10) Brain Bleach

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A/N: So here is the next little chappie, please enjoy! Also check out my newest Frisk/Sans Undertale story! Thank you so much to every one of you who is sticking with me and my stories and I hope you enjoy the update


"You what?" Jack's voice was quiet and thick with emotion as he looked up at Mark from where he was sitting.

"I love you. I know I shouldn't and I still love Joey, but I love you too. I love you and I'm not going to hide behind the fear anymore. I'm going to do better this time, okay?" Mark's voice was quiet and Jack understood the words weren't meant for him, but for someone who was already dead.

"Where is this coming from?" Jack was confused at how quickly things were progressing, they didn't make sense and he was determined to be more than a pity lay. Not that he thought they'd be having sex. Oh god, sex with Mark, he needed to stop that train of thought before it got too far out of hand.

"I didn't want to waste this opportunity, not like I did with Joseph. I loved him, I did and I still do, but I owe it to both me and you to see if this goes anywhere. If you want, I mean." Mark's voice was suddenly quiet and he rubbed the back of his neck anxiously.

"Of course I do, you smelly!" Jack laughed, the sound warm in the slightly chilly room. "I love you too."

Mark cupped Jack's face and, before he allowed himself a second to think, brought their lips together in a tender kiss. It was nice, almost sickly it was so sweet. Mark thought Jack's lips tasted like whiskey and cookies, whereas Jack thought Mark tasted like peppermint and chocolate. The kiss quickly became heated, hands roaming and tongues meeting, all hurried and frenzied motion. Mark pulled back, pressing their foreheads together, after a long moment. Both men were breathing hard, trying to calm their frantic hearts and heavy breathing.

"We need to try to take it slow." Mark wound his fingers through Jack's smiling patiently. "Not that the kiss wasn't awesome, it was."

"It was fucking sweet!" Jack crowed, squeezing Mark's hand tightly in his own. "But you're right, slow." He tenderly pressed Mark's knuckles to his lips.

"Slow is good." Mark replied unsteadily.

His heart was still aching for Joey but he wasn't going to let it deter him. He'd said nothing to Joseph and look what had happened. He'd be damned if the same thing happened to Jack, he wasn't strong enough to handle it. Losing Jack was the worst thing imaginable. The guilt was heavy though, and hot in his chest.

"Earth to Mark. Earth to Mark, come is space cadet do you read me?" Jack laughed, gently nudging Mark's shoulder. "Where did you go?"

"Sorry," Mark laughed. "Got lost in my own head. I'm here, really. Do you wanna go play video games?"

"I'll kick your ass at GTA 5!" Jack laughed, pulling Mark out of the bedroom and towards the living room.

-time skip a rooni tooni-

"Ha, see, I told you!" Jack was standing on the couch, controller held tightly in his hands.

The 'WASTED' message flashed across Mark's screen as his character's body hit the ground. Jack's character had shot his and he was still crowing at the victory. It had been a tough game, just short of a tie and Mark had fought valiantly, but in the end Jack had been the victor.

"So, where's my victory prize?" Jack asked, dropping back down beside Mark on the couch.

"How about a big wet kiss from your boyfriend?" Mark asked, playfully, pursing his lips and smacking them slightly.

"My boyfriend, huh?" Jack smiled, leaning in so his forehead brushed Mark's. "That's a big word."

"I know it may be too much for your itty bitty brain to comprehend, what with it being a two syllable word, but it's a good one, I promise." Mark replied, playfully.

He gripped the back of Jack's neck tightly, bringing their mouths together again. They tilted their head opposite directions to better slot their mouths together, desperate for any kind of contact they could get. For a long moment, there was only teeth and tongue and roaming hands. Before Jack knew what he was doing he'd dragged Mark into his lap so the smaller man was straddling his hips.

"MY EYES!" A voice broke through their haze, pulling them apart. "FOR FUCK'S SAKE USE MARK'S BEDROOM. I'M GOING TO NEED SO MUCH BRAIN BLEACH. IT BURNS." Matt's voice was loud but playful.

"Don't be a pussy!" Jack shot back, adjusting his hat and offering Mark a warm smile.

Mark flushed, quickly scrambling off Jack's lap and onto the couch, smoothing down his shirt. He tried to look nonchalant but Jack was already laughing and Matt was still moaning about needed brain bleach. After a moment, Mark joined in the laughter, reveling in how good it felt to laugh again.

The guilt was still there and, with each moment he spent being happy, it grew worse and worse. He'd jumped into things quickly with Jack and he hated himself for it. But Jack had to go back to Ireland and Joey had died without knowing he loved him. And Mark would always love Joseph, but he couldn't let what he felt for Jack die, either. He was guilty though, he knew he couldn't avoid it forever. Sooner or later, he would have to face it.

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