He must pay

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What was he doing?

He knew I was already his. He doesn't need to restate it over and over again, making my head explode from the anger balled up inside of me.

He doesn't need me to suffer any further from this cruel, viscous world. He doesn't need me to lose even more hope than I already have. I don't even know the amount of hope I have left in my body, but I know, somewhere in there is just a tiny sliver of hope. And that hope is all I need.

Why does he keep making me suffer even more?

Still, these questions filled my head even after that sliver of hope is applied.

Maybe all hope is gone, and my hope is worthless. My effort is useless. I'm just a slave to this prison.

Even without this sliver of hope or any emotion in me other than utter sadness, I could still feel something inside of me boil. I could only feel this towards him. Whenever I hear the name, my blood pressure rises.

Whenever I here Zane and his crooked ways, my mind starts to pound.

He doesn't stop.

That is what I despise about him. He doesn't stop the pain from evolving. He just keeps digging at it until you burst.

Until your tears surround your face, and the only way of living is by losing hope. By giving him everything left inside of your soul in exchange for life.

I couldn't live like that. I can't let him live.

I swear he wants me to kill him. All I would need is something sharp enough to cut through his dark, evil flesh. All I need to do is find him in his most vulnerable moment and slice a sword through his neck, letting the blood slatter across the floor creating a piece of art.

Even that isn't good enough.

It would be too painless. Too easy. Too clean. I needed him to pay dor what he has done to me. I wouldn't be able to live knowing he didn't suffer like he has made other people do.

He needs to feel the pain I feel. I need revenge. He needs to feel heartbreak.

Then it would all be over. No more suffering for me and many others to come.

The world would be at peace because of war.

It's funny. They always say they will fight for peace. They will pay the price of war if it means the outcome could possibly be peace.

I never understood why they were so hypocritical, but now I do. It doesn't need to be a physical battle. There just needs to be suffering. They need to experience the Earth and your mind at its worse to truely appreciate what peace means.

I can't fight the battle, though. I can't end it. It would destroy the moments of peace we have already obtained if I act or speak out of line.

I need to play the part.

I need to act like I have given up.

I need to act like I have given up on him.

"Laurance, I would never."

The words I once spoke at the barricade, the wall. They still ring deep in my thoughts like a church bell on a chapel signaling it has just turned noon.

I won't ever give up on you, Laurance. Once I give up on you, I give up on life.


I can't give up for them. I will do everything I can to get out of this, even if it means to kill. I will do anything to protect my family. Anything for Phoenix Drop.


I understand now what I really 'signed up' for. I signed up to destinguish the rivalry in another way. To eliminate the enemy. I signed up to kill Zane.

Now all I need is a plan. I need people to execute their part of the plan.

All I need is for my plan to be created and executed properly.

Who may that be...

Author's note-

Yay! I don't need to be punished! Also, I got interrupted twice ny notifications! Don't worry, I liked it. I got two more followers today! You guys probably already know, but either way.

Anyway, thank you guys so much for show tunning in, and I hope you enjoyed!

Jazz out-

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