20 • Adrien (UNEDITED)

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Okay, here she is! What do ya guys think? I know that the golden swirls on the outfit aren't very visible, but you can sort of imagine them coming down from her left shoulder. Also, mini spoiler: she's not fully an akuma, yet, she's not a miraculous holder either!

"Your deal, Adrien. I trust you to keep your word." The blonde interrupted me.
I slowly pulled away from Marinette. The look she gave me was uncertain and almost shattered my heart, trembling lips and tear-edged bluebell eyes that were filled to the brim with worry.
"I'll be back my princess."
"I really do hope so mon chat." she farewelled.
A camera click totally ruined the moment when squealing happened soon after.
"Adrienette has sailed! Nicknames, you serious!? Girl, this has finally worked! You don't know how happy I am right now for you!! Yeeeeeeeeeeek!" Alya squeals.
Marinette gave her a glare, but I could see the small twitching of a smirk playing at the corner of her pink lips.
Alya smiled sheepishly, then swung an arm over a grinning Nino and gave him a small peck on the cheek.
Marinette's eyes widened and I felt my own smile beginning to form.
"Alya! Are you really getting together with Nino now?! I'm so happy for you! You guys so are great together!!"
"Yeah, congrats bud!" I added to her statement.
"Thanks dude, at the celebration last night, we had a little more chat time, and you know, sorted some things out."
"Aww..." A familiar voice broke in. All gazes snapped to The Forgotten Butterfly, who had her hands clasped together near her right hand shoulder in a star struck pose, a cheesy grin plastered on.
Marinette raised an eyebrow.
"What? They're so cute together, like you and Adrien," she stated, flicking her hair over her shoulder, "and besides, even villains can say yes to cuteness, right?"
Alya stared at her weirdly, then went back to looking at Nino with a smile over her face.
"I guess?" Marinette said, giving her a strange look.
"Okay, now that you've said your farewells, we'll be leaving. Ta-Ta!" She cried out, suddenly grabbing onto me, jerking me towards her. A purple sheen of smoke quickly appeared, swirling around us.
"No!" A distant voice that belonged to Marinette called out. It echoed around me, lingering sorrow and a hint of loss.
A sense of movement motioned around.
Slowly, the voice faded away, leaving me feeling slightly empty, for whatever reason.
"Ignore the emptiness." Forgotten butterfly's flat voice advised.
The purple mist faded away quickly and suddenly, catching me unaware and toppling forwards, flailing my arms around in hope of balance, however, the blonde villain, who was obviously used to this, casually walked past, not bothering to help. 
Once I regained my senses, I looked around, finding myself outside the town hall.
"Where is she?" The forgotten butterfly asked. Back facing me.
"No one's in close range to hear us. Drop the act Cassandra." I said, my face settling into it's practised mask, no emotion.
"Don't call me that!" She gritted through her teeth, she whipped around to turn to me.
"You know just as well as I do that you never intended to team up with Hawkmoth. I know you didn't, because, in reality, you're still stuck behind that barrier around your mind." I commented, avoiding her gaze.
"Well then, if we ought to catch up on long lost days, then we'd better move to another place, somewhere where he can't hear us."
"He?" I asked, "you can do that now?" I leaned against a cold, metal lamp post, casually tucking my hands into the pockets of my jeans.
"Yes, while you were away, improving your wits and knowledge, my power has been increasing in strength." Cassandra stalked towards me, stopping a metre away from my position.
"I guess not seeing each other for nine years really does effect you."
"I'm surprised you still remember." she stated, fingering a loose strand of her golden-blonde hair.
"How could I forget? After all, you did a good job of fooling me and mistaking you as your sister." I warily lingered my gaze on her as she started circling around me and the lamp post.
"Hmm... So you did figure it out." She vanished from the spot I kept my gaze on earlier in a could of dark purple smoke and reappeared only centimetres next to me, hair dangling precariously close to my face. I could feel her hot breath on my cheeks.
I kept my face straight, but allowed a slight smirk to play on my lips.
"Ofcourse I did, Chloe Jr." I pressed an index finger on the bridge of her nose, pushing her away.
"Don't play with me kitty-cat." She vanished again, the misty smoke making my eyes water slightly.
"You have no right to call me that, only Marinette has it." The smirk vanished from my face, evidence of it ever being there erased.
She rematerialised three metres to my right.
"Ah, I still envy your poker face, the ability to wipe emotions away... It's skilful, probably comes naturally when the girls start swooning." Her tone sickly sweet.
"I may have a fan club, but I'm already taken so they can back off. Also, for your information, I practically practise it in my sleep." I smiled, but behind it, was a threat.
"Not to worry hon, I don't plan on taking your precious 'bugaboo', you guys are just too cute together. Besides, I wouldn't want to ruin your hard-worked-for love square."
"You would make good friends with Alya." 
"Her mother works as the head chef for 'Grand Paris Hotel' right? A woman who's as sweet as her pastries."
"Right, now that we've caught up with a lovely talking session, down to the more important matters, shall we?" I asked, raising an eyebrow to emphasise my point.
"Right, hopefully you won't fall again for this." She walked up to me grabbing me by the hand this time.
"I never did any falling. The definition of falling and stumbling are quite different." I rolled my eyes.
"Riiigggghhhhttt...." She dragged out her words rolling her eyes along with mine as the now familiar smoke recirculated around us.
Once it cleared away again, blinding white light made my eyes wince and water until they adjusted.
Everything was white.
It reminded me of the time when I got photographed into the same photo with Chloe by the Pixelator.
Cassandra stood by my side, out of the outfit and instead, settling for a simple pair of jeans, violet T-shirt and a small denim jacket, her eyes now a brilliant emerald green. 
She made an upwards motion with her hands.
Two chairs, both splashed with a vibrant shade of green moulded themselves out of the floor, a small coffee table in a shade of yellow following suite.
"Take a seat."
I walked over the the couch-like chairs picking the one on the right-hand side. She took the left.
"I'm guessing that your friends don't fully know about you, am I correct?" She started off.
"Planning to tell Marinette about our history soon."
"I'm fine with that, but really, when did you get your beautiful ring? Crafted from hands skilled in magic, I can feel the ancient power of the miraculous in it. From Ancient China I assume?" She pulled out a certain silver ring from her jacket pocket and started fingering the smooth edges.
"Reality? I never knew, it was given to me anonymously, appeared when the first akuma struck, but I would like it back now."
"Sorry, can't do that, if I do, then you won't be able to leave this place. It defies the laws of magic, only the owner can carry magic to this dimension."
"Fine, as long as I do get it back."
"That reminds me, Marinette does have hers back I presume?"
"Good, so remind me, why did you come back?"
"Hey, Paris in the other dimension was pretty nice, but, I felt something, gut feeling told me that I needed to come back, however many terrible memories get reignited."
"So tell me, straightforward and honest. Why?"
Her eyes hardened.
"Destiny gave me a Prophecy."
"You're not making much sense, but, go on."
"It came to me in a dream. Not so much of a prophecy as a riddle:
The invisible feelings begin to topple over the edge
With this, brings you a privilege.
Black butterflies begin to hack,
In power he grows, to order attack.
Ghosts from the past, haunt and bring pain,
But over that, no more obstacles to gain.
If a hero at the heart,
The test will bring the part,
Destiny defeats the corrupt,
Or the endless dark reign will erupt.
When black blood is shed,
Evil will be dead." She finished.
"Definitely a riddle." I commented, thinking hard.
"Sometimes I wonder how I still remember it. I've been sending out shadows, trying to find you for a week, staying in the streets of Paris."
"Have you really been staying out on the streets? And wait, you can work with shadows? What the hell are you talking about?" I asked.
"Well, you already know that I'm not exactly your every day average girl—I'm special, and not in the mummy and daddy kind of special, but I can use telekinesis, teleportation, illusions, dimension intercrossing and a tiny bit of mind reading... Basically magic—I'm still trying to get used to the latter though, it's tricky, mind reading. But I can do it."
"You didn't answer my question."
"Right, let's put it this way; I can create illusions out of the shadows that can act as my messengers and information gatherers. Also, yeah, I guess being missing for eight years really does have an impact on if you have a place to stay or not. "
I started getting worried for her—I mean, if she has nowhere to stay...
"I'll be fine Adrien. I've already gotten used to it, but right now, there are more important matters at hand than your concern for my health." She said, as if reading my mind... Or literally.
I pursed my lips.
"Fine." I replied grudgingly.
I sighed.
"Do you think that you could write it down for me?" I asked, reaching into my pocket, seeing if there was any spare paper.
"I'll do better."
She reached over and grabbed my other hand.
A turmoil of images flashed into my mind, and I winced at the impact. But after a couple of seconds, my sight came back to me and the riddle was clearly imprinted into my mind.
Gasping at the shock, I stabled myself with an arm on the chair's armrest.
"Thanks... I guess."
"No probs."
"Wow you say it so casually."
"I guess I'm used to it."
"I kinda figured."
"What do you think the first line means?" Cassandra asked, tapping on her chin in thought.
"'Invisible feelings begin to topple over the edge' could refer to you."
"Yeah I guess."
"After all, it does say 'brings you a privilege.' I mean, you did just give me the prophecy/riddle."
I twiddled my fingers.
"So you partnered up with Hawkmoth? Why?"
The question caught her off guard and she slowly turned her gaze to me, which was filled with a slight anger.
"The reasons I told to Alya were true, Chloe is a demon after all. His akuma attacked me right after I came back, but I managed to block his control on me to do his bidding out afterwards."
"Good thinking."
"Unfortunately, I'm still not able to block out his power over me, the feeling of enhanced anger, or to be able to overhear conversations unless I'm in here."
"That's just too bad, but anyway, since our conversation is basically over, I'll go call ladybug to come over and get rid of the akuma. Sound good?"
"Yeah thanks,"
She clicked her fingers and everything disappeared in a cloud of smoke. The scenery soon changed back to the town hall, Cassandra back in her spandex.
"Here's the object. Come to back me soon. Find today me revenge inside evil hall Chloe at bedroom eight." She whispered, passing the cold round metal circle to my hand.
"You are making no sense." I smiled, remembering our secret code that we made up as kids.
She smiled back and winked before vanishing in the familiar purple mist.
"Thanks." I murmur to the cold air, tracing my finger around the ring.
Looping it through my middle finger, Plagg materialised in front of me.
"Where's my cheese?" He drawled.
"Wow, go ahead, don't worry about where I was or what I was doing just then that could've ended with me dead." I said sarcastically.
"Cheeeeessssseeee....." He whined.
"I don't have any, but I'll give you extra if you can transform me."
"Cheese." He mumbled in an annoyed tone.
"I'm taking that as a yes. Plagg, claws out!"

Okay, that probably made you luckycharmers more confused than ever, oh well. The next chapter will be Adrien explaining to Marinette about his and Cassandra's past. If your wondering about what Adrien meant by 'Chloe jr.', Cassandra used her sister's name and acted as her when Adrien was with her. So basically, the real Chloe Bourgeois never did play with Adrien and made friends with him when he was young, it was Cassandra all along! Okay, I made all of this up to give more depth and backstory to Adrien so please don't do hating on moi!
Also, last day of school holidays-noooooooooooooooo! 😭😭😭😭😭
Sigh, back to the once/twice a week updates 🙁😔

Miraculous Ladybug: Destiny [UNDER SERIOUS EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now