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A rhythmic pattern of breathes was the only sound that Sparrowleap heard. His eyes shut not wanting to see the cat who they belonged to, though he knew.

It's all my fault, I caused this pain upon Owlpaw, oh StarClan why did you burden such a young cat.

Slowly brightness pierced his vision, as he opened his eyes. His pupils becoming smaller to adjust to the light. The brittle laurel leaves and bracken that made up his nest crunched beneath him as he settled himself into a more comfortable position with his leg. A variety of plants and leaves bandaged the brown tabby's hind leg from where the badger had bitten him three sunrises before. The bone wasn't damaged but Acornwhisker had detected an infection growing and wanted to stop it faster than the old tom could say 'mouse bile'.

Ryestar had sent out strong patrols following the dreaded events, in search of the badger but there had been no sign of the beast and Ryestar had concluded that the badger must have wandered off the territory.

Sparrowleap lifted his gaze from where he lay his head on his outstretched forepaws, seeing a brown mottled figure asleep in a moss nest on the opposite side of the medicine cat den. Owlpaw slept soundlessly bar from his shallow intakes of air.

The blood which had been oozing down his face was washed away, now all there was was raw skin on the left side of his face. The scarred face wasn't pleasing to set your eyes on, it was bare without half of the fur on it. His left eye socket was a narrow slit but there was no eye in it, just empty blackness. Owlpaw's left ear had been shredded, but Sparrowleap wasn't too sure if he had lost his sense of hearing in that ear or not.

Sparrowleap's heart beat faster, his breathes quickening. His head started spinning as thoughts whizzed around his mind.

"Sparrowleap..?" A small hesitant voice meowed.

Sparrowleap's vision cleared as he made out the figure of Hollypaw standing above him.

"Sparrowleap, are you sure you don't want anymore thyme, you're getting worked up again," Concern pooled in the tortoiseshell she-cat's eyes.

"I'm fine" Sparrowleap snapped. I'm sorry, I just don't know how to feel right now.

The medicine cat apprentice seemed to flinch with his bitter tone. She turned to walk away but Sparrowleap felt sympathetic, she was only trying to help.

"Actually Hollypaw, maybe the thyme isn't a bad idea, and my leg is starting to stiffen up again too."

Hollypaw brightened up as she felt she could be helpful.

"Ok Sparrowleap, I'll be back to you in a second!" She meowed as she trotted away to the herb store.

Hollypaw returned with a stem of small leaves along it in her mouth. Sitting down in front of Sparrowleap she pulled some off gently and placed them below his muzzle.

"Eat those," she instructed and Sparrowleap did so, a relaxing feeling settled over him as the herb kicked in. "Once Acornwhisker comes back from collecting herbs I can take you and Batpelt out the stretch your limbs." She mewed before padding off to let him rest.

"Stop blaming yourself for the accident Sparrowleap, there's nothing you could have done to prevent it." A husky voice came from beside him.

Sparrowleap glanced in the direction which it had come from, Batpelt lay in his nest with his eyes closed but he was awake. The black tom's front paw was bent in a funny way and had a stick bandaged around it in an attempt to mend the broken bone. He wasn't too sure how long the tom's paw would take to heal, but by the looks of it he'd be getting out of the medicine cat den sooner than Batpelt. But who know's how long Owlpaw will be staying here for.

A shadow fell across the two toms as Acornwhisker entered the medicine cat den carrying a large bundle of herbs. Although Sparrowleap did not know what herbs they were, the pungent scent reached his nose and he wrinkled it in disgust. Acornwhisker twitched his whiskers in amusement as he padded past them and into the herb stores. The old Tom rasped to Hollypaw to watch Sparrowleap and Batpelt while they got some fresh air. She did so and led the two out to where the sun shone brightly in the green-leaf sky as sunhigh neared.

As Sparrowleap emerged from the medicine cat a few pairs of eyes turned to see how the injured cats were coping. He was aware of Hollypaw's gaze boring into them intently and it made his pelt prickle with arrogance but he kept quiet. It's not like we're kits that need to be watched.

The brown tabby saw Swiftclaw and Shadowstorm discussing something out of earshot. They hadn't been as badly injured as the other cats and were now back to their normal duties. Sparrowleap sighed as he longed for his wound to heal, but even more he prayed to StarClan that Owlpaw would make it through. Paw steps sounded behind him, he twitched his ear as he turned to see who had come to greet him, only to see it was Mottlelight.

"Hi Sparrowleap! How have you been? Is your leg getting any better?" The dilute calico she-cat asked optimistically.

Sparrowleap suppressed a sigh, he wasn't in the mood for the she-cat's lightheartedness. "I'm fine, my leg is getting better, - slowly. I'm just enjoying the new-leaf sun and a bit of fresh air, alone." He answered casually but firmly at the end of his sentence as he watched the clan go by with their daily routines.

"Oh, that's good to hear. Well, I- um better get going.." Mottlelight meowed, he could hear the awkward tone as well as disappointment in her voice. He didn't turn to see her pad away as paw steps retreated slowly, dragging along the ground.

Good, there's nothing to be cheerful about anyway.

When Sparrowleap looked up he saw the big reddish brown figure of his friend walking towards him. "Rowanheart" he gretted his friend with a nod.

Rowanheart glanced in the direction where Mottlelight had padded away to, then turned to look back at Sparrowleap with a questioning gaze. The brown tabby shrugged. "I'm not in the humour for her buoyant personality."

Rowanheart looked doubtful. "She only wanted to see how you were getting on and to try raise you spirits" he pointed out.

"Well I'm just grand on my own, she's too frilly for my liking." Sparrowleap meowed stubbornly.

Rowanheart narrowed his eyes crossly "She only wants to gain your approval and respect." The reddish brown Tom argued.

"So? Why would she she want my respect?" Sparrowleap spat, his tail lashing.

Rowanheart sat upright and moved away slightly as him an Sparrowleap had been leaning forward whilst they were ranting. "Sparrowleap- you're one of the most dignified senior warriors within the clan, cats look up to you, they ask for your opinion, you're critical but amicable. Mottlelight only wanted to make sure you were alright, because you've been acting differently ever since the..incident" he paused as he looked in the direction of the medicine cat den where Owlpaw was resting inside. "I don't blame her for caring, you're one of my best friends, but this isn't the Sparrowleap I know." He finished, his gaze tender from Sparrowleap's harsh tone.

The brown tabby didn't say anything else. Instead he turned and stomped away without looking back at Rowanheart, his tail flicking ignorantly. He padded back to the medicine cat den, ignoring Hollypaw's friendly greeting.

Fernwhisker would understand how I feel.

Author's Note:
Finally I got this done. I started writing and then didn't know how to continue but I got it finished. Also don't expect the chapter anytime soon, I have exams around the corner as I mentioned in the last update of 'Running From The World'. As always I love to hear your feedback, thoughts and suggestions, thanks!

~Melodic <3

Sparrowleap's Story {Warriors CloverClan Fanfiction} (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now