|the squad pt. 3|

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Auggie's POV

Oh God. I'm lost.

''So am I.'' A familiar voice pants.

''Holy shit Mario you scared the poop outta me!'' I scream.

''Calm down, I just have no clue how you could possibly run for ten minutes, in pitch black, at one in the morning, in the middle of the woods! I mean, I had to stop like a zillion times just to make it here!'' He says, exasperatedly.

'' Yeah, well I was on the track team from sixth grade to Freshman Year, soooo...'' I giggle.

''Fancy. So we're pretty deep into the woods right now, so what do you think we should do?'' He asks, worried.

''I-- do you have your phone on you? I left mine in Weston's car.'' I say sadly.

''I...,'' He feels in his pocket, '' Shitfuckshitfuckshitfuckshit! I lost Esmeralda!'' He screams.

''Ssh! People will hear us! Did you seriously just say that not only did you name your phone, but you named it Esmeralda?!''

''Yeah. I love that name, and I love my phone. It works!'' He says like a four-year-old.

''Yeah, Bae it really doesn't. Sorry to inform you of this at such a hard turning point in your life. Name it something nice like... I dunno..... What's a good name?... SIRI!!'' I shout.

''Hey, calm down! And that name's already taken. But back to the subject we were originally discussing, how are we gonna get outta here?''

'' Well we should probably find Weston and the rest of the Squad...''

''Its a plan, Stan!'' He says cheerfully.

''My name is--'' I start.

He kisses me. Like. Hard.

''Wha-- DUDE!! I'm literally dating your best friend! How could you kiss me?!''  I yell. I mean, that wasn't bad, but I'm dating his BEST FRIEND!

'' I--I just really wanted to do that... I'm sorry. I understand if you don't wanna see me after tonight...'' He says looking down.

''Wouldn't I see you at school though?'' 

''Online schooled. Same with Mark.'' He says with a shy smile.

''Right. I've watched your YouNows since like forever.'' I say awkwardly.

''Really now?'' He grins widely.

''Yup! Don't get any ideas though, Pretty Boy.'' I smile.

''Right. Well you can tell Westy if you wanna... He's my Baby girl. He'll understand... I think.'' He laughs.

''Actually. I mean, I won't tell him. This time. But I swear. If you ever kiss me while Weston and I are dating, I promise you I will cut off your balls before you even pull away.'' I threaten him. 

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