Chapter One

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                "Get here right now!" Mother yelled from the den. I was about to get a beating her tone told me that. She practically uses me as her own slave. My brothers and sister get treated perfectly fine. Not me, I can't eat, drink, play with my siblings or even make eye contact with anyone with out permission.

             I slowly crept over to where mother was, I saw her, her face was full of anger. I had seen this face before, and it's not a good one. "Did you take some of your brothers food this morning?" She practically screamed in my ear. I flinched back not replying. "Answer me!" She hissed her voice was firm and strict. She knew how to get to me, and just how tom do it.

            She played stupid little 'games' with me when I was accused for being bad. My family turned against me. All I has left was my father, I rarely saw him. He tried to give me food and stand up for me when mother beats me. "Yes." I reply to mothers question sourly. Mother glared at me "Did I give you permission too?!" She smiled sheepishly and sneered to me. I looked down at my paws "No." I said quickly but then added "But mother I haven't eaten in days!"

          My thoughts were food. How to get it and how to steal it, but mother always caught me, one way or another. She slashed her claw against my muzzle blood dripped down it slowly. This beating hasbarley started. Then she took my face and shoved it in mud, smearing it all over my face. I kept my head inthe pile of mud, if i were to remove it i would get it worse. I held back my anger, and my urge to stand up. I wish life was better. Easier. Funner.

          My father and my mother got along well, but my father started to go on more and more hunting trips. He did not want to have much to do with our family anymore. He grew on, but he didn't kniw anything about mothers sick games. One day when father came home,started fighting. He was trying to explain how mad he was about the way she treated up. But oh boy, he didnt even have a idea how bad it could get. Mother was going to kill me at the end. 

         She looked at me and smiled horribly. She can over to me and whispered in my ear "When he leaves, oh boy you will get it!" She made a hissing sound into my ear. Here I'm known as a slave my mother and brothers they all make me do their part of their chores. My sister cared fir me though, she tried her hardest. Mother had some friends, but again I was not allowed to talk to them. I could'nt tell them about her abusive ways. And even if i did, she would figure out.

         Night drifted fast mother called to me, it was dawn. The sun was just setting at the East. I wanted to watch it but I knew it was my time for mother to beat me, now that father went out hunting. She looked at me her bloodshot eyes were horrible. I had never seen them this bad. She narrowed her eyes into slits and started to smiled. Not a good smile and evil, scary and freaky kind of smile. The smile she has when she has made up a new 'game' to play with me. She sneered and circled around me, her tail up high. I was scared as could be, her 'games, got worse and worse as the older I got. This 'game' is not going to be a good one.

         She looked up at the tree "Climb it!" She ordered with a bit of integrity in her voice. I looked up at the tree, it was big but it couldn't be hard to climb. I went over to the tree, the roots were soft it was a birch tree. It was soft so I started to climb, just as mother ordered. I sunk my claws into the tree pulling my self up by a thick branch on the bottom. I started to climb then looked down at mother. "Keep going!" She had no emotion in her voice except for a mad and angry hiss.

        I kept going, again just as she said the bark was getting harder at the top and the branches got thinner. I wanted to scream, she knows I hate heights. I couldn't see her, I was so high up I wanted to just fall. "Now come down!" She said hissing again. I widened my eyes, going down is even harder. I slowly pulled my self down the tree I was at the last branch, I was going to slide down the branch when mother yelled. "Stop!"

       Her voice had confusion and confidence in it. I stopped firmly right where I was. She came up the tree and grabbed my paw pulling me down the tree. She just pushed me off. She had let go of me and slammed me to the ground. My back hurt my eyes were closed I think I had blacked out. Did mother do this on purpose? I think so, she had grabbed my paw and pulled me downpushing me off clearly.

        I opened my eyes to my father. He was sitting above me his head bobbing above me. "What happened?" He sounded sad and disappointed. He hissed "Did she do this to you?" He had started to reject my mother and call her she instead of her real name which was Leopard. Only because she was spotted and yellow.

       I responded to his question in a nod. "That's what I thought. Now let's get you up and get you home. How that sound?" I really did not want to go home but I needed to know "Where's Mother?" I ask looking around trying to find her. He frowned "She went back to the den, now come on let's go." He flicked his tail and I laid on my belly struggling to get up.

       Why was father home already? He was supposed to be out hunting. I shook my head clearing thoughts. My flush forest green eyes were dull, i have been up all day. I got up early to do chores, and then mothers games are even worse.

        I finally get up and a sharp pain shoots through my whole body. I struggle the pain just got worse and worse 'what's wrong with me?' I thought in my head. I started to panic 'am I going to die?'

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31, 2016 ⏰

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