|they heeeere!1!!1!11!|

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Auggie's POV

''Mark, why do you think Weston likes me?'' I ask in the middle of the night on FaceTime even though we're across the room.

''Augs, are you serious right now? You're all he ever talks about! He's constantly going on about how gorgeous you are, or how soft your hair is, or how fat your ass is, o--''

''Mark shut the fuck up! You weren't supposed to say anything!'' Weston yells at him, flicking his forehead.

''I don't mind Bae, I know i gotta fattáss boi!'' I laugh.

Just then, Hunter stumbles through the dark to my bed, where me and Weston lay, ''Hey Auggie, I just wanna say, I'm sory for being a dick to you a few days ago. I was just mad at myself for losing Bianca and I took it out on you guys...'' He sighs rubbing his neck.

'' It's fine Famster! We still Swagalicious over here!'' I giggle, jumping up and giving him a hug. He seems shocked, but hugs me back anyway.

'' Mark can we all just go to bed now? I dont wanna stay up anymore... I'll talk to you when we're less than two feet away from eachother. Bye!'' I laugh.

Zach's phone buzzes, '' Holy shit! Guys! O2L is gonna be here TOMORROW! IM GONNA SEE JC AGAIN! YAYY!!!'' He squeals.

''I HEARD JC AND I WOKE UP WHATS HAPPENING?!?!'' Bianca says shooting up from her spot on Hunter.

'' I wanna go to sleep! Tell Sam I said hi Z... Love youuu...'' I groan, pushing my head into Weston's chest.

TimeSkip To The Morning


We all get up and scramble down the stairs. Zach opens the door and we're greeted by a bunch of boys all laughing and yelling, until one in the back, Sam, yells: '' DAYUM! Who's the brunette with the ass?!''

Everyone grows silent.

'' Well How bout we all just exchange numbers and you guys can get settled at my place? I'll come with you guys, and then we can all hang tomorrow?'' Zach says in an effort to calm the tension, that is now so tight, you could cut it like a bitch.

''Okay yeah!'' Everyone says and we pass our phones around and O2L is gone seconds later.

''Well that was awkward..'' We all say at the same time.


ily lil potatoes n turnip roots!1!!1

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