Chapter 1

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"I-I'm going to.....Grillby's." the short skeleton choked out as he started to slowly walk away towards the exit "Papyrus........ guys.....want....anything" then the once strong skeleton fell over onto the floor as the child that did this to him continued on his merry way to the throne room.

"Sans! No!!" a female voice yelled, her scream echoing in the room. Footsteps rushed over to his side and two dainty arms turned him over onto his back placing a gentle hand on his cheek bone. The skeleton opened his eyes, the little white dots on the inside barely noticeable now.

"Hey....Serenity.....I-I thought I told you to stay with Alphys" he choked out, more red liquid coming from his mouth.

Serenity shook her head "I-I wanted to help you....but I got here too late" she choked out "I-I'm sorry Sans"

"Hey, it's not your fault." He reached up and placed his bony hand on her cheek "don't blame yourself alright kiddo" he gave his usual cheeky grin but this time it was strained.

Serenity shook her head "I can't lose you Sans" she choked out leaning into his palm while holding his hand to her cheek "I can't..."

Sans just gave his usual chuckle. "Just wait for a bit kiddo...then everything will be fine again" he choked out blue tears coming into his eye sockets. He could already feel himself turning to dust.

"No Sans please....stay with me. I need you" she choked out tears coming to her own eyes.

" more thing..." he wheezed out now just barely clinging to life.

"Anything Sans" she looked back at him. Sans looked at her, the white dots just barely there and his eye sockets flooded with blue tears.

"Knock knock" (He always did have a bad timing for jokes.)

"who's there?" she answered.


"Olive who?"





then he was gone.

"Sans.....Olive who.....Sans! Olive who?!"

The white dots faded into nothing and Sans' body slowly disintegrated to dust. All that remained in Serenity's arms was the empty jacket of her best friend, and the person she loved. "Sans!! Sans no!!" tears spilled over as she clung the jacket to her body tightly crying into the soft hood. "I love you Sans!! Please come back to me!!" she yelled her voice echoing through the hall once again.

"SAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANS!!!" Serenity yelled jerking awake from her sleep. Tears streamed down her face along with cold sweat from the nightmare. Looking around she found herself still in her room, well Sans' room he took the couch, at the Skelebros' house. She hugged her legs to her chest crying into her knees. As she sat in that position her door opened quickly and the two brothers entered the room.

"hey kid, you ok?" the shorter one asked walking over to her. It was obvious he was still tired. She gave a small nod tears still streaming down her face.

"Of course she's not ok Sans! Can't you tell she's leaking from her eyes?!" the taller of the two exclaimed.

Sans walked over and climbed onto his bed to comfort you "what happened kid. You can talk to me." He told her. She shook her head burying her face in his boney neck. Seeing that Sans looked over at his brother "hey Papyrus, how bout you go make some Spaghetti huh? I'm kinda hungry"

"I agree dear brother! I, the great Papyrus, will go and make us all some delicious spaghetti!! Nyeh heh heh!" with that he ran back out of the room.

Sans gave a light chuckle before looking back at his obviously terrified best friend "now will ya tell me?" he asked.

Serenity gave a light sigh wiping away her tears "It was just a nightmare biggy" she mumbled moving away from him

"it obviously is if it's botherin' ya that much" he told her looking at her with concern. He hated seeing her like this. He hated not knowing how to help her. It pissed him off beyond belief.

"It's nothing...Sans. Don't worry about it" she looked back at him with a forced smile.

"Come on Serenity, I know you better than that. What's wrong?" he asked gently reaching over grabbing her hand.

"Nothing is wrong Sans, it was just a nightmare" she told him her heart fluttering when he grabbed her hand. The feel of her hand in his felt lovely, too bad he only saw her as his best friend.

"If you say so kiddo" he gave a sigh and moved to get up "come on, let's go eat" his usual grin came back to his face. Serenity gave a small smile and stood up with her best friend. The two walked out of the room and down the stairs to the kitchen.

"Smells good Pap" Sans told the other as he walked into the kitchen.

"Well of course dear brother! I, the great Papyrus, am a master chef! Everything I make smells and tastes good!" the other exclaimed pointing one of his fingers to the ceiling.

"Well it better taste good cause if not you're an impasta" Serenity said walking into the room.

"pfft" Sans hunched over holding his stomach as he started to laugh.

"Oh my god! You couldn't let one day pass without making a pun could you?!" Papyrus yelled waving his arms in the air. Serenity gave a soft smile as she sat down to eat. She wasn't really in the mood to laugh right now. Papyrus gave her and Sans their plates of spaghetti before grabbing one for himself. "So what are your plans for the day huma-I mean, Serenity" he asked.

"Nothing really" she mumbled picking at her food. Sans watched every move with worry. Whatever happened in that nightmare must really be bugging her.

"Eat kiddo" he told her. She sighed and took a small bite, then another, and another. Many, many small bites later her plate was empty.

"Thank you Pap" she told him standing up "I'm gonna go for a walk" she mumbled and walked out of the house. 

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