32 • Tikki (UNEDITED)

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I opened my eyes to darkness.
I was in a room, it was dark, and I could feel the darkness shrouding the space like a cloak.
It was too dark to make out anything, but my mind could figure out one thing.
This was hawkmoth's lair.
I think I was on the ground, propped up in a corner, but I couldn't feel anything against my back.
Slowly, I floated up.
As soon as I did, a large window started opening itself up, revealing faint outline of a rough butterfly on the round glass.
Panicking white butterflies scattered into flight, fading away from the light. Causing several of them to bump into me, making me unstable in my hovering, and also making me loose height in the air.
I cry out several times until the swarm calmed down
"Ahh, I see that our favourite little kwami has finally woken up."
I gasped, turning around.
"Hawkmoth." I said, not being able to keep the fear out of my voice.
He wore his black suit, the purple mask covering his entire face except for his mouth and eyes. He was leaning on his cane lightly, not really putting any pressure on it, and his miraculous sat in the centre of his chest.
I sensed Nooroo's presence nearby, but the purple kwami was nowhere to be seen, he had to have already transformed.
He laughed, a cold, evil laugh that echoed across the room.
"Welcome to my lair. Don't you just love it?"
"We—we're not afraid of you, Hawkmoth." I stuttered, my tiny high—pitched voice not sounding very brave unfortunately, "ladybug and Chatnoir will find you, they will come and defeat you one day."
Hawkmoth only laughed again, a dangerous gleam in his eye.
"Maybe... If they are still capable of doing so. They are already falling into my trap, you see. Your miraculous holder—she is weak. Soon, she will give in, and so will that Black Cat."
"Master fu chose wisely. They are strong, stronger than you think. They are persistent, don't underestimate your opponents Hawkmoth!"
"Oh but aren't they all. My plan will not fail. I have a feeling that they are already foolish enough to come after you, my dear Tikki. And when they do, I will be ready."
"They're too smart for that, they wouldn't come after a useless kwami like me."
But inside, I knew that Marinette would do so, such a stubborn girl with good intentions, but intentions that would be potentially dangerous to her and her partner if done.
"Now you are overestimating your holder little kwami, the girl is cursed, and if she doesn't hand her miraculous, she'll hand in her life and if she doesn't come, which is a likely possibility, I will be taking extreme measures to ensure that Paris will be in ruins."

So basically, this is like a part 2 to the previous chapter, hence why it is so short.
Hope you enjoyed,

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