Chapter 3

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Dan dashes across the street, his converse-clad feet splashing in puddles. His socks are getting kind of wet. The rain has flattened his hair, and it flops across his forehead, gathering water which drips onto his nose. The collar of his denim jacket is turned up, and his green scarf is wrapped tightly around neck, shielding him from the cold wind nipping at every inch of his exposed skin.

He makes it to the bus stop just as the bus is pulling away. The next one isn't for another 20 minutes. He was supposed to meet Steph at 2:30, and it's already ten past. She is going to kill him. He sits on the bench, out of the wind and rain, pulls out his phone and wipes the cracked screen, thinking of how to break the news to his best friend.

To: Steph

im uh... running late... sorry.

From: Steph

thats okay! i'm gonna be late too, don't worry x

To: Steph

steph!? late!? who are you and what have you done to steph!?! (see you later)

Dan chuckles at his own stupid joke, and puts his phone away. Someone sits beside him, but he ignores them. He glances up at the timetable impatiently, then pulls out his phone and checks the time. He slides it back in his pocket. Someone taps him on the shoulder. He turns and sees a girl of 18 or 19 sitting next to him. She smiles shyly and says something quietly.

"Sorry?" Dan asks, looking confused.

"Are you actually Dan Smith, or just do you just look like him?" She repeats, slightly louder this time.

"Yeah, I'm actually Dan!" He grins.

"Oh wow! Could I get a photo? I'm a really big fan!" The girl asks excitedly, smiling at him.


As the girl pulls her phone out she introduces herself.

"I'm Beth, I'm 20... God, it's so cool to meet you!" As she rambles on, Dan gets a closer look at her, wondering if this could be the Beth that sent him the letters. He thinks back to the two letters he'd read, but doesn't think she ever mentioned living in London. She had brown eyes, unruly brunette hair and pale skin, as if she didn't go outside much. A few freckles were sprinkled on her nose, a reminder of how hot the recent summer had been, a bright contrast to today's dull weather.

She was still talking, "I've been watching a lot of old TV shows recently. I was up till like two in the morning watching Twin Peaks and-"

"Twin Peaks?" Dan interrupts, "That's cool," he grins. "Where are you up to?"

And just like that, the two of them became friends.

When the bus pulls in, Dan stands up.

"Well... I guess this is where we give each other our numbers and say bye?" He asks.

"Oh, I'm catching this bus too!" Beth laughs, standing as well.

The two of them buy their tickets and make their way to the back of the bus, where they continue discussing movies and books.

As Dan speaks, Beth puts her number in his phone, and sends herself a text so she has his number too.

"Where are you headed?" Dan asks Beth.

"Oh, just home... I needed to buy some stuff." She points to her bag, which is filled with plastic bags, containing a mix of items.

"Would you like to join me for coffee? I feel as though a ten minute bus ride isn't enough for such a complex conversation," Dan speaks up.

letters to dan // dan smithWhere stories live. Discover now