The Diary

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There were once two teenagers- average love story.

They met, a boy and a girl, and became best friends.

Then they dated.

He left her.

And she- well let's not get ahead of ourselves. I'll start from the beginning.

Once upon a time there were two people in a bedroom at a party....maybe, that's too early.

Well there were two teenagers. They say across from each other at a church lunch and when the other wasn't looking, they'd stare at each other.

Everyone could see the attraction between them but they never said a word.

This repeated for for about a month before the boy finally spoke up.

"H-hi, I'm Mike," he muttered, sticking out his hand nervously. The girl gently took his hand and shook it briefly before looking to the floor and blushing.

"I'm Ariella, but my friends call me Air," the girl replied, looking up at him and offering him a small smile.

And that's how it all began. The two became inseparable- walking to school together, eating together, everything.

But Ariella's dad hated Mike, so she had to keep their friendship a secret.

One day when the two were in their last year of high school, Ariella realized she was in love with him. While they laid under the stars, she wanted to tell him, but she just couldn't do it.

She didn't know that Mike had fallen for her too.

Months went by and neither of them admitted their feelings.

Finally, they both went to separate colleges, never knowing that they had mutual feelings.

The end- NOT! You're face just then...

Anyways, as Mike was in college, he met beautiful girls but he couldn't help but compare them all to Ariella, and he visited her weekly. Finally, he began to date a beautiful, sweet blond girl named Honey.

Eventually he proposed and the two were getting married.

Ariella saw the invitation to their wedding and burst into tears. But she would go, to support Mike.

A month later, Ariella arrived at the wedding. The ceremony was beautiful- and so was his new wife.

They talked a but after the wedding and Honey seemed really nice.

But Mike only smiled and laughed when Ariella did and seemed distant. It was almost like he wasn't happy.

Ariella excused herself to go home and left in tears.

Mike still visited Ariella weekly, but began to decline. Each time he saw her he seemed sadder.

After about two months when Mike hadn't shown, she got a phone call.

Honey called saying that Mike had left her.

Ariella was on the phone for the the entire day trying to calm Honey and at 2am, Honey finally hung up.

Another month passed and there was no sign of Mike.

There was a letter in the mail from a lawyer saying that Ariella needed to come to his office.

Ariella went immediately.

The lawyer explained that Mike had died on a plane ride to see her and had left her his diary in his will.

Ariella cried all the way to the plane but began to read the diary on get way home.

On the final entry and the day he was said to be on his way to see her and died, it made Ariella burst onto tears. It read:


Today, I tell Ariella, I love her.

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