2. Chambers

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As the lights flickered, I noticed five chambers spread across a room much bigger than I imagined. Each chamber was lit in a different colour, equipped with its own features and interior. It was like nothing I had ever seen before.

"Let's take a closer look shall we? " Hakyeon said, clapping his hands together as we walked down the steel spiral staircase and approached the first chamber.

The chamber was extremely bright, filled with an abundance of roses, each complementing each other perfectly. Vines crept up against the glass window, making it impossible to see the entire figure that was seated in the tuft of roses.

"This is my dear Ken" Hakyeon smiled, tapping on the glass as if the wax figure could hear him. "I used the theme of roses to symbolise his youthfulness, his innocent beauty."

Great. He's one of those people who name their figurines. I tried to take everything in as if it were normal, but I could tell Hakyeon sensed my uncomfortable state.

Moving on, we arrived at the next chamber with yet another theme, and a different wax figurine. This figure was more clearly visible to me and I noticed the intricate detail that had been put into these masterpieces. The definition almost made them lifelike, which was no wonder Hakyeon treated them as if they were alive.

"This here is Ravi. His concept is contrast between rough and pure" Hakyeon continued, marvelling at his own work. I nodded as I scanned the figure dressed in all black, as the white dainty drapes moved behind him. It was amazing how he captured the contrast in his theme for this 'character'. A tough guy with a pure soul. Hakyeon was crazy, but he was a genius.

We finally got to the third chamber, which was quite different from the previous one. The figure alone scared the shit out of me. It was as if its eyes followed my every move, ready to make me its prey. The chamber was decorated with barbed wire, and the figure itself was retrained by ropes, as if he was on the verge of escaping.

"This here, is Leo" Hakyeon said, his tone changing a bit. I watched as he glared into the eyes on the figure, gritting his teeth in the process.

"His concept as you can see is restraint"

"W-why? " I said, managing to ask my first question.

"He's in a fight with himself, one so silent builds a war in his head" he replied, spinning on his heels and making his way to the next chamber across the room.

I admired how he went so in depth with this project. He gave them a character, and a theme based on their character, it was all very artistic.

"Right, next we have little Hyuk" Hakyeon announced, "he's the last one I brought in here, so he's the maknae. I wanted to keep a very light concept."

This chamber wasn't as decorative as the previous ones, rather it was a simple panelled room, with a small table and chair. The smiling figure placed in the room made my heart flutter, his eyes were as innocent as a newborn.

"I like him" I smiled, playing along with Hakyeon's make believe friends.

"That's it then, I hope we can----"

"What about that chamber?" I said, pointing to a larger chamber at the back of the room.

"Oh, you don't have to worry about that one, I take care of that one personally, that's my most prized possession" Hakyeon replied, eyes gazing longingly at the beautifully sculpted chamber.

"I would really like to know about this concept though" I sighed, making my way to the back of the room.

I met with the presence of the most beautifully sculpted figure I had ever seen. The chamber was filled just a single bed, draped in black silk sheets and a moat of crystal clear water surrounding it. The figure too wore all black, dressed in a sleeveless cotton shirt and tight leather pants, the whole display left me breathless.

Hakyeon cleared his throat, snapping me out of my thoughts. "He is called Hongbin" he stated clearly, "concept is lust, only lust."

I swallowed hard as that last word repeated in my head. I wondered if Hakyeon knew this would count as a fetish. Maybe the way he saw it he would think otherwise, but I didn't want to jump to conclusions. I was here to work.
I followed Hakyeon back up the steel stairs as he switched off the light behind me. I watched as each chamber's light also switched off, except the one at the very back.

"Rules. No entering after midnight. Keep to strict working hours only. You must work with the figures inside the chambers, and by no means do you take them out, understood?" Hakyeon warned, his serious tone sending chills down my spine.

I nodded quickly and Hakyeon took a step closer to me, his dark eyes locked onto mine as he cocked his head to the side.

"And don't forget (y/n), Hongbin's chamber is strictly off limits."

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