13) I'll Take Care Of You (Saying Goodbye)

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1.2k views! I am blown away at how many times this story has been read and I am SO happy you guys are enjoying it! Thank you so much for all of your support and love c:

Also, not my video.


Jack didn't want to leave. Every fiber of his being screamed at him to stay, that he had to stay, that Mark needed him and that leaving now would be the worst mistake of his life. But he had to go. His time was up, he had no more pre-recorded videos, his flight was scheduled and his family was expecting him home tomorrow. There was nothing to be done about it. 

Mark was better, if only just. He still had a long way to go, though. The marks on his chest were all scabbed over, some entirely healed and fading into scars. He'd broken down and explained everything to Jack that first night, sobbing like a baby while he did. It made leaving all the harder, knowing what Mark was going through. But it had to be done. 


The memory of Mark in his arms, sobbing uncontrollably as Jack tried desperately to find somewhere to hold that wasn't burned in some way, on that very first night haunted him. Neither man had slept that night, simply laying awake and listening to one another breathe. 

"Jack?" Mark had finally asked, his voice small and unsure.

"Yes, love?" Jack replied in a whisper.

The night lay over them like a heavy blanket, the only light in the room the glow from Mark's small alarm clock. The silence of the room was oppressive, rather than comforting. There was an unusual stillness outside, the sound of cars and planes and human life had all gone quiet. It felt like the world had faded out and there was only the two of them, wrapped in this tense moment of silence.

"What happens to us when you go back to Ireland?" His voice broke on the last word and the sound hit Jack like a ton of bricks.

"We make it work. We do whatever it takes and we make it work. We fight for it." He angled his head so he was facing Mark, brushing a lock of hair from his eyes. "We stay together. No matter what."

"But it can't last like that forever. You know that." Mark whispered, softly. 

"No, but we can cross that bridge when we get to it." He laughed, though it was humorless. 

"You promise the distance won't ruin us?"

"I promise." Jack vowed. 

And Mark had finally fallen asleep, though Jack hadn't. He was up all night, tossing and turning, his thoughts a mess. Mark was still covered in angry burns and the guilt of it all was eating Jack alive. He should have done something, he should have been better. When dawn came and Mark rolled into his arms, crying out in pain when the movement aggravated his wounds, Jack broke down and sobbed.

The rest of the week had continued in a similar manner. Neither man was sleeping or eating much and Jack had to fight with Mark daily to get him to treat his wounds properly. It was incredibly stressful on both of them, and Jack's upcoming departure did nothing to help matters. The day before he was set to leave for Ireland, he was physically sick twice from worry. He decided, finally, to tell Matt and Ryan.

"Matt, Ryan, can I talk to you in the living room for a minute?" Jack asked, his voice quiet as it carried down the hallway.

Jack had just finished changing Mark's bandages and the smaller man was asleep in bed, his chest and arms covered in white gauze, his face peaceful. Jack had made sure he was fully asleep before leaving and, even then, he returned to check on him half a dozen times before he was confident enough to talk to Matt and Ryan.

"What's up Jack?"

"Yeah, what's going on?" 

Matt and Ryan settled on the couch together, Ryan easily slinging his arm over Matt's shoulders.

"Mark is covered in self inflicted cigarette burns. They're healing and I threw out the rest of his cigarettes but I have to go home tomorrow and can't make sure he's cleaning his wounds and sleeping and eating properly. Would you guys please keep an eye on him? I'll be back in three months after I get all my shit settled back home and I'll be staying for a longer period of time but I can't watch him when I'm not here and he'll lie to me over camera and I can't go home until I know he's safe." The words came out in a rush and Jack cleared his throat. "Damn badgers." 

"Of course we'll watch out for him, Jack." Matt said at once.

"He's our best friend, we'll take good care of him." Ryan replied, squeezing Matt's shoulder.

"Thank you," Jack sighed, a proverbial weight off his chest.

Of course he was still going to worry about Mark, that would never stop. But at least know he knew Mark would be made to eat and sleep and clean his burns. He was grateful to Matt and Ryan for not asking questions.


Jack shook himself out of his reminiscing and smiled sadly at Mark as he continued to pack his suitcase. His body protested his every movement but he forced himself to continue.

"Can't you stay?" Mark asked, his voice vulnerable and small.

"Mark, love, you know I want to. But I have to go home. It's only for three months to give me time to bulk record and get my house and everything settled so I can come back here. I just need to get everything in order and I can't do that from here. You know that." He tucked another shirt into his suitcase, before crossing the room and hugging Mark tightly. "Even if we're worlds away, my feelings for you won't change. You know that, don't you?"

Mark wrapped his arms tightly around Jack, fisting his shirt tightly in his shaking hands. 

"Please don't leave me."

"Mark, I'm not leaving you. This isn't goodbye, this is just I'll see you later. I love you, you know that." Jack whispered, resting his forehead against Mark's temple with a low sigh. "I love you and I'll always come home to you."

"I love you too." He sobbed, hugging himself to Jack's chest. "I love you. Please stay with me. Please."

"Mark, sweetheart, I have to go. I'm sorry." Jack released Mark before zipping his suitcase and moving towards the door. 

"Please!" Mark cried, grabbing the back of Jack's shirt tightly. "Please stay."

"You know I would if I could." Jack replied, turning and giving Mark a fierce and brief kiss. "I will be back. Three little months. That's it. Three months and I'm yours for another six. You can handle three little months, can't you? For me?" He cupped Mark's face in his hands, fighting back tears.

"Yes," Mark replied, mouth trembling. "I can."

"I love you," Jack brushed the hair from his face tenderly. "I'll see you soon."

"See you soon." Mark echoed.

Jack picked up his bags and was gone, just like that.

Matt drove him to the airport and he boarded his plane without incident. The flight was incredibly long and if he cried on the way back well, no one was there to notice but him.

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