Chapter 11- Say no!

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Dear Readers,

This chapter is for the ones who chose to say no to Lindsey and move back home! If you chose the first option: Stay and have some fun!, then this chapter is not for you! Thank you for co-operating, and I won't keep you wating for long! :D 


We drifted to the bosom, but we felt quite guilty and I could make out that Sally looked a bit lugubrious, though she was well- pleased with our choice, and couldn't help but pick up the fact that even I wanted to be a part of the convival! But her offer was very steep, not that I couldn't afford it , but it's like using smeone for what they feel is a way to MAKE FRIENDS! So end of story, we disagreed and drifted home! Now the thing is how does she feel about us? I hope she isn't mad at us!

Lindsey's P.O.V-

Who does she think she is? I mean she literally just walked out of there! I was so mad at her, I spent all this on her and she ?.... Oh Goodness! And you're wondering why aren't I mentioning Sally, well that's because, she started throwing her fits and tantrums when Ariana shoved her option in my face! And by the way, me and Hannah had a BLAST! We swam and swam, then we played tennis till the sun sat down, and when we were tuckred out, we went to the boutique and had a shopping haul! We bought, dress, tanks etc and we even learnt a new hairstyle! But it was her choice, so let her live with it, and I'll give her a chance if she wants one!

Ariana's P.O.V-

Me- Hey mom!

Mom- You're back so early? But you just went!

Me- actually.....
And I top her the whole story!

Mom- oh! I don't think that she would've liked it! Yeah sure, the thing she did was ... Um .. Exceptional but I mean, she wouldn't have thought if any of you would say no!!

Me- Yeah but I don't think that's how you "make friends" !

Mum- come on! I could've repaid her, it's okay! I mean obviously it's not but you shouldn't have just said no and walked off, that to in one of her cars!

Me- yeah fine

I walked through the stairs and in my room! I sat on the edge of my bed and pondered, did I take the right decision? Did I hurt her feelings? Was this necessary? And out of all of this, the biggest question was.... Did Sally really want to do this or she did it because I did?

Sally's P.O.V-

No! This was not how it was supposed to be! We were supposed to have fun! But not her deciding what's good for me! Not that she called me out but I had no other option but to walk out with her, Why you ask? Well because,.. Because I've never been anywhere with friends without HER! She's always been with me, and I was scared of what will happen if she wouldn't have been there! I've always had her by my side, wether it's my cousins wedding or my uncle's anniversary, she is always invited! The truth is, I am nothing without her. In reality I'm a shy girl with no friends and no social skills! For years I've agreed to what she said, and learnt a bit how to act in public! I don't have any friends, fake or real except for her. But now I've promised myself to stand up for myself and do what I think is something I wish to do! Suddenly a doorbell rang,  and I found myself in front of miss control it all!

Ariana- Hey! (In the most obvious way of telling me she isn't interested in greeting me, she wants to                     get to the point)

Me- Hi, come on in!

Ariana- Can we talk?

I know what she's upto!

Me- Why don't we have something first?

Ariana- No! I'm,fine!

Me- No! I'm not fine... I need something!

Ariana- Um, yeah take whatever you like and let's go to your room so We can talk! Okay?

Ouch. Nooooooo!

Me- No, so what happened was , last time my cousin dropped something on the rug and since then my  mother us not allowing us to eat up!

Ariana- since when? Oh which cousin? By the way, where is Mrs. Delgado?

Me- Um, she's sleeping!

Ariana- Listen I'm not in the mood for games, so either listen or I'm leaving!

And she walked out of the room,without addressing me! She wanted to ask me wether or not did I leave the because she did, and as you know the answer to that is yes but,.... I still haven't wether to be truthful or just brush it off!


Hello sorry for the late update! Just informing you that even though I have given you different endings, Lindsey will be doing the same to both stories that means, that the end will be the same for both! Till then- 


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