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"Before any of you speak, I know what I said yesterday. It didn't make sense. So I'm just going to be rude more. Mkay? Now get out of our hang out," Janice demanded. "Who says this is your hangout? It's America and its a free country," Winter spoke out, leaning on the tree. "Or is it not free anymore because you rule it?" I asked, poking my head out towards Janice. "I'll be back," Janice said, stomping her foot and running into the school. Winter held up her hand for a high-five, so I did. "You rule at roasting," Winter spoke out again. I shrugged, and the bell rang. "Guess it is time for Math. See you later?" I asked, smiling. "Nah, I'll come to math with ya," Winter said, following me into the school. "But wouldn't you get in trouble?" I asked. "Nope. I'll tell tot math teach that I was requested to go this morning," Winter said, winking. "Well, Lucas isn't here today and he sits by me. So there is an open spot for ya. Alrighty," I said, heading into the locker room and through the hallway to math. Winter followed.

We got in our seats for math, and Mrs.Young started to teach like always. "Hey—" Winter spoke, leaning close to me. "Winter, if you're going to be in my class you do not talk," Mrs.Young yelled. "I'll tell you at lunch," Winter whispered, opening her textbook. I nodded, and did the assignment on the board.

At lunch, Winter, Grace, and I sat down at a table in the corner of outside to talk. "So what were you going to ask me during Math?" I asked. "If you wanted to ditch school right now," Winter asked, looking at her nails. "Me? Ditch school? Why? Plus I told Lucas I wouldn't," I stated, cocking my head. "Well, Lucas isn't here. We can," Winter said, smiling. I looked at Grace, and noticed she was on the phone distracted by the unpleasant screaming on a game. I nodded, and Winter and I headed behind the school. "Where you wanna go?" She asked, stretching. "Arcade?" I asked. Winter smirked. "Good idea," She said. I smiled, and we both walked away.

After we played the games at the nearby arcade, Winter and I stood near the oak tree until school ended. "Where were you two?" Grace asked, crossing her arms in a manner. "Ditched," Winter spoke, grabbing a gum out of her pocket. "You did what?!" Grace yelled, throwing her arms in the air. "Hey, its alright. I wanted some fun today," I explained to Grace, whom still had her arms up. "Yeah, chill," Winter said, chewing down on the gum and popping a bubble. "Fine. But you know you promise your lover that you wouldn't. If I were you, I'd think before I do," Grace said, glaring. She walked into Bus A1 and Winter and I walked into Bus B3. We sat down, and pulled out our phones. Once I opened Twitter, I saw a text incoming from Grace. I opened it, and saw the message; "I think Winter is a bad influence. You are the girl that I Know of. That wouldn't break school rules, wouldn't disobey. Until Winter came, you've changed. Think, remember, Lucas."

I then started to think what I should text back. "well, Winter is a cool gurl. And she is nice. If you don't enjoy me having another friend also, then don't be mine. I'm sorry, but Winter is my friend too. And I choose what to do. Winter doesn't force me. So, please, Grace. Stop," I texted. There was no response for the whole ride home.

"That's your house?" Winter asked, looking out the window beside me. I nodded, and grabbed my backpack. "Well, see ya tomorrow," Winter said, moving aside for me to get past. I waved, still looking at the text for a response. "Maybe we can ditch again!" Winter yelled, as I stepped out of the bus.

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