35 • Marinette (UNEDITED)

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I stood there, mouth agape, terrified and frozen in spot at the sight of my kwami.
Although Tikki did not seem to be hurt, the mere sight of her on that table, gagged with a small white cloth and hands tied back like a normal human would made my heart lurch.
"Tikki!" I whisper—shouted, relief and sorrow coating my voice. Chatnoir rested a hand on my shoulder, holding me back from just dashing straight to my kwami.
"As I said, your miraculous, or your kwami?"
I turned to face the evil man, shooting a burning glare into his ice blue eyes.
"How could you do this to me? How could you do this to us?" I asked, staring him down.
He only laughed again, then gestured back at the kwamis.
"I've already explained. I need that power dear little girl."
Tikki looked up at me from the table, "do it Marinette, save me." She said.
I gritted my teeth. I felt my hands reach up to my ears, tears tugging at the corners of my eyes.
But then chat reached over and swatted my hands away. "Marinette, you're not thinking clearly!"
I wanted to ignore him, to save my kwami, but the urgency in his voice snapped me out of my trance and focused onto him.
"What?" I asked, the tears now seeming to dangle precariously on the tips of my eyelids.
He grabbed my hand and gave it a comforting squeeze.
"Think about it, would Tikki ever say that to you? Would she ever say that she wants you to go against everything you've ever known about the miraculous and hand them over to the wrong hands?"
That knocked some sense into me.
I gasped.
He was right. I choked back my sobs and gave a studying look at my kwami.
Yes, she looked like Tikki, red and black. Yes, her eyes were blue, but they held no life. They didn't have that special glint in them that I always saw when I looked at her. Also, I remembered the time when we fought copycat, how she managed to void through the door as if it was water, or when she told me that she had been around for thousands of years.
This wasn't Tikki.
"You're trying to trick me!" I shouted, spitting out the words distastefully.
Hawkmoth's eyes hardened.
"So I am." He flicked his hand over the table and kwamis, and they disappeared in a loud of orange smoke.
My eyes widened. The orange smoke...
"Well hello there Marinette. I thought we were friends, but it turns out that apparently we will never be." Volpina came into view in a cloud of smoke. She strode up to Hawkmoth's side and stood there, waiting for his command.
"If it's a fight you wanted, then it's a fight you'll get. Volpina." He nodded at his villain. Volpina clicked her fingers, and Adrien's uncle was suddenly enveloped in a cloud of orange smoke. When the smoke disappeared, Hawkmoth was transformed.
    "Where's Tikki?!" I yelled, hands clenched into fists at my side.
    "Your precious kwami is still safe, I can't destroy the little thing, which is unfortunate, but she is encaged." He said, but then took a step back. "Enough chit chat, you can do the honours." He shot a glance.
    "My pleasure."
    The anti—heroine gave a sickly sweet smile and played an enchanting piece on her flute. It wasn't the usual few notes that she played to make an illusion, but a long serenade. For a few minutes, me and chat just stood, half lost in the music and half not knowing what to do. But then I started noticing what her powers were accomplishing.
    One by one, the crisp white butterflies flew into flight. When they reached a certain height they started morphing into villains. But these weren't just any villains. Each one started transforming into villains from the past, our past. Every one of the villains that we had defeated as oblivious ladybug and Chatnoir. I started counting halfway through all the transformations, automatically going against chat's back, so that we were facing our opponents back to back which would lessen the opportunities for the threats to attack us off—guard.
     When Lila's enchanting flute solo ended, silence filled my ears.
     In front of us stood twenty-eight villains, Hawkmoth standing in front of them all.
     He lifted his cane.
     That's when realisation crashed into my face.
This isn't one of her illusions. They're real.
     My heart popped up to my throat.
      Hawkmoth's command rung through my ears.
    His can came crashing down to the concrete floor.
     "Attack, my akumas."

Cliffhanger! Again, short chapter. I miscalculated last chapter, this isn't the fight. Sorry! Anyhow the next chapter really will be the fight. Hopefully it'll go over the 2000 word mark. Loosing inspiration. Oh well, the book will probably end in three or four weeks time with a total of 40 chapters.

Thanks for reading! Oh and voting doesn't hurt anyone, so turn that star gold!


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