11 • Chloe

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    I stared at the pathetic girl with complete disgust. Marinette was lying, wasn't she? She was lying. She had to be lying... Adrien was mine, and mine alone. There was no way that he'd... he'd betray me like that! Especially for this, worthless, unpopular, snitch of a girl!
    I had everything! She had nothing! I had the looks, I had the beauty, I had the popularity! She was nothing compared to me.
    So why...?
    Why was I feeling like this? Why was I still doubting myself, still trying to convince myself she was lying?
    Why did I feel like all my walls had been ripped down?
    I'd gotten better and better at hiding it over the years, knowing exactly how to control my complexion and my tears.
   But I could feel the sting in my eyes right now, the one of true pain and hurt.
    I remember once Sabrina had asked me how I could cry on will, especially when I tried to convince daddy to do things for me. Of course, I just shoved her face out of my personal space and told her to mind her own damn business, but I already knew my own answer.
    There's always been an emptiness in my heart.
    And Adrien Agreste was the only one to ever come close to filling it.
    Sadness follows me like a cloud. I've tried to hide it, I've tried to keep it in, but if I didn't direct it out, it would always come back.
    Maybe that's why so many people don't want to be friends with me.
    Oh great, just what I needed — for the stupid little worm to see my weakness. My vulnerability.
"Chloe?" Sabrina this time.
My gaze slowly cleared, and I tilted my head so that I could angle both of the girls into my view. The dark haired pigtails and bright red bob now were in my line of sight. I took a deep breath in, hauling, reining all my anger into a tight little bundle and brought it back. My hands fisted, clenching so tight they shook.
"Liar." I whispered, my voice almost a growl. "Snitch. Slug. W****. Freak."
I could see Marinette's eyes widen, and satisfaction swirled inside of me at the sight of her defeat.
But my hands continued to shake, and my heart pounded in my chest when I gazed over the red handprint left on her cheek.
Did I do that?
     Never mind. Ignore.
     "Yes Chloe?" She asked, as obeying as ever.
      "Begin putting stage two into action."


    I screwed the lid back onto the mascara tube. A small dab of lip gloss had been reapplied, and the tears had been wiped away.
    I did not feel guilt. I was not ashamed.
    But I refused to look towards the locked bathroom door.
    "Mirelle? Are you ready?" I asked, my eyes steady on the mirror. No flaws, no scrapes. I was perfect. I am perfect.
    "Oh, yes Chloe! You're sure Adrien won't mind, will you?" My eyes flickered to the girl behind me, her hair done up and make-up applied. Earrings, dress and everything else. She looked exactly like the cowering girl I knew was in that bathroom stall. Adrien wouldn't notice a thing.
    "Remember, it's just a prank, nothing to worry about." I spun around, and grabbed her shoulder, my nails slightly digging in. "Just do your part, and I'll do mine."
    The eager girl nodded furiously, and then gave me a reassuring smile. "Don't you worry Chloe! It's an honour!"
    She was meek, and she was shy at first, but as soon as I told her about Adrien, she lit up and changed completely. I spent ages getting ready for this, it took hours of my precious time to find a girl in our year who looked similar to Marinette. As soon as I had heard that my Adrikins had agreed to be her partner for the dance, my fury had bubbled into insane levels. I only had one goal from there on: Take. Marinette. Down.
   "Go on then, and get your own damn personal space." I glared, when I realised how close she was to me.
    She was quick to scurry and soon, we were leaving Marinette behind and followed Mirelle into the crowds. I posed at my position near the stage and Sabrina took up her spot at my side. "Dunce, you were supposed to check that Rossi's doing her job!" I hissed, glaring daggers at her.
    Sabrina shrunk back, and then pointed a finger up to make her point, "erm, actually Chloe, you never told me to—"
    "Well now I have, and I have no idea whose side Lila is on right now, and so that means that you may have to do the job for her." I gritted the words out, daring her to challenge me.
    "Alright Chloe." Sabrina murmured, and went off.
    Within seconds, the gymnasium lights suddenly blinked back on, flooding the room with light.
    Several cries rang out, shock and relief flooding through, and some people were blinded by the bright. I smiled, knowing hat things were playing out in my way.
    The microphone was tapped, and feedback rang throughout the hall. The piercing squeal shut everyone up real quick, after a couple of uncomfortable groans. "Well, students, we deeply apologise for the technical difficulties we have received the duration of this event, and I hope you have all been able to forgive us for our tardiness. But now that we have the lights back on, everything is underway once more." It was Mdm. Bustier that spoke, and then she stopped and looked towards the crowd. "I'll hand this back over to monsieur Damocles."
    "Thank you for your cooperation tonight, and although we've received some unexpected surprises, let it not get in the way of our festivities tonight." He paused. "We will come straight back to announcing the results for the best dressed individual of the night. Adrien Agreste, may you please make your way back onto the stage?"
    A couple of shuffles, then the crowd parted. Adrien was not in the crowd.
    "Désolé monsieur Damocles!" A voice shouted in apology. Adrien appeared from the backstage. "I was busy attending to the situation with the lights." He explained, looking somewhat flustered.
    He took his place back at the front, and then gestured for the principal to continue.
    "Thank you. Now, for tonight's best dressed female goes to... Marinette Dupain-Cheng!"
     Applause sounded, and smiles were shared with some frowns. But I knew better, because I'd made sure that Marinette was picked by putting in thirty extra votes for her. Under different names, of course.
    My little pawn made her way up to the stage, a confident and knowing grin on her face. A glint was present in her eyes as she walked, happiness clear in her features.
    She was a natural when vying for attention.
    Her heels clicked onto the wooden stage and as the announcements were made, she grinned at Adrien. I rolled my eyes and continued to glare at her.
    "Congratulations Marinette." Ms, Bustier said.
    "Thank you." She replied, but faltered at the end. I continued to watch her every move.
    "Hey Adrien?"
    "Yes Marinette?"
    Mireille twirled her hair. "I was thinking, date at Notre Dame midday tomorrow?"
Now, to backstab Marinette.

This chapter is especially dedicated to Adrienette4Life , for being a fantastic commenter and wishing you a late happy birthday!
Thanks for all the support, I'm absolutely ecstatic for over 700 reads and rising (2016)

(2018 Edit): Haha... now I'm at 72k... Thank you all.
HL🐞 out!

Miraculous Ladybug: Destiny [UNDER SERIOUS EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now