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Dawn light seeped through the gorse bush which made up the warrior den. As warriors woke and padded out of the den to attend their patrols, a pair of amber eyes glowered from a nest on the opposite side of the den.

When the den was empty apart from the resting warriors who weren't assigned to any patrol, the pair of eyes moved as a sleek shadow crept forward, only it's white chest and paws showed. The amber eyes' pupils grew round as the cat got ready to spring. Then bunching it's muscles it jumped across the den in a small leap, careful not to mess up any of the nests.

"Plumslip get off me we're not kits anymore," a voice groaned sleepily.

"Oh come on Fernwhisker, have a little fun for once." The black and white she cat meowed lightly, standing up and prodding her friend in an attempt to wake her fully.

"Alright, alright I'm up" Fernwhisker yawned she got up and stretched each leg in turn before she sat down to wash her dark pelt.

"Why'd you get me up so early anyway? It's not sunhigh yet and we're not on dawn patrol." Fernwhisker meowed inbetween licks, glancing up at Plumslip.

Plumslip shrugged "I thought we could go for a stroll, just the two of us, it feels like ages since we've had a good chat."

Fernwhisker nodded "I could do with one of those, after all the commotion with CloverClan and the news about FlightClan."

She stood and followed the tall black and white she-cat outside the gorse den to where the camp was quite. The patrols had already left, only Featherstar remained speaking with Specklefur, and Firepelt who was carrying a bundle of herbs towards the elder's den. Probably for Whitenose, her cough seems to have gotten worse.

"We're just heading out to hunt and to stretch our legs, we'll be back around sunhigh." Plumslip meowed to their leader who just twitched his ear in reply and and continued speaking with the deputy.

Padding out of the camp entrance the two she-cats walked through the light forest. FeatherClan territory wasn't as dense as their neighbouring clans, it had scattered clearings and a moor outstretched on their land with a small forest with young thin trees, not as big as oaks or sycamores, so FeatherClan warriors didn't tend to climb much.

Dappled patches of new-leaf sunshine shone through the canopy of newly growing leaves as the sun climbed the sky slowly. The two reached a clearing, the grass still had dew on it and a holly bush grew off the side beside a birch tree. Plumslip sat down on the moist surface and started to groom her long tail.

"So how's Quickpaw's training coming along? She'll be a warrior soon enough." Plumslip meowed after grooming her sleek tail.

Fernwhisker sat on a rock which jutted out of the ground that the sunlight touched so it was slightly warm. "Very well, she's quite well behaved and quick and smart too. Just the other night she stopped a quarrel between some CloverClan apprentices" she meowed, proud of her apprentice.

"Oh really? What were CloverClan meowing about his time." Plumslip asked curiously.

"I'm not too sure, I wasn't there when it happened, but Stormpaw was involved, so to be honest it was probably about borders, as usual." Fernwhisker shrugged. "The only reason I know was because Sparrowleap from CloverClan was there during the happening, he also stepped in when things got out of hand from what Quickpaw tells me."

Plumslip nodded. "Ah so he was the handsome brown tom you were speaking with that night." Her eyes sparked mischief.

"I swear to StarClan you probably brought me out here just to get on my nerves." Fernwhisker laughed. "Besides I'm not interested in him plus he's from CloverClan." She meowed sarcastically.

"I know I know," Plumslip said amused. "Plus, a tom already has his eyes on you," she meowed side-glancing at her through shining eyes.

Fernwhisker's ears perked "Oh- really? And who may this tom be exactly?" She meowed curious.

"You really haven't noticed?" Plumslip's meow was surprised.

Fernwhisker's pelt grew hot, slightly embarrassed. Is someone really interested in me? Or is Plumslip trying to mess with my thoughts again? She wasn't really interested in a mate, and if some cat really did have feelings for her, they shouldn't get their hopes up.

The black and white she-cat narrowed her eyes. "Well I won't say a word then if you don't know, I don't want to spoil any feelings" she replied casually.

Fernwhisker didn't know what to think, but she just simply decided that she wouldn't let it bother her, and if there was a cat who liked her, she'd find out in time.

The sun shone directly above their heads by now. The two FeatherClan warriors walked through the forest in search of prey. Padding out of the forest, the moor rolled down in front of them. Scanning the field of lush green grass, a small brown body hopped along, nibbling on dandelions. Plumslip signalled with her tail for Fernwhisker to circle around. The dark tabby she-cat padded low as she made a wide circle around the rabbit, stopping on the opposite side of where Plumslip crouched in wait.

Plumslip exploded from where she was crouching in the long grass and sprinted over to the rabbit who started running away in fear.
Just a little bit closer.. Fernwhisker pounced on the rabbit who practically ran straight into her paws and nipped it quickly to it's neck as it tried to kick it's back legs out in defence.

"Great job," the long legged she-cat meowed as she neared Fernwhisker.

"Thanks to you, you're the one who lead it to me." Fernwhisker pointed out.

"Well I guess we make a good team then." Plumslip said smiling.

Both cats walked calmly back through the territory on their way to camp, the rabbit hanging from Fernwhisker's jaws. They picked up the scent of a border patrol who must have passed along this way not too long ago. Reaching the camp entrance the two she-cats padded in. The clan was up and busy by this time in the day and Fernwhisker spotted the patrol who had just come back, reporting to Featherstar who always seemed particularly fussy when it came to borders. Dropping her prey on the fresh kill pile she curiously padded near the conversation to see what was being said.

Plumslip hadn't followed and instead was talking to another cat, Fernwhisker didn't look back to see who it was. Haygorse was part of the patrol, so there was bound to be some sort of complaint about CloverClan, because every cat knew Haygorse hated CloverClan just as much as Featherstar.

But why? Why do they hate them so much? Did they do something so terrible that caused so much argument and disapproval between both clans? Do some CloverClan cats hate FeatherClan cats as much? Should all FeatherClan and CloverClan warriors dislike one another? Should I?

So this chapter we see it from Fernwhisker's perspective for a change, but for most of the book it will be from Sparrowleap's perspective, I'll only may change it up sometimes now and again. Besides that nothing much else needs to be said, I guess this chapter you're just learning about Fernwhisker.
Also this book won't be relevantly long because there are other books I have planned (which aren't Warriors fanfics but they are about cats) so it'll probably be around 20 chapters long? As much as I hate to rush stories, this book will just contain main points, rather than day to day timeline setting.
As always I love to see you comments, suggestions, and thoughts.

-Melodic <3

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