Chapter 5:- Misconceptions & Misunderstandings!

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While we were sitting and having lunch, Selena a girl from our grade approached Sally and asked her if she could talk to her for a minute, and right after Sally went, David too went to his class. Now it was just me and Hannah and I had no class till half an hour. We started twaddling about.... nothing, just general talk. She told me about herself and I did the same we spoke about weaknesses and our strong points. I told her that my weak point was my anger and I could not control myself whenever I would be furious! Before I could ask her what was her's she ran off to the bathroom and so I too walked of to the library!


Yes! It went exactly the way it should've been! The girls are gonna be so happy now that I have got her weakness, we can kill it! So I went to the washroom were the 3 of them were waiting for me,and Sally was there. I bribed Selena to send Sally to the washroom so that Ariana and I could could talk privately. As I reached they told Sally to leave and they said that she told them Ariana's weakness and I said that I got it too! Surprisingly,.... it matched! Now that we knew her weakness, we could proceed with what we were supposed to do! So Miley, Heather and Sofia went in search for Ariana and I went to call Sally. When I told Sally to come along she asked why did she have to come along and she asked wether Ari was around? I told her we were going to her because we should get together more often as I had to talk to them about many things- A lame excuse, I know! We then went to the canteen, but she wasn't there, so I asked Sally where could she possibly be? She answered  , "THE LIBRARY! Yeah, that's where she'll be!". In the library we saw Ari reading something quite patiently...... She was an amazing person! I could make that conclusion because,.... She gave me a second chance even though I was in the Mean Girl Group! She also helped with a few problems I had and complimented me! How can I be doing this to a person like this,.... but it was too late! MY FRIENDS ALREADY REACHED THERE! I mean,.. I wasn't backing out,.. but this time being mean ,... was AWKWARD! 


I was reading 'The Swiss Family Robinson' by John David Wyss. It was about a family  who got stuck on an island and they survived there beautiful, they learnt to sew, hunt, cook and they had two homes at for different weather! Sometimes when I read, I get pulled into the book and it becomes real to me! This time I was living the book,...... BEFORE  I was interrupted by MGG- Mean Girl Group! And this is what happened-

Heather- Hey bookworm!

Sofia- Can we talk to you for a sec?

Me- umhm! yeah sure uhh! 1 second over bye!

Miley- hey..... we're serious!

Me- then why aren't you hospitalised?

Sofia- Because we want to talk!!

Heather- It's about Sally!

Me- hmm! What is it?

Heather- she's cheating you!

Me- oh! Interesting topic! so sad!

All of them- WE'RE SERIOUS!!!!!!!

Me- woah! okay what proof do you have aye?

Miley- here, listen to this audio!

She held me her phone in which I could here a conversation, I could here Miley asking her questions about me and she answered all of them correctly because she didn't know what they were upto, well that's what I thought! but no! When they asked her why was she friends with me she answered, "i donno? maybe she's a good company and well, she's fun, yeah!". WHAT DID THAT  MEAN??? What the hell was that, I was so so so so so angry but,.. I didn't  show them I was and let them be!

Miley- So? everything all right?

Heather- Hey miley do you remember the time when Ariana was jumping on the trampoline aaaand-

Me- and?

Sofia- Your,.. no! I'm not saying it! no, not at all!

Me- so she told you all of my secrets?

All of them- YES!YES!YEEES!

Me- How can you do this, huh? these hypnotising techniques and all? Where do you get them?

Librarian- EXCUSE ME! this is a library!

Me- Sorry! You know what lets go out and talk!

So we all headed out that's when I saw Sally and Hannah at the door looking at us like  they were spying on us  , and actually they were, cause the MGGs come and talk to me like that!- not normal! But still I went upto them and asked her if we could head back to class, Sally agreed but Hannah walked off into the library... for the 1st time! Sally and I then met with David in the club house. I Couldn't keep it inside anymore so I asked Sally to follow me into an empty class immediately! And this is how the argument fell-

Me- Sally how can you be so IRRESPONSIBLE??

Sally- Why? what happened?

Me- You were laughing and giggling with the MGG's and telling them all of my secrets??

Sally- They forced me to  and I was not giggling!

Me- Oh, so you weren't giggling right??



Sally- (sigh) you don't wanna believe me, don't! Good bye Ariana Demare!

David- (slowly walking in) What, .... happened here?

Me & Sally- NOTHING!

David- fine!

I was so furious! I never thought that Sally my best friend would ever backstab me!I MEAN HOW PATHETIC!! Eww! So I walked off the bell rang it was time for me to reach home and sob in bed! 

I went home and mum welcomed me and annie who was the only one who made me smile, came running towards me and fell on her bottom, which really was hilarious! But it couldn't take away the shock and the sorrow from the day, could it? no!


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