His soft blond hair sticking up at odd angles, and his bright blue eyes searching my light gray ones.

"John was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight," he responds. Of course. John was always asking me out ever since I kissed him for a dare in eight grade. I can't deny that it was god but I don't want to lead him on. I don't feel safe around him. Definitely nothing close to how I feel around Daniel. I've tried explaining to John that it was a dare, but boys be boys. Once they've made up their minds there's no stopping them.

"My answer's still the same," I tell him, annoyed.

"I'll tell him to lay off ok?" he asks thoughtfully.

"Great, thanks Daniel," I reply.

"Bye Stace, I'll see you later," he calls jogging easily back to his group.

" Bye," I call to his retreating back. I finally settle in for my regular spot in the grass, under the most beautiful willow tree. I watch as Daniel jokes and laughed with his friends. Even though Daniel and I don't hang out with the same groups at school, we're still best friends, the way it has been ever since first grade when we were paired together at school and our moms found out we were friends. They had been best friends when they were younger, but they drifted apart. Because of them not being friends in their future, they were determined for us to stick together. We hang out all the time out of school but at school, Daniel belongs to the popular group. He gets top grades and has girls practically bowing down at his feet. Beside him who would even look at me. I am average height with blonde hair, but my looks aren't "attention worthy". But even if John hangs out with Daniel, I've never been able to stand him. He asks me out through Daniel practically daily, which is why I try to avoid him during school.

I sigh as I hear the shrill sound of the bell ringing. I rush to my locker before the second bell rings, announcing the beginning of class. The halls are crowded as usual and I'm having some trouble getting to class. I manage to get to class and sit down at my desk just before the second bell rings. As I look over at the teacher my eyes start to droop. It was as if Mr. Caldwell's talking was literally putting me to sleep. But listening to Mr. Caldwell talk on and on about grammar and poetry (he teaches English) always seems to have that effect on me. I slowly rest my head on my desk as the rest of the room fades from mu sight.

-Stacee's Dream-

I stare into the bright blue eyes that I know so well, with the sane amount of passion they show me. I slowly lean in closer feeling the sweet minty breath on my face.

"Miss. Mercer" 

That's strange, I think. Daniel has never called me that.

"Miss. Mercer"


"Miss. Mercer!" My eyes fly open to a pair of khaki pants and dress shirt.

"I'm glad to see you've finally decided to join us," Mr. Caldwell sneers at me. All I can think of bow are those beautiful blue eyes coming closer and closer. I feel my heart rate speed up at the thought of what was going to happen if Mr. Caldwell hadn't woken me. I scare myself because I've been having this dream over and over again for the past few weeks. I mean even though Daniel is built like a god, it would ruin our friendship if we went out and it ended badly.

"Miss. Mercer," Mr. Caldwell says again. "Would you mind answering the question?"

"Pardon me?" I ask confused. There was a question?

"I asked you your opinion on the poem "Love" by Emmett Fox," he retorts. Luckily this is one of my favorites.

"I think it's a beautiful poem," I answer," it shows how wonderful love is and how it is irreplaceable." Mr. Caldwell huffs in defeat.

"Good answer," he says disappointed. The rest if the class goes by with ne dosing in and out but it goes unnoticed by Mr. Caldwell.

We got released from class early due to our "unnecessary chattering". I didn't know or expect that a persons' face could turn purple with frustration. I chuckle quietly to myself the teacher's reaction to the "bad boys" of the grade. I soot Daniel, running over to him still laughing. Even from across the parking lot I can still see the confidence that seems to radiate off of him constantly.

"Why are you so happy?" Daniel asks giving me a hug. I hear a slight growl from beside me and I turn my head confused. The first thing I see is a head of blonde hair and blue eyes, not unlike Daniel's. But these eyes stare at me with a cold hard glare that chills me to the bone. The next thing I notice is that she is wearing next to no clothes, with the shortest skirt I'd ever seen -short enough to pass as a belt- and a strapless top that looks like it should have already fallen down, judging by how low it's sitting. She's obviously Daniel's toy of the week, I realize when he puts an arm around her. The look he's giving me says "be nice" but I only shrug. 

"So, you never answered my question," Daniel says, trying to break the tension.

"Mrs.Stone just had a breakdown in drama," I reply the smile coming back to my face. "I never knew anyone's face could turn anything close to the shade of purple her's went," I finish, now full out laughing.

"Ha! I would've loved to see that," he exclaims joining in.

"Daniel, why are you hanging out with her?" the girl asks, turning her cold stare to Daniel. I see how her eyes soften instantly at the sight of him, like he was calming her down somehow.

"Bree, she's my best friend and she always will be," he says defending me.

"If you have a problem with that, I suggest leaving," I add. That'll teach her not to mess with us. We are a package deal and I'm proud of it. Even if at scchool we hang out with different people ( I mean I hang out with myself while Daniel has the whole school wrapped around his finger) after we are inseperable. Sadly the girl -who I now know as Bree- doesn't leave but i notice how she puts her lip and looks defeated.

"So I'll see you tomorrow?" Daniel asks, giving me another hug, leaving Bree looking even more upset.

"Definitely!" I turn around and almost run to my beloved mini cooper.

"Oh how I've missed you!" I tell it. I know I must seem strange but this is normal for me but it's one of the reasons Daniel and I got along so great. We are both strange, strange poeple.

"Did you just talk to your car?" I hear a male voice ask me. I identify it as Derek's, the school's bad ass. He also happens to be the one who started the talking in class, making him the cause of my good mood. The one Bree ruined with her soggy attitude.

"What if I did?" I ask him challenging him with my tone.

"Oh, nothing," he replies, " i just thought it was cute seeing a girl who cares for her car." He grins at me which seems out of character for him, and only raises my suspicions. I mean the guy wear motorcycle boots and a leather jacket 24/7 while hanging out at the smoking pit daily for goodness sake. Why does he have to be sweet too? He already has the girls falling at his feet with his sexy choppy black hair and deep, dangerous, brown eyes.

"Well thanks," I say carefully smiling back.

"I'll see you around," he says before taking off as abruptly as he appeared.

"Bye then," I say to the back of his head, but I swear I saw him chuckle. Was it even possible for him to hear me from halfway accross the parking lot? He must have been laughing about something else. That makes sense. I hop into my baby and head home. Oh joy. *note the sarcasm*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 22, 2013 ⏰

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