27 • Alix (UNEDITED)

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Before you begin complaining, just sayn', but Alix is one of my favourite characters and I feel like as if maybe.... Well, get a chapter dedicated to her. Also, I'll be adding a more interesting background and personality towards her in the story.

"Hey shortie! I bet you on dare that I can figure out Ladybug's identity before you do." Kim's taunting voice echoed over my head.
I swirled around, in my seat, furious that he was still going on with his stupid dares even after what I just did to Chloe when I realised that the library had gone completely quiet.
"Oh will you just shut up for one moment?" I retorted, standing up and packing away my things. Kim looked slightly surprised for some odd reason, putting his feet down off the table straightening up from his slouched position, taking the pen out of his mouth.
"What's up with you today?"
I just glared at him.
"Nothing you need to worry about."
I clenched my fists and walked out of the library, but when i turned the corner, safe from his line of sight, I leaned against the wall, my head on its surface, slouched and sighed.
In reality, I didn't know how to answer his question. It was impossible really, and it was only because my life was already so complicated. I missed Jalil , and I wished I had never chosen to give in to Kim's infuriating taunts about my height. I didn't usually snap like that, but it felt good to be doing something to take my mind off my mother... Like giving Chloe a good shove. Something she deserved.
I twisted around my arm and checked the time.
8:30 .
Another 15 minutes more of miserable waiting.
I huffed, bored, but not wanting to move. I closed my eyes.
Silence slowly seemed to stuff up all the empty space around me. No shuffles of footsteps, no movement coming down the end of the hallway, no flipping of pages coming out of the library, not even any murmurs of gossip or rumour.
Just quiet.
My eyelids reopened.
Bit by bit, I felt a little creeped out, straining my ears for sound. Any sound. Anything to cut through the the almost tangible tension that was building up from the pure silence.
But no, nothing.
I shifted on the spot, the scraping sound of my shoes suddenly seeming like thunder, loud against the quietness.
A cold wind picked up down through the hall, meeting my expectations by ruffling some strewn papers hung up on the wall. At least some form of noise.
The cold wind came again, biting at my skin, and surprising me with its level of frostiness. I shivered, but not only out of the cold. There was something sinister about this, I just couldn't figure out what it was.
I pushed myself off the wall, spinning around in a 360° circle on the spot, trying to get a full view of the scene.
What was happening?
I wanted to open my mouth—to speak, to scream out something, see if there was anyone else out there, or if I was suddenly deaf, but some inner self-conscious told me to think better of it. So I clamped my mouth shut.
After another couple of minutes, I knew that something was wrong, and I begin to doubt myself. I was just being stupid right now. I should probably be moving, heading to class. But really, I know that there would be something dark, something dangerous probably just hanging behind the next corner.
I bit my lip, thinking of the pros and cons of my current situation.
Pro: I would prove to myself that there is (probably) nothing there.
Con: if there was anything out there, it would probably do whatever to me in an instant.
Pro: I could find out why it's so quiet.
Con: like any good horror movie, it's best to trust your own instincts. It could be an akuma attack.
Pro: I would be early to class?
I almost laughed at my last thought. I didn't know if I would count that as a pro or a con.
Though the cons definitely outweighed the pros in common sense, I knew that if this was an akuma attack, there would probably be some sort of noise of Chatnoir or Ladybug trying to fight it, and that I should be seeking somewhere to hide.
But I knew I couldn't always just rely on that.
The last time I did that, I got zapped into Reflekta, by Reflekta.
I finally took a deep breath, and then poked my head around the corner of the library door.
A ribbon shot past at my face and I ducked back, it was followed with the sound of a camera clicking.
I need to move.
So I ran.
I knew that I would be way faster if I had my skates on, but one, it would probably be hard to manoeuvre through the hallways, and two, I didn't have them on in the first place. Plus, if this was not an akuma attack and the teachers caught me, I would probably get detention. Though I doubt that it wasn't an akuma attack.
Another ribbon flew past my ear, and ran harder. I couldn't bear to turn my head around to assess the threat—I didn't have time. Right now, it seemed like every second I wasted on this may give away to being caught...or whatever else this villain might do to me.
Come on, Paris' greatest heroes, where the hell are you?
I skidded around a corner—then another.
Up ahead of me was a door, I ran head on into it, shoving it open with my shoulder at the last moment, leaving me with a good bruise on my shoulder that I have a feeling I'll later regret.
I shoved the door closed after me, and dashed over to the other side of the room, flinging open another back exit door and sprinting out towards the nearest staircase.
The muscles in my legs started to burn and a stitch at my side started to form, but I pushed myself harder, knowing that I needed to get away from whatever this threat was.
There was the sound of another camera click, close behind, followed by another ribbon and an after-flash.
How did it catch up to me so fast?
My heart was in my throat as I almost tripped down the stairs, running across the gymnasium clearing to the other side. Only after shoving myself inside a classroom and blocking the door shut with a chair did I realise how hard I was panting. The classroom suddenly seemed smaller, my breathing louder and faster. Then I closed my eyes and bobbed down onto my knees, leaning my head against the wall and closing my eyes to catch my breath.
As my breathing slowed down, a chill settled over me.
I felt like as if someone was staring at me, stalking me, so I forced my eyes open.
I was tired, oh so tired all of a sudden.
I wanted to sleep, to drown myself in the mass of ribbons curled around me.
But before I did, I got a clear view of what had happened to all the students in the school.
And who did this to them.

Every single student was suspended in time, eyes wide and mouths open in horror before getting wrapped up with ribbons—something I regret doing to Chloe.
And each and every on of them were fading away, bit by bit, every ribbon attached to them trailed behind Chloe, attached to her as well, as if she was sucking the life force out of them.

Done! Exactly 1300 words! Hope that it makes up for my short chapter last week!
Also, a well-deserved shoutout to UltimateStoryGeek ! Thanks so much for your inspiring comments and support! If you luckybugs haven't already, go read her 'Ladynoir One Shots' book!
Anyway, vote, comment, and I hope you enjoyed!

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