Chapter 1- David Gilmour, here we come!

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New story. This one is more planned out then the rest *hides* I'm very spontaneous  

that I forget to plan stuff out -___- lol. But please enjoy!  


Chapter One

"This is so awesome!" I screamed. Me and Kara were standing a few feet from the stage where our idols stood jamming on their guitars and singing dark, but oh so true words.

"I want to do him so bad," Kara squealed as David winked at the audience. I nodded in agreement. I'm no slut, but for *David Gilmour, that hunk, I would strip in seconds.

"We need to see him!" She shouted turning to me and grabbing my shoulders as the light bulb went off in her head, "and I know exactly how!"

Sure, my mom argues with me that David Gilmour could be my father, even possibly my grandfather, but I don't care. Pink floyd, I'd die for them. Their lyrics are so far more beyond what their basic meaning are. They uplift your soul and carry your far, above the clouds. (Rest in peace Barrett & Wright)

"What's your big idea?" I asked cautiously. Let's just say Kara doesn't always think things through.

She gathered up close by my ear and shouted a bunch of incoherent nonsense and ended with "...fuck yeah I am awesome!"

I looked at her trying not to laugh and nodded. What else could I do if I didn't understand one word of her "awesome" plan?

She grabbed me by my favorite black shirt I was wearing and pulled me. Not having control I followed. I was in such a daze that I didn't even realized where she had taken me until the security blocking the entrance to the backstage area poked me in the nose.

"Excuse me?" I barked, "did you just poke me?"

The big, bald, buff man laughed and poked me again. "Yes, sweat cheeks I poked you. What are you going to do, beat me up?"

"You know I'm underage, that's sexual harassment sweet cheeks," I growled back. His expression fell to the floor and my infamous smirk appeared. He glared at Kara, and I knew what she had planed. I opened my mouth screamed. "Help! Please someone! He's touching me!" People started looking our way and he quickly plastered his hand over my mouth.

"Now, now there's no need to make a big deal about this kid."

"Let us in," Kara chirped.

"Why would I do that?" The buffman challenged with me still in his grips. Kara cocked an eyebrow and smirk.

"Someone please help he's hurting my-" she yelled but quickly stopped when Bufman pushed us in the doors.  

"Shut up already. Next time a little brat tells me to touch her friends nose I'm not going too!" He huffed as he turned his back to us. I turned and looked at Kara with disbelief; did this really just happen?

"David, here I come!" Kara squealed. Kara is beautiful and way older then me. She's twenty-one while I'm barely eighteen, her eyes sparkle and her boobs jiggle with happiness and I can't help but be jealous. That hoe.


i'm going to post jokes at the end of every chapter lol...yeah?

joke #1

Three old men are talking about their aches, pains and bodily functions.

The 70 year old man says, "I have this problem. I wake up every morning at seven and it takes me twenty minutes to pee."

The 80 year old man says, "My case is worse. I get up at eight and I sit there and grunt and groan for half an hour before I finally have a bowel movement."


The 90 year old man says, "At seven I pee like a horse, and at eight I crap like a cow."

So what's your problem?" ask the others.

"I don't wake up until nine!"

*David is the front man of Pink Floyd, a very amazing band. google it ;)

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