Part Two

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I finally made it to class the teacher wasn't there yet. I walked in and sat down at the back on the classroom. I put in my earphones and started listening to 'Don't Hold it Against Me' by Modern Day Escape.
I was so into the music I didn't realise that someone was standing in front of he till they slammed their hands down on the desk.
"Holy fuck!" I screamed. I took out my earphones to see a pink haired girl with an extremely big forehead.
"What are you doing? This is my seat. Will you please move?" She asked. Well more demanded than asked.
"Ano... I didn't think we had seating arrangements."
"We don't." A new voice said. It came from next to me. I looked at the voice and saw a raven haired boy with duck-ass hair. I had to stop myself from laughing at his hair. "She just wants to sit by me. So please she is very annoying don't move."
"B-but Sasuke-kun I want to sit next to you." The pinkette said.
"Sorry I got here first." I said with a smirk.
She walked away sulking. I hope this Sasuke guy doesn't like to talk because I rather listen to my music.
After about two songs I looked up to see a white haired man looking down at me. I took out my earphones and met his stare.
"Do yah need something?" I asked hoping he will say no.
"Uh yeah I'm your teacher Hatake Kakashi. I want you to introduce yourself to the class because I assume you are new." Kakashi said.
"Do I have to?"
He nodded and I glared at him. I walked to the front of the classroom every eye on me.
"Cross Minori. I like ramen and pocky. I like my bike and I like to tinker with its engine. I like music and I like to be alone so please don't bother me." I walked back to my seat.
There were a lot of people with their jaws dropped. Is there no one like me at this school? I guess not.
I took out my sketch pad and my pencils as Kakashi-Sensei started teaching. Wonder what/who should I sketch. My eyes wondered to Sasuke. Eh he's close enough to me that I can see his features. I started to draw him till he looked at me. He looked confused.
"Why are you drawing me?" He whispered.
"Got bored. You were the closest person to me." I whispered back. Is it weird for people to draw other people at this schoolkn"Hn"
I continued to draw him but I got stuck on his eyes.
What emotion is that?
How am I supposed to draw his eyes if I don't know his emotion?
The bell finally rang and I started packing up. I started walking to my next class when I got stopped by Sasuke.
"I let you draw me so I should at least be able to see the drawing." He said
"Ano...I guess that's fair."
I took out my sketchbook and showed it to him. He took it from me and just looked at the picture in amazement. After he looked at it for a bit he ran with my sketchbook.
"SASUKE GIVE THAT BACK BEFORE I FUCKING KILL YOU!" I yelled. He didn't do anything, just kept on running.
What the fuck. Who steals someone else's sketch book. That bastard. I will get it back from him.

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