chapter 5- yeah...she's a wildebeest!

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"You, get up."

A lady cop shouted from the door. I looked at her blankly and ignored her. I hate lady cops and not because they are women, but because they are far more rude and harsher then needed to be.

"Either you get yourself up or I go and get you. Your choice." Her voice icy cold, but since I'm stubborn I, again ignored her just sending a casually 'I don't care' look. She was about to charge at me when a hand was placed on her shoulder stopping her.

"I'll take it from here, Jackson."

She shot me a poisonous glare before smacking the hot cop's hand off her shoulder. "Yeah, you want to get back to your beautiful lady huh?" She sneered almost rabid. All she need was the foam coming out her mouth.

The cops features softened only to turn into a scowl in matter of milliseconds. "We have discussed this before. Get over it."

She glared at me once more and I swear I thought she would launch herself at me over the table before she left. After she slammed the door loudly the cop took a seat.

"You should keep your girl under wraps," I tsked wagging my finger, just he couldn't see it because my hands were still handcuffed together behind me.

"My girl?" He questioned clearly playing dumb.

"Yeah, the wildebeest that just left. She wanted to kill me!" I said nodding my head towards the door and shooting my eyebrows up to show more emotion since I couldn't use my hands.

"wildebeest?" He chuckled, "you know she's watching right?"

My face fell for a second before I composed myself. I turned my head slowly towards the mirror glaring at the dead center and shouted, "wildebeest."

A loud bang came from the other side rattling the mirror loudly. Almost breaking and the hotty was radioed back out. Within minutes the door slammed opened again. Shit.


joke #5

Husband: Will u marry shortly after i die?

Wife: No i Will live with my sister.

Wife: Will u marry after i die?

Husband: No, i will also live with your sister

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