|the vandals|

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|side note dudes- play the song when it says 'an hour later'!! or you could just play it now... idc |

Bianca's POV

"Guys! Can I come with you? I'm feelin' a little down about the breakup..." I say, chasing after two very black Auggie and Weston's.

"How did you even know what we were doing?! It's three o'clock in the morning, and we're dressed in all black!" Weston asks.

"I heard you guys in the room. I was right in the bathroom." I say awkwardly.

"Oh-You heard that B?" Auggie asks shyly. Even through all the black makeup, I can see that Weston's blushing.

"Whale, Breezy, sweetheart, Hoe. You cant come with us fam. It's kinda like an... illegal date at three in the morning. We'll take ya next time, babushka." Auggie says.

"Oh. Okay!" I say, turning and skipping into the house. It was all a sham. I don't really wanna come with them. I just wanted to make sure that they would be gone so I can have some alone-time with Mario.


He runs into the kitchen holding a baseball bat, his hair messy, and a shirt barely pulled on.

"What?!" He says, looking around frantically. "Are you okay?!"

"I'm fine. I just wanted to maybe... continue what we started earlier?" I say, smirking.

"Okay. Lemme just go..."

Auggie's POV

"Weston, where are we?!"

"I wanted to visit Jacobs house. Pay a little visit? Wouldn't that be nice Bae?" He says maliciously.

"You wouldn't... What would Mark say?"

"Mark's not here." He smiles

"You're evil Weston, evil." I say, grabbing all our stuff. We brought tape, eggs, toilet paper, and of course, spray paint.

"Leggo." He whispers

We egg Jacob's house, spray paint the words 'Mark Thomas" and 'Duhitzmark' all over the place, and we T.P.'d the trees surrounding his house. The last thing we need to do is spray paint our initials on the lawn and tape up the doors.

"This is lit Westy. Lit." I sigh, leaning into his shoulder.

"Not as lit as me."

"That was a nice moment, you just ruined it."

"You love me." He smiles.

"Nah. You suck."

"Ah well yo-" Weston's cut off by Jacob looking out the crack of a window. He looks pissed.

"RUN NOW!" Weston yells, grabbing my arm and pulling me into a sprint.

"BYE JACOB" I scream as we run down the street to where he parked

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