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It had been two moons since the news of FlightClan and as Sparrowleap had promised, he met back up with Fernwhisker at the last full moon gathering. Their chats were short but contempt, and although enemies, they had things in common despite the serious she-cat's ways. But as soon as the full moon was gone, they were no longer friends.

During those two moons the clan had grown too. Sprucepaw and Pebblepaw were apprenticed and enthusiastic about learning how to fight and hunt while Dewfoot had recently given birth to Hailkit and Sweetkit.

"Sparrowleap, you lead a patrol to the FeatherClan broder, take Owlpaw, Batpelt, Shadowstorm and Swiftclaw with you." Needlepelt meowed as he assigned the patrols, cats crowded around him.

The cats on the border patrol gathered around Sparrowleap as they exited the camp. Owlpaw walked alongside him, a bounce in his step.

"Someone woke up on the right side of their nest" Sparrowleap commented amused.

Oakpaw looked at him, pretending to looked shocked but he couldn't hide his upbeat mood. "Well I guess you could say is that I've passed my final assessment from what you've told me and I've reached twelve moons so Ryestar should be making me a warrior alongside Hawkpaw since we're the same age, practically in a few sunrises," the apprentice meowed simply, his tail in the air as he strode along.

Sparrowleap couldn't help suppress a grunt of laughter and roll his eyes at his apprentice. For once he's thinking ahead of time.

The sunlight seemed to fade as dark clouds drifted in front of the sun.
"Looks like rain is on it's way," Batpelt commented from where he walked along in the patrol. The patrol reached the border they shared with FeatherClan at the stream. Indicating with his tail he sent Swiftclaw to remark the beech tree that stood near the flowing water and Shadowstorm to do the same by the elderberry bush. They slowly made their way down the stream remarking their territory borders.

Soon enough they had finished up their task and we're headed back along the stream on their way to camp when the stench of FeatherClan drifted across their path.

"What are they doing here now!" Shadowstorm spat his tail flicking indignantly.

"Calm down, it's probably just a border patrol," Sparrowleap muttered.
"Just keep your fur flat in case we cross each other's paths" he added looking at Shadowstorm sternly.

Sparrowleap pushed forward, just as the first few drops of rain fell, dripping from one leaf to another. The rain got heavier quickly, and soon enough the patrol's pelts were drenched. They came to the stream that marked the border with FeatherClan, the water was rushing rapidly as rain poured into it. As they were instructed by Needlepelt, they remarked the area, but it was pretty much pointless because the rain just washed the scent away.

"It's getting heavier, there's no use to this patrol!" Swiftclaw spat to the others from where she stood a few tail lengths away beside some bracken, her pelt dripping. The other cats nodded in agreement.

"Alright we'll head back to camp, but we'll finish patrolling on our way back." Sparrowleap decided as he felt the water reach his bones. The patrol walked quickly back down the stream, when a flurry of paws took them by surprise. Sparrowleap looked past the tall grass that grew beside the stream to see a FeatherClan patrol on the other side, soaked to the bone. Of course we didn't scent them because of this rain.

Owlpaw let out a growl but Sparrowleap flicked the tip of his tail for silence as he stepped forward, the other warriors behind him.

"What do you want?" He meowed firmly. He saw the patrol was made up of Greythorn, Fernwhisker, Barkpaw, and Quickpaw; who had become Quickripple at the last gathering. He looked closely at the cats, Fernwhisker in particular, and noticed that Barkpaw was limping, and Fernwhisker had a scratch along her shoulder where blood was welling up, he looked into Fernwhisker's worried gaze questionably.

Greythorn spoke. "We chased a badger out of our territory a little while ago, our patrol was bigger but the other's had to go back to camp due to injuries, so Specklefur sent us just to warn you that it could have passed the broder into your territory."

Sparrowleap narrowed his eyes. "Well..thank you for letting us know, I'll be sure to tell Ryestar" he meowed carefully as he watched Greythorn nod his head and the other patrol went back up the slope.

Sparrowleap turned to face his cats. "Come on, we'll carry on our way back to camp, just keep an eye out." They nodded slightly as the rain thrummed down.

The patrol walked back into the undergrowth, slightly sheltered by the rain but not much. The floor beneath their paws was muddy and slippery as it squelched after each paw step. Sparrowleap couldn't the smell the border markers they had set earlier, washed away by the rain.

Owlpaw lashed his tail irritably. "I'm sick of the rain!" He growled, then ran ahead in an attempt to reach camp for shelter.

"No, Owlpaw come back! The ground is too slippy to run, you need to stay with-"

Sparrowleap didn't even get to finish his sentence when a shriek split the air.
Could he have fallen? He looked back at the other cats behind him, and indicated for them to follow as he ran in the direction where it had come from.

The patrol slowed down as they reached a clearing, the ground sticky, mud covered their paws. Sparrowleap saw Owlpaw crouching low to the ground, his pelt ruffled and blood oozed from his shoulder. Owlpaw had his back to the patrol as he stared forward, Sparrowleap followed his gaze to see a huge black and white creature standing a few tail lengths away, it's sharp pointed teeth bared.

The badger


I was planning to continue writing but I reached 1000 words and I know if I continue on it'll be about 1500 words which would be too long for just one chapter. Some people may know what's coming up next :^))) but anyhow I'll continue this as soon as I can.
As always I love to hear your feedback! <3


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