Part Six

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Minori's P.O.V

*timeskip lunch time*

The bell rang signaling that it was time for lunch I went up to the roof after buying my lunch from the school since I didn't pack my lunch. Again. I make it to the top of the stairs and walk out onto the roof. I see that Naruto and Sasuke are up here with their friends. I don't want to intrude so I head back down the stairs.

I walk around the school trying to find a place to eat my lunch. I finally stop at an abandoned hallway. I walk to the shadowy part of it so if people walk by I will blend in with the hallway and they won't see me. I plop myself down on the floor and start eating my lunch. I have a cheese sandwich because I'm not a huge fan of meat. I like it in my ramen but in other things I don't.

I finish my meal. As I'm about to get up to throw away my trash I hear a cough. I jump and look at the other side of the hallway to see bright red hair. It's Gaara. What's he doing here isn't he supposed to be with his friends?

"Hey Gaara." I wave like I usually do... Awkwardly. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with Naruto and everyone else?"

"No. I'm friends with them but I don't like to eat lunch with them. I like a peaceful lunch. I can't really get that with them." He said.

"Oh...I know how you feel. I was going to eat lunch on the roof but then I saw them up there so I roamed around the school trying to find a place to eat till I found this hallway."

"I don't know how I put up with them all of these years." He sighed but smiled. (OMG Gaara is so KAWAII when he smiles)

"But you still love them all to death. I get it." I said remembering my family.


I am running home. I just got out of art club and I need to get home before I get beaten for being late. I run inside my house to see my parents hugging my little sister Akame. My parents stop hugging her and look at me with disgust clear on their faces.

"You're late." My father says. I'm actually thirty seconds early but I have learned not to correct my father.

"Gomenasai." I said bowing my hair covering my eyes.

"Go to your room." My mother said "No dinner for you tonight."

I walk up to my room and close my door. I plop myself on my bed. This is the third night in a row I haven't been allowed to eat dinner. I've lost ten pounds because of it, and because I can't eat breakfast in the morning. My parents say that eating breakfast is bad for your health and so we don't eat it in this family and I don't get to school early enough to eat because I have chores to do.

Akame comes in. She doesn't understand why she is so loved and I'm not so she comes in my room every night and gives me a hug to let me know that she loves me.

No matter how much I don't want to I can't help but feel disappointed in myself. I can't help but to believe that it's my fault my parents don't love me. And I can't help but still love my parents to death.

*end of flashback*

I have tears in my eyes but because it is so dark they aren't noticed.

"Thanks for this talk but I should be getting back to Naruto." Gaara said.

"Yeah." I said

He left and I stood there wishing that I had turned out differently.


Hey! Two updates in one day! You guys should be proud of me. *bows to applause*

You guys got to see a little bit of Minori's past.

And I added a Gaara chapter YAY

sorry even though this isn't a Gaara x oc I had to give him a chapter because he's just amazing like that.

well see yah





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