Chapter 13- mix up

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We stopped at our place.

"Cover his eyes, I'll go make sure the coast is clear."

I nodded as Kara quickly ran out the van and into the apartment building. I made my way to the back and kneeled behind the guy tying a cloth around his eyes.

"What's your name?" His voice extremely calm and somewhat teasing.  

"Don't worry about it."

"Come on, don't be like that," he chuckled, "I mean what kind of name is Babel, it has to be fake."

I scoffed, offended. "Whatever, you lying..." Damn what Kara call him?

"Cheating bastard," he finished for me, "but its Liam, and I swear, I don't know what she's talking about." 

"So your innocent?" I asked raising an eyebrow.

"Of course! I hate liars, cheaters and most of all bastards," he said faking serious and distaste.

"Can it, buddy," I said pushing him out the van blindfolded. Man, super tall and muscular. Why doesn't he take down two scrawny, frail girls?

"Because I don't want to get shot, duh," he said shaking his head in a nonchalant tone, but I could tell he was laughing on the inside. 

Wait, did I say that out loud? Damn, I'm giving him ideas... 


"Liam, can you take a seat, please?" I asked walking him towards the couch, "and Kara?"

"Yeah?" She asked closing the door quietly behind us.

I didn't reply, instead I pushed the guy down hard on the sofa and raced towards Kara. She saw me running towards her and she made a dash for it. "Get back here!" I yelled chasing her. Oh she was going to get it!




"Stop it Kara! Let me hit you!"

She didn't stop instead she ran around our small dining table. "Look, when we're old we will laugh about this. Promise," she held out her pinky smiling.

"No! We can't laugh in jail!"

"Yeah, yeah you can," a voice laughed from the living room.

"Kara!" I whispered exhausted, "that dude is still here. What are we going to do?"

"What's your name?" She asked Liam walking towards him, "hurry, spit it out!"

"Geez, its Liam," he said facing away from Kara, not that he knew.

"No, its John."

"Damn not again," he sighed leaning back with his head hanging, "why must it always be me? Why?"

"What do you mean?" I chimed in, full of curiosity.

"I have a twin brother who always seems to choose the crazy chicks that's what I mean. Last time my camaro was the one to suffer."

"So your saying we have the wrong guy?" Kara asked running a hand through her thick, long black hair.

"Uh, yeah," Liam said smiling slightly.

"But Diana told me-"

"That one?" Liam asked shaking his head, "She mental!"

All of a sudden an awkward silence took over. I sunk into the couch and closed my eyes. We were in some deep shit. What are we suppose to do with Liam now?


And I also know this chapter wasn't as eventful. Or funny but I have finished all of my major projects so ill be updating more frequently and the chapters will get longer. :)  

So tell me what you think. Comment, vote, fan. Etc. Lol. I might re-do this chapter let me know if you agree... :D

joke #13

My parents recently retired. Mom always wanted to learn to play the piano, so dad bought her a piano for her birthday. A few weeks later, I asked how she was doing with it. "Oh, we returned the piano." said My Dad, "I persuaded her to switch to a clarinet instead."

"How come?" I asked. "Because," he answered, "with a clarinet, she can't sing."

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