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The sun shone high as new-leaf settled in after a long leaf-bare.

"Let all cats old enough to catch their own pet gather for a clan meeting" Ryestar called out as she sat on the large roots of a willow tree.

Sparrowleap slipped out of the warrior's den tiredly then shook his pelt out to wake himself up. He gazed around camp to see what the commotion was, then spotted Pearflake fussing over her two kits Garlickit and Silverkit. Apprentice ceremony. He remembered when Owlpaw was apprenticed to him, the young tom had been so excited that he had head-butted Sparrowleap when they went to touch noses.

Sparrowleap sat down beside his good friend Rowanheart as the ceremony began.

"Garlickit, Silverkit, step forward" Ryestar meowed her head held high.

Both kits came to stand under Ryestar looking as if they were about to explode with excitement.

"Garlickit" she beckoned the kit forward "you have reached the age of six moons, and it is time for you to start learning the ways of a warrior. From this day on until you receive your warrior name, you will be known as 'Garlicpaw'. Your mentor will be Needlepelt."

The deputy stepped forward to meet his apprentice.

"Needlepelt, you have received excellent training from Nettleleaf. I trust you to pass on your skills to Garlicpaw." She meowed dipping her head as both apprentice and mentor touched noses.

Ryestar recited her speech for Silverpaw.
"Your mentor will be Ambereye. Ambereye, this being your first apprentice I expect no more from you than I do Needlepelt, Batpelt taught you well and I believe that you will pass on these skills to Silverpaw." Ambereye went up to touch noses with her new apprentice then both went to sit beside Needlepelt and Garlicpaw.

"Silverpaw, Garlicpaw!" The clan cheered the newly made apprentices' names.

"New apprentices means new warriors" Rowanheart meowed beside him as the clan started to split up.

"It's good to know we have a next generation to rely on when we're elders and need to be checked for ticks!" Sparrowleap joked as he stretched. "Speaking of apprentices, we'd better take ours out for training, I was thinking a few attack moves?"

"Sure, I'll go fetch Hawkpaw now." Rowanheart meowed as he padded off towards Hawkpaw who was congratulating Ambereye.

Sparrowleap headed towards the apprentices' den where Owlpaw was cleaning himself up. "Owlpaw, training" he called. Owlpaw instantly got to his paws and trotted over to him.

"So what are we doing today?" Owlpaw meowed excitedly.

"Battle moves with Rowanheart and Hawkpaw" Sparrowleap replied.

"Well at least Hawkpaw is good at fighting, unlike last time with Greypaw, there was no competition at all!" He huffed.

Sparrowleap side glanced at him "Y'know it's not about competition, it's about training so you can become the best warrior you can be." He pointed out.

"Yeah yeah I know, it just make it more fun!" Owlpaw said rolling his eyes as if it was the one hundredth time Sparrowleap had recited those words.

They met Rowanheart and Hawkpaw at the camp entrance. Owlpaw fell behind the two older toms along with Hawkpaw as they started challenging one another. Sparrowleap grumbled with amusement."Were we ever like that?"

Before Rowanheart could reply both apprentices sprinted ahead in a race towards the training clearing. Rowanheart rolled his eyes and ran after them with Sparrowleap by his side to try catch up with the apprentices.

Both mentors came to a stop as they reached the clearing where lush grass grew under paw.

"Alright today we're going to practice upright lock and back kick together" Sparrowleap's meow rang out around the clearing. "Owlpaw you're attacking, and Hawkpaw you're defense, and remember claws sheathed!"

Both apprentices got into position circling one another. Owlpaw jumped forward and shot his paw down on Hawkpaw's shoulder stunning the silver apprentice's right paw. While Hawkpaw was recovering Owlpaw reared up on his hind legs, bringing down all his weight on top of Hawkpaw.

Owlpaw's eyes glinted in victory as Hawkpaw tussled beneath him. Just as Owlpaw thought he was winning Hawkpaw raked his hind paws against Owlpaw's stomach then tucked them in and kicked up with a surge of power, throwing Owlpaw off him and knocking the wind out of the mottled brown tom.

Sparrowleap waved his tail for the practice fight to stop.
"Good now Hawkpaw y-" he was cut off as a series of growling and hissing was coming from not too far away. Sparrowleap's eyes met with Rowanheart's serious gaze as both toms turned their heads towards the noise, springing to their feet.

AN :  So this chapter is pretty slow and there's not much going on, it's just more here to show you to some of the characters, the setting and the timeline. The next few chapters the story will start to pick up, so sorry if you find this chapter boring I don't blame you. But WOW thank you guys for +100 reads within a few days!

~ Melodic

Sparrowleap's Story {Warriors CloverClan Fanfiction} (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now