Chapter- 13: A whole new world!

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 PREVIOUSLY- ariana wonders why she gets those dreams, and heads down stairs. On the way she meets her sister who tell her that her mother is upset and it maybe because of her! Mrs. demare comes to know of the lie she told and forgives Ariana! At school lindsey makes fun of Ariana! Ariana seals her mouth with a bang and walks off!

 Me- Okay! now she's really acting funny!

Sally- No she isn't!

Me- Yes she is!

Sally- Shut up! she was just fooling around!

Me- For what? Do I fool around? Does Hannah fool around?

Sally- No, but- well.. I do!

Me- On your friends or unknown people, passing by on the street?


Me- Why does everyone sound like Amourina and Brianna? ridiculous!

Sally- Who's that?

Me- Holy Schnitzel! I totally forgot to tell you about this!

How can I? I mean, it was the most intriguing thing all this while, but the dreams just slip out of my mind when I meet other people, or go to school! Finally! Finally I can tell it someone, or not?

Me- Meet me in my backyard after school, and I'll tell you everything!

Sally- Oooh spooky! Okay great!

Me- By the way, we're late to Mrs. Bloombird's class, and this time she will not spare any reason to not punish us!

Sally- The only option is,.. 1,2,3 RUUUUN!!

In class-

Mrs. Bloombird- Yes! There is absolutely no way I'm going to let a student enter my class, after the bell has rung! Well back to what I was say- Excuse me!

Sally- Sorry we're late!

Mrs. Bloombird- One.Last.chance girls! One last!

Both of us- yes miss!

And she went on about novels these days! She also said she HATED John Green and Rold Dahl, because they wrote silly books, which made no sense! I mean who hates JOHN GREEN? And Rold dahl what has he done?.. She went on and on and on, I tried my best to keep intact with her painted mouth's voices traveling straight down the memory lane and then a file in my brain called- 'REMEMBER FOR TESTS'! Silly, it is! Then suddenly something caught my eye outside the window! It was 2 girls walking through the main door and to the main hall! At first I thought I saw them somewhere,....... But, soon I forgot about it!

The class ended and Hannah met us outside class. Lindsey wasn't to be seen anywhere! We waited for a while and saw if she came, but she didn't! The day got over soon and we still didn't see her at all! We were really worried, so as soon as school was over, we went to Sally's and called her mother!

the bell went off and-

Sally- Hello! is it mrs.tushman?

Mrs. Tushman- Yes, yes it is! who is it, may i ask?

Sally- Um hi it's me Sally! I was just wondering, if um- Lindsey like reached home?

Mrs. Tushman- Oh, thanks for asking but surprisingly she hasn't, I thought she was with you!

Sally- Actually, we didn't see her the whole day in school, so we were worried!

Mrs. Tushman- Oh!.... The doorbell just rang I guess it's her! Bye thanks and call you later!

Sally- Yeah Tha-.. Oh she kept the phone already! One lady in a hurry!

Hannah- I can feel her rush to open the door, and if the person on the other isn't Lini then I don't wanna know, what might happen!

Sally- Umhm true!

Me- I really think she has been a bit different from the start of the day!

Hannah- Yeah! I believe so!

Sally- Are we like allowed to bunk? Cause there is no other thing she could've done!


Me- Hello?

Lindsey- Hi! Hey Ari can I speak to you? Right Now?

Me- Yeah! What's up?

Lindsey- okay, I don't know how you take this but.... STAY AWAY FROM SALLY!

Me- Well! You don't tell me what to do? do You? NO YOU DON'T! 

A few hours later at bedtime!

Mom- So, what exactly happened?

Me- Nothing!

Mom- Good Night!

Me- Sweet Dreams!


Amourina- So! What's it this time?

Brianna- I know! Lindsey! That-... Forget it!

Me- Okay, so this is CREEPY! How do you guys always prevent me from telling anyone about you'll?

Both- Born with skill girl!

Queen-  Hello gurrls!

Me- Queen!

Both the fairies!- Mum!

Me- What! Really you guys never told me! Oh god!

Queen- Ugh! girls not yet!

Suddenly there were bells ringing and the Queen shared a look of curiousty with the green and yellow winged beauties!

A golden cloud appeared and and a foamy flight fell off the top! We climbed it and it started lifting it self off the ground. We were now FLYING THROUGH MY ABBERANT DREAMLAND! 

There was a little building with black and white strips with a blue book sign saying " The Dreamland public library!" I saw people walking on the streets, with the best clothes ever! There was another building which was the mall, there were no cars, just bicycles and skateboards and special tracks for hoverboards! This was amazing my own private place! But everything had the same name - ABERRANT DREAMLAND this and that! I named it..... That means it never had a name before! Oh My God! I named everything here?! Yes I did! This is crazy!

 I can't believe it! Goodness! And we flew and flew for miles and miles, soon the cloud started hovering a little close to a big gate, made up entirely of gold and red metal, with rainbow coloured strips fluttering like flags at the border of a country. Yes! That's it! This place is a country in itself! And I named it! But how did I have the might and main to matrynomize it? Well the queen did ask me but..... Well yeah now it makes sense! We stood there by the gate for 15 minutes until a Dazzling pegasus came soaring from the sky! It had a coral pink and tomato red mane and tail, with long feathered wings and a beautiful yet sharp sparkling crystalink [the horn on the head]! After I was done trying to keep myself up and not fainting, another shock hit me! A young lad climbed of the supple back of the flying horse! He was tall around my height, but taller, he had glossy amber eyes, thick platinum hair with a small golden bead at the neck arch, he was tanned and freckled with muscularly arched chest and shoulders! He wore an elegant white robe and pants that stuck to his legs, his shoulders had golden fringed badges and he carried a sword at his side! 

" hello fair maidens of the east! I am Adrian Claytonas, the prince of the western country of Slumberia am here to proudly congratulate the new heir of -.... ABERRANT DREAMLAND!"

he had an amazingly mesmerizing british accent! quite confident and friendly.. I guess! And who was the new princess! Was it Amourina or Brianna!? Or Someone else?


Hello guyz!

So as you can see, this will be taking a new turn! And I think and hope I made it easier by adding what happened in the previous chapter, as I got many people telling me they keep forgeting of what happened, so how will they understand the latter? So keep reading, voting and commenting.. till then


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