1 • Marinette

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Why, oh why, oh why, oh why....
Do I always have to be late for school???
Oh, wait, that's because I'm Ladybug.
But how would I ever explain that to the teacher who would be scowling as I sneak into the classroom, knock over someone's bag, trip over Chloe's leg, and crash right into my seat before the teacher tells me off, or even worse, sends me to the principal's office?
Oh the excuses I would have to make.
I can just imagine it telling her my real secret:
"Oh um, miss? I'm sorry I'm late again but it isn't my fault I'm Ladybug and out to save everyone from akumas with my magical yo-yo and then do tons of homework before I fall asleep on my desk."
I would get at least a weeks' detention before my parents shout at me in saying that I'd be grounded for failing my grades.
I sigh. The misery...
I sprint up the stairs towards the entrance of College François Dupont. As I collapse into the seat beside Alya, which was (not to mention), right in front of my all time biggest crush, the teacher notices my entrance, but doesn't even stop to turn around and properly scold me. Instead, she just mutters what sounded like,
"Why are you always late Marinette?"
Alya, overhearing, just simply shook her head at me, giving me a weird look.
"Girl girl girl, what's up with you these days... Actually, now that I think about it, what's up with you every day? I mean, this is at least the 50th time you've been late this year."
I returned her comment with a tired groan.


Maths class.
The class I've been dreading the most.
We had sat a test last week that I had been really nervous about, especially since I had just recently beforehand had to save Paris once again from an akuma. It was getting tiring sometimes, but the during that test, I had been wiped out and I couldn't seem to focus. The test was worth 15% of our grade for the entire year. Now I sat, worried as hell about my mark.
The teacher came around to my desk, a frown on her face, and was just about to hand me my test when the principal made an announcement over the speakers.
"Sorry for this interruption, but on this Thursday night, we have decided to throw a special party in the honour of Ladybug and Chatnoir. It has been nearly a year since these two heroes showed up and saved Paris from the first villan from our school."
I see out of the corner of my eye Ivan blush and shift uncomfortably in his seat.
"The dance will commence at 1700 and end at 2300. All student's parents will get emailed about this and it will be held in the gym. There will be a king and queen chatnoir and ladybug winners for the most well-dressed couple. The condition for dress is formal-wear, and since it is a masquerade ball and all students will require a mask. Thank you for listening and I hope you will enjoy the rest of your day."
I screamed silently in my head. This end-of year party sounded like just the thing to calm and let loose my hair. So much had been going on this year, and I think I just really needed something fun to look forward to, unwind and relax.
When the speaking had stopped, everyone went back to their business... And the teacher plopped the test on my desk.
"I'm disappointed Marinette." The teacher murmured, shaking her head.
I stare at the score. 46%
I groan yet again and press my forehead to the table, sighing in defeat.
Chloe, unfortunately saw me, stood up and banged her hand against my table while the teacher's back was turned. That stunned me almost out of my seat.
"Hope you got a 1% for effort!" Smirked Chloe, " oh, oops, wait... You didn't even put any effort into it."
I badly wanted to wipe that smirk clean off her mean little make up covered face. I glared at her.
"And what did you get? A dogs breakfast perhaps?" I shot back. Since this was maths class, me and Alya sat in separate seats away from each other, leaving me to fend for myself.
"My, my, my!" Chloe put on a mock expression of shock, "Who messed up your hair today? Oh wait, It already is! Use your eyes!" She shoved her test practically into my face.
At first, I frowned because my eyes didn't adjust well to the sudden closeness of the paper and words scrambled along the page, but when they did focus, my mouth fell open...
"Chloe! You got 100% ??!!"
She smirked.
"Who's test is a dog's breakfast now? Hey?"
"Hey leave her alone Chloe, you don't need to rub your ego in her face" a new voice that I instantly recognised spoke up. I could already feel the blush creeping up my cheeks as I looked back in front of me where Adrien sat. An annoyed frown crossed his face, something that I rarely saw.
For a second I watched the expression on Chloe's face turn to uncertainty, then annoyance as she huffed and pointed her dainty nose in the air. "Whatever."
Then the school bell rang, its loud clanging disrupting the tension between us.
"Alright class! Don't forget to get your parents to sign your tests! And make sure you don't forget about the dance!"
I quickly pack my things and made my way to the entrance of the school,then outside into the shivering air that came with Autumn, perfect to suit my current mood.


"Marinette! I'm so disappointed with you!!" My mama said in her  'I'm—very—disappointed—with—you—Marinette voice.'
I felt my face going hot.
"Darling, I'm sorry to have to do this to you, but you are grounded for a whole week starting from now."
"But Ma-" I was cut off.
"No buts. If you can't pass high school, then I'll never forgive myself. Oh, and Marinette..."
"Yes?" I grumble, halfway up the steps to my bedroom, where I wanted to vent out my frustration that was starting to boil up inside me. Jeez, it's not my fault I was destined to be Paris's greatest superhero.
"I'm also sorry, but because of your grades, you'll have to miss the ball at school."
I couldn't take anymore as I shut out all of her other words from my head and ran up, opening my trapdoor and slamming it down after me, hard as I could
Tikki flew out of my pink purse as I collapse onto my bed. My face muffled in the pillow.
"Marinette, you really need to get yourself together and sort everything out." She advised.
I just groaned.
Suddenly, my phone started going crazy, the loud ringtone of an incoming phonecall.
I rolled off my bed and glanced at it. Alya. I should've expected my best friend to try and cheer me up after an incident with Chloe involved.
Accepting the call, Alya's comforting voice rang out immediately after.
"Hey girl! Could I come over to cheer you up after Chloe's little outburst between you girls? You were looking pretty dumped on the way home."
I sigh.
"Alya, You can't. My ma's grounded me for a week. Which means I'll be missing out on the freaking ball! How unfair is that? I've been under a lot of stress lately, I don't know how to balance it out, and I thought the ball would be a nice place to, you know, let off some stress with fun." I admitted sadly, though talking to Alya did seem to help improve the burden on my shoulders the lightest bit.
"WHAT?!!" Alya's voice came screaming back at me. So loud that I'm pretty sure my mama heard it.
"What's going on up there Marinette? Are you ok?" Yells my ma.
"Everything's fine mum!" I answer, quickly covering the phone.
Smooth. Real smooth Alya.
Alya's voice came back on.
"Ya know, I think you might need my support and I know just the way to do it." She says, now her voice back to its usual sound level.
Soon, I hear someone knocking the door.
My mum calls,
"Marinette! It's Alya! She's coming up to help you with your maths homework!"
"Kay!" I call back down. Clever Alya, always finds a way to get around the problem. My mum couldn't turn down the offer of Alya tutoring me on my work, especially the maths.
I hear Alya's footsteps as she goes up the steps and appears out of the trapdoor, then walks across towards me.
I immediately grab the chance to embrace her in a hug.
"Oh Alya, I'm so glad you're here!" I cry.
"Good." She says, a mischievous glint in her eye. "I have a plan but you might not be a big fan of what I'm gonna say..."

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