Part Thirteen

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*Minori's P.O.V.*

I sit down at the table trying to get rid of my migraine. Even though the night is over and the girls will be heading home soon I feel like something really annoying is going to happen. I push these thoughts out of my head as Temari sits down across from me Sakura and Ino soon following. 

"Hey so what do you think about my brother?" Temari asks about Gaara.

"Ano...He's cool and I can't think of a better friend....Why do you ask?" I answer back. She looked disappointed at my statement.

"Oh no reason....He just seems really lonely and I was trying to get him a girlfriend." This surprised me and I start laughing.

"Sorry but if I was to date your brother it would be like incest to me. He is more of a brother than anything and I love him for it."

She smiled. "Thanks."

I smile back. My gaze runs over to Sakura and Ino. They look like they are gonna blow. What's up with them? Sakura sits down next to me putting her hand on my shoulder showing that she had a better chance of winning in a fist fight. 

"So...if you don't like Gaara then who do you like?" Ino said sitting across from Sakura next to Temari.

"Didn't I answer that last night? I don't have any relationship feelings for anyone." I answer calmly.

Sakura slams her hand on the table making me, Temari, and Ino jump. None of us were expecting that.

"That's absolute BS! If you think that you can just come to our town and steal MY Sasuke-kun then you are out of your mind! He is MINE!" With every word of her last sentence her hand gripped tighter on my shoulder. I'm done with this crap.

I grab onto her hand looking straight into her eyes seeing the surprise on her face. I scowl and flip her so she landed on the ground. I got on her and grabbed both of her hands. She started moving around nonstop trying to get out of my ice cold grip.

"Let go!" She cried out.

"If you think that you can come into MY home and threaten me because you think that I like someone who doesn't even like you back.." I look into her eyes seeing tears forming "..then you are out of YOUR mind."

I push off of her and I walk over to the fridge grabbing a Mt. Dew code red.

She lays there for a couple of seconds obviously processing what just happened.

"ARE YOU CRAZY!?" Ino yells running over to Sakura.

"Just slightly." I say giving my best crazed grin. I could literally see the chills it gave Ino and Temari. I'm pretty sure that Sakura was just too dazed to feel anything right now.

"You little.." She was interrupted by the doorbell ringing.

"Saved by the bell." I said laughing.

I walk over to the door seeing that Tenten had already opened it. Wow I guess my house is now everyone's house. I walk over to the door and see that the guys came here. Great more company (*cough cough* major sarcasm *cough*) 

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask trying to hide my annoyance.

"It was boring without all of the girl drama." Naruto said. I busted out laughing at this.

"You okay there?" Sasuke asked amusement written on his face.

"Yeah it's that I have been feeling the exact opposite of that all night."

"Can we come in?" Shikamaru asked clearly just wanting to lay down.

"As long as you don't eat me." I say jokingly. They have a look of confusion. "Y'know the thing about vampires...." I trail off expecting them to understand but the confusion never left their faces. I sigh "Vampires can't come into someone's house unless they are invited in." They still looked confused. "I give up...yes you can come in."

One by one they pile in. First Naruto, then Sasuke, then Kiba, Chouji, Shikamaru, Sai, Neji, and Gaara. (I feel like I'm forgetting someone...add them in the comments if I did) Everyone settled down either on the floor of on the couch.

(If I haven't said this already then the couch in like a right angle and it is in the middle of the living room so you can sit in between the couch and tv the couch can easily sit 9 people but I bet it could fit 11 people if some of them are small. 

@flyingsquids kinda like your livingroom)

I sit on the floor next to Gaara. Naruto and Sasuke glare at each other. Before I realized it they had jumped up and were wrestling for the spot on the other side of me. I then was lifted up and sat down on Gaara's lap.

"There now the both of you can sit next to her." Gaara said in that deep voice. 

I couldn't help but laugh at the looks on Sasuke and Naruto's faces. I laughed for a long time and I was crying because of hard I was laughing. After that laborious laugh (haha I used a smart word) I calmed down and Naruto and Sasuke sat on each side of me and Gaara.


So I was going to continue the story but freakin @flyingsquids decided to ruin my life. She said that everything in this story is cliche. Well now I'm probably going to rewrite this chapter because it's too cliche. I didn't even finish this chapter because I wanted to rant about her. Well freaking flyingsquids has no emotions what so ever and she is so mean when she has emotions and she calls all of my friends trash and she also calls me trash. My name on her snapchat is trash. Seriously! I was so happy about this chapter I was cracking myself up but then she came over and told me how cliche it is! I've actually reread this book many times and each time I laugh so hard I end up crying. I have never seen any of this type of stuff anywhere but she said she has seen it in almost every fanfic. Well I guess I need to read more fanfics. I even did 21 questions in the last chapter because I haven't seen that in any fanfic. She knows that I'm writing this and this was actually her idea so don't get triggered or anything about this because I have actually told her all of this to her face.

Thank you and goodbye

Now that all that ranting is done!


Comment (please comment because I still haven't gotten those 10 comments I asked for in the last chapter)

Comment again


Oh and if I forgot to say this COMMENT


Really quick
I left Shino on purpose because he was always left out in the show
😂😂 I thought it would be funny to do that

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