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It all started back in kindergarten. He gave her a note on the first day of school. Nothing much just a simple note that said three words: I love you

All year the girl smiled.

The next year, on the first day of school, she got another note from him.

"I like you" while she wondered why it changed, she put out with the other note which she kept in a drawer in her room.

She had a smile all year.

In second grade, in the first day of school, he gave her another note.

"you're okay" it said. She had a half smile this year

Third and fourth grade, she received no note, she had no smiles and the boy completely ignored her.

Fifth grade, on the first day of school, he gave her a note.

I don't like you.

The next year, he gave her another.

I hate you. You're ugly now.

In seventh grade, it grew worse.

You're a whore.

By ninth grade, she was engulfed in depression. While the notes became harsher, he became a bully to her.

He pushed her, beat her, talked down to her and called her unimaginable names.

In eleventh grade, he tried to rape her. Had it not been for the principal finding the students screaming as they watched the scene unfold, she wouldn't have escaped.

At the middle of eleventh grade, she left mid day, during lunch, when noticed.

She went home to her room.

Her father was at work, as a doctor. Her mother.was at work as well, as a reporter for the news.

The girl was alone.

She went to her room and took a gun from a box hidden beneath her bed.

Minutes passed.

Tears we're endless as she slowly loaded the gun. She didn't want to die, she just wanted it to end, but death was the only way she could see...

She pulled the trigger and was gone.

The next day the boy left a note on her desk, not yet knowing.what had happened.

It said "I'm sorry, I loved you all this time"

The school announced her death and the boy was the office. He was mentioned in her suicide note.

"To whomever it may concern,

I'm sorry for this loss, and the mess I am sure to have caused. I am sorry for never being social or beautiful or perfect as I know you wished I was.


This isn't your fault, I'm so sorry. I love you so much I just...couldn't take this anymore. I was bullied all through school and I told you and dad both! You never tried to help me... Don't blame yourself though..I love you

Dad, I know you're busy with work, I don't blame you or mom. It's just that I couldn't take this anymore. I tried, I swear I did...

Any family, feel free to go through my things if you want it. I know it isn't much, but let it go to good use.

I wish I could've been around to know you better and Im sorry. I love you all.

To the boy who gave me the notes, I don't know your name, nor do I care to. My family will know who you are. I do not understand why you insisted upon the endless torture you inflicted on me all of these years. I wish I could be angry, but I am not. I have forgiven you for all of it, but I will never forgive myself for allowing it to come to this. You have broken me down year after year, and this is the last. If this was your goal, congratulations, you have reached it. I wish you well.

To anyone else,

I am sorry for anything i have done to hurt you, surely I've done something to deserve this pain.

I am sorry for never being the smartest or social enough for all of you. Understandably, I had no friends.

I regret this decision already, but it is for the best... Goodbye my family, peers and boy with the notes.

I love you family, the rest, I cannot say.

I'm in a better place, goodbye."

And all because of notes that led up to this...

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