16) Where Did I Go Wrong

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"Maybe I should cry for help, maybe I should kill myself." 

Jack's head was pounding and he groaned as he was forced into consciousness. He couldn't open his eyes, but on the bright side that meant he probably wasn't blind. His left arm was tingling, like it was numb but worse because it was beginning to lose feeling. Music was coming from somewhere, the song that had been playing in the car. What had happened? He remembered a car, being happy, and seeing a semi. After that everything went dark and now he was struggling to open his eyes. There was pressure on his chest, not a lot, but enough that he noticed it. The seat belt, maybe?

"Sail with me into the dark, sail with me into the dark, sail with me, sail with me." 

Jack felt like he was sailing, almost. There was this unending kind of light feeling, like he was in a bounce house on the moon. It wasn't an unpleasant feeling, but somehow he knew that he should be alarmed, that, in any other situation, he'd be alarmed. But he wasn't, he was kind of numb, actually. In that tingly way that was kind of like when a limb fell asleep, but without the pain of waking it up.

"Between the line, fear and blame, you began to wonder why you came, where did I go wrong? I lost a friend, somewhere along in the bitterness. And I would have stayed up, with you all night, had I known, how to save a life."

Jack didn't understand why he was so numb. he knew his body shouldn't be numb. That being numb was very bad and that he should panic. But he couldn't. His eyes still refused to open and he started to struggle, or at least, he thought he was struggling. Something tried to resurface, a memory, something important, something dire. Something that sent his heart rate skyrocketing and his blood whooshing in his ears. But what was it? No, not what, who. It was someone he needed to remember.

"Let him know that you know best, cause after all you do know best. Try to slip past his defense, without granting innocence. Lay down a list of what is wrong, things you told him all along. Pray to god he hears you, and I pray to god he hears you." 

"Jack! Fuck, please Jack don't be dead, speak to me, talk to me, Jack, please. Please, baby please I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. God I'm so stupid, I should have been watching the road."

A fuzzy voice penetrated the fog in Jack's mind, catching -and holding- his attention. Jack knew that voice, Jack liked that voice. No, Jack loved that voice. That voice was the reason Jack got out of bed in the morning, it was the reason he was here, wherever here was, it was the reason he needed to fight. He groaned, his entire body protesting as he tried to move. With that one movement the numbness was gone and his entire body erupted in pain. Everything was pain but the strange, faint ringing in his ears that he couldn't place.

Jack didn't realize he was screaming until the voice sounded again, mixing harmoniously with the music still playing from the battered speakers.

"As he begins to raise his voice, you lower yours, grant him one last choice. Drive until you lose the road, or break with the ones you follow. He will do one of two things, he will admit to everything or he'll say he's just not the same and you'll begin to wonder why you came."

"Sean, please. Please come back to me, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." The voice was a sob now.

"Why..?" Was the only word he could push past his unwilling lips.

"The airbag on the passenger side didn't go off. Mine did but yours didn't and the seatbelts are stuck and I'm so sorry Sean." The voice was sobbing again.

"Hurts..." His voice was a pitiful whimper.

"God, I know. I know. The paramedics are on the way baby, they're gonna take care of you, it's gonna be okay. I promise. Can you open your eyes for me?"

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