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Paw steps sprinted through the lush green forest of aspens and poplars, followed closely by more cats. The dark grey tabby in the lead gave a flick of her tail to indicate for the patrol to split up, half of the cats ran off to the right as they circled the the hare that was in pursuit.

The dark she-cat and two other cats started to drive the hare to the right, trying to lead it to the other cats' claws. The hare terrified did so as it's long claws raked the springy ground to pull it ahead of the chasing cats.

Just as it rounded a corner reaching the moor it met it's fate and the three waiting cats ambushed the prey and killed it swiftly. The three other cats lead by the dark she-cat came to a holt as they reached the open moors, descending the slope to meet their clanmates at the bottom.

"Good job everyone," she praised her patrol.

"Thanks to you Fernwhisker, you're tactics never cease to amaze me." A tall white tom with blue eyes complimented.

"Thank you Websky," Fernwhisker dipped her head in appreciation.
"Greythorn, Stormblaze - could you carry the hare back to camp?" She meowed to the two big toms. "An the rest of us can gather up an other prey we left back in the forest." The dark tabby she-cat directed with authority to her patrol.

The FeatherClan patrol headed back up the slope, they left the moors behind and entered under the thin canopy of trees. The cats split up as they went to retrieve their prey, although not every cat had a piece of their own. She dug up a plump mouse she has buried earlier and rejoined the patrol as they made their way back to camp. Websky fell in step with her, padding beside the she-cat. The two cats were good friend although she sensed his pelt prickle around her sometimes.

"The hare will feed the clan well, especially those who were wounded in the fight with the badger" he conceded, Fernwhisker nodding in agreement. "Well at least not too many were wounded, we got backup just in time," the Tom continued.

Fernwhisker let her mind drift for a moment back to the badger fight, and how it was driven into CloverClan territory. I wonder if our warning helped, did they believe us? Or did they ignore are warning? What if they came in contact with the badger? Were they severely injured? Was Sparrowleap safe? No, she put an end to the thought, he may be a friend but he's from a different clan. I can only worry about my own clan. She shook her head as if to clear the thoughts that distracted her from what Websky was saying.

Before she could ask him what he had said the patrol had reached the camp and padded through the gorse tunnel. As they emerged the camp was peaceful, the green-leaf sun shinning brightly high in the clear blue sky. Kits played with one another and mothers watched from a distance,  while elders bathed in the heat and warriors shared tongues. Everywhere she looked each cat bore the same scar on their nose that symbolised that they were proud cats of FeatheClan, the clan she loved and would lay down her life for.

Padding to the fresh kill pile, it looked wealthy with rich prey. The deputy Specklefur napped beside Sandtooth, a golden tabby tom with expectational fighting skills. The two had been spending periods of time together and Fernwhisker wouldn't be surprised if the deputy had a litter of her own, in the nursery by leaf-fall.

As she deposited her mouse on the fresh kill pile along with the other cats who had been carrying prey, Featherstar walked over to them, the large brown tom with long feathery fur held his head held high with dignity. Fernwhisker dipped her head with respect at the strong leader, he commanded for Greythorn and Stromblaze who had been carrying the hare, to bring it to the medicine cat den to Firepelt to distribute it between the injured cats.

Fernwhisker admired Featherstar's compassion towards her wounded clanmates, she knew that Featherstar had not always been fond of Firepelt despite him being the medicine cat, but he put his own feelings behind and put his clan first.

Although the small ginger medicine cat never did anything in particular to discomfort Featherstar, she believed the reason was because Featherstar felt that Firepelt did not do enough to to save Willowspark who had died of greencough.

She was Featherstar's mate and she did not have the strength to fight the greencough while she was giving birth to his kits. After the incident many cats distrusted Featherstar for breaking the warrior code, though after a while he proved himself leader again and regained their respect. Fernwhisker never knew what happened to Featherstar's two sons, Puddlekit and Hawkkit, - one day they had just disappeared and Featherstar never liked to talk about the subject in particular.

Once the other cats had left the fresh kill pile with their own share, Fernwhisker was left alone with Featherstar, his striking yellow eyes met her's.

"Your patrol was quite successful today Fernwhisker" he praised her and she licked her chest fur in embarrassment.

"You've proved yourself one of the most skilled warriors within the clan, and I have a special task I would like for you to complete for me," the muscular Tom continued. Fernwhisker cocked her head intrigued at what the leader was asking of her.

Featherstar looked around making sure no cat was in earshot. "I need you to spy on CloverClan, you're stealthy traits, smart wits and dark pelt should make you invisible during the black of night. If that badger did go into the CloverClan territory, a patrol would have come across it like we did - for sure. I want to know how severe their ranks were marred." Fernwhisker was slightly taken aback by his devious plan but felt honoured that the leader was intrusting her with such and an important role.

She nodded proudly; "I'll do it."

Featherstar narrowed his eyes and let out a delighted purr. "Good, go tonight at twilight, make sure no cat comes across you and that CloverClan doesn't become suspicious." His tone was firm.

Featherstar stood up and padded away, Fernwhisker did the same and was headed in the direction of the warrior's den when Websky came across her path. The white tom was holding a pigeon in his mouth and placed it on the ground so he could speak.

"Hey Fernwhisker, I was wondering if you wanted to share a pigeon with me?" He asked hopefully, his tail in the air.

"Oh there's really no need, there's plenty of prey for everyone to go around." Fernwhisker replied lightheartedly.

"Oh- ok" Websky's tail drooped and his eyes looked hurt. Fernwhisker's mind flashed back to when her and Plumslip were chatting in the forest. Surely Websky doesn't fancy me? He's a good friend, I couldn't see him like that. She shook her head clearing her thoughts. She didn't like to see her friend glum.

"Well Websky, if you'd like to we can, then there can be extra prey for elders and kits." She suggested, her voice kind.

"Sure!" Websky brightened up and he brought the pigeon into the shade of some heather and settled down next to Fernwhisker as they ate the pigeon hungrily, Fernwhisker making sure that their pelts didn't touch.

Just friends

So I got this chapter done relatively quick. Felt like switching it over to Fernwhisker's point of view, next chapter will still be in her point of view but I may have it in Sparrowleap's also.

Also I realised I never clarified whether Specklefur was a Tom or she-cat and I think I put it down as a tom in the allegiances - but it turns out Specklefur is a she-cat when I checked Hawktail's Revenge (book by StarWarrior4 part of the Call Of The Stars series that you should check out), so I fixed that.

Also what do you think about Featherstar's plan? What could he be up to?

  Nothing much else needed to be said but as always I love to hear your feedback, thoughts and suggestions, thanks!

~Melodic <3

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