Chapter 30- the end, or is it?

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"Kara," I whispered as I poked her cheek, "Kara it Babel, wake up."

She didn't move, her eyes shut, and she still looked pale. the IV sticking out her hand looked painful as the monitors around her beeped loudly filling up the silent room.

"Kara, wake up," I said alittle louder slapping her cheek gently, "I have great news!"

"Go away," she croaked tossing the other way, "I'm tired, so tired."

"Its the drugs, open your eyes."

"Gosh, Babel," she croaked again, her voice thick and gross sounding. She turned my way and slowly, oh so slowly, her eyes fluttered open and she looked around the small, plain white room. "Where's everyone?"

"Oh...," I said sadly, "they left."

"Why?" She asked raising her eyebrows.

"They don't like you dude," I said bluntly. She looked at me with sadness in her deep brown eyes as they started to water.

I shook my head and bursted out laughing. "I'm just kidding they went to get some food 'cause we're freakin' starving."

"Jerk!" She hissed sitting up right, "but seriously am I really that bad?"

I nodded my head sitting next to her. "Yeah, but I still love you, anyways how are you feeling?"

She smiled up at me and shook her head. "I love you too, really I do although sometimes I'm an ass and everything is mostly my fault, I appreciate you being there for me, especially when shit gets hard-"

"That's what she said!" A voice laughed making me and Kara turn around. There stood the twins and Collins smiling brightly, with John chuckled lightly.

"Your so immature," Kara scoffed playfully, "so what did you guys bring? I'm starving! Hospital food sucks."

"They didn't let us bring it in," Liam said sadly.

"So we snuck it in," Collins grinned as all three pulled stuff out there sweater pockets and under their shirts.

"Always breaking the laws, huh," I laughed walking over and taking a sandwich from John's hand. They shrugged and I tossed one to Kara as we all started to eat.

"The drinks are in the truck," Collins said between a bite, "we couldn't bring those in."

I nodded and looked at Kara as she savored the delicious sandwich. "When can you leave?" I asked.

"And go back to that smelly ass cell, hell no."

Liam, John, Collins and myself all looked at each other with an evil grin. "Well," I began taking a bite from my sandwich cooly, "the charges were dropped, partially, for us," I said pointing to the twins and myself, "since you were M.I.A. you still have to go back to the station and get that sorted."

"What?!" Kara shirked, "that's not fair, I fainted!"

I shrugged. "Well, you should control that."

"Then what is Collins doing here?" She asked looking at Collins with big round eyes.

"I'm here to escort you back to the station," he said taking his last bite from his sandwich.

"And the way the captain sees it, its all your fault so you should brace yourself," John added smoothly. I bit my tongue trying to suppress my laughter and nodded in agreement.

"Don't worry though," I smiled reassuringly as I patted her leg, "I'm pretty sure you'll only go to jail for only a few months, that is if you behave yourself and don't get a mean, brunette-loving cell-mate named Bertha." I winked as she paled and put her half eaten sandwich down looking grossed out.

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